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57855658 No.57855658 [Reply] [Original]

Any coins focusing on antisemitism of the Jewish people? Every day more and more lies are being unraveled placed fourth by the Israeli defense force, I feel soon might be a great time to capitalize on it.


>> No.57855674

I heard about a tunnel jew coin a couple of weeks back. Don't know what happened to it though

>> No.57855711

bitcoin is probably as close as we're gonna get
the jews are doing their best to control it now though, so if (when) they do, it will inevitably become a jew coin too
but at least you have the chance to get rich in the process

>> No.57855817

>Anti-Jew Coins?

>> No.57856302
File: 155 KB, 1066x792, 1685817782401793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech-wise, XMR is the most anti-jewish.

>> No.57856354

Very good question for 2024. BTC unironically. Lemme know when kikecrusher1488 drops ill throw $50 on it

>> No.57856373

ICP doesn’t run on the AWS jew

>> No.57856537

Still centralized
Jews control all the miners therefore jews control bitcoin and can prevent it from being sent/received if they so desire. Doing so would kill bitcoin entirely but that would be worth it to them in theory. Rather, it would be worth it to metaphorically "kill" bitcoin, and then buy up all the supply and use their government positions to force everyone to use it. Or just kill it and make a new cbdc and force everyone to use that.

>> No.57856636

>>requires satans technology to function and exist
lmao even
Gods currency is gold and silver, always and forever