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57828785 No.57828785 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing lots of posts trying to time the market saying BTC tops here, 70k or 75k. Let me explain the situation we find ourselves in, as you seem to be too daft to realise yourselves.
We have just had a giant selloff. It got eaten by ETF.
We will have more giant selloffs. They will all be eaten by ETF.
Boomers and normies who got in early will tell more boomers and normies they are up 20% in only one week, and they will all buy.
The argument that BTC is a scam has been nullified by ETF's, and ETF buyers will be less emotional sellers than crypto retards the last few cycles.
The floodgates have opened. We will not see a major correction until AT LEAST 100-120k BTC, if even that.
Strap yourselves in anon, we are in for a big one.

>> No.57828888

Coinbase only has 500m of insurance.

All the ETFs and normie cattle are using Coinbase as custodian.

Coinbase will fail this cycle and the non-jewish goyim will get fleeced like they always do every 3-4 years.

>> No.57828897

>bullish anon
>says stuff like "we're in for a big one"
>says "normies", instead of....
>uses muh ETF argument
Thanks for the sell signal.

>> No.57828940
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>> No.57828951

Those quads are notable. The question of Coinbase failing is more complicated - there's no reason why it should. One thing we can say is that Armstrong has been a good CEO - evidence is a few years back when he told political faggot SJW's at his company they could quit, and he'd pay them. That was a sign that he understood his core business was operations and not political side jobs. That's one reason I trust Coinbase to keep it together.

Their business model involves taking in a lot of cash, and they can basically front-run the market. This custodian business has been thoroughly researched and vetted - it's cold storage. They have so much money that there is no reason not to do this properly.

Please describe the scenario in which "Coinbase fails."

>> No.57829038

Selling BTC they don't own
Faking a "hack"
Succumbing to regulators who want to (((shut it down)))

They're the biggest target this cycle and haven't even been able to stay online through the first blip of the bullmarket.

>> No.57829085

Why would they sell BTC that they don't own? This is entirely unnecessary.

Even if hacked, the blockchain would allow the assets to be tracked. Stealing coins from CB would be pointless.

Regulators rubber-stamped it last year, and required the ETF's to use CB for their custodianship. SEC is "regulators" so I'm not seeing why they'd suddenly turn on CB.

>> No.57829170

To suppress the price and steal real assets for themselves?

Why did FTX fail?
Why did BlockFi?
Why did Celsius?
Why did Mt. Gox?
Why did anyone fail?

Coinbase isn't insured and isn't your friend.

>> No.57829211

FTX was obviously crooked from the start. Coinbase has not shown any inclination toward that and has been around for a while. I'm sure they're making lots of money - why go fraud?

The others listed weren't necessarily scams, but they were run incompetently and in an entirely different environment. The entire point of Coinbase is to operate a crypto exchange properly. I don't expect them to be my friend, they are a business I use services of sometimes.

Your FUD is weak.

>> No.57829315
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>no, billions of dollars entering the market won't raise the price! what matters in the chart patterns! BTC has never made an ATH pre-halving, so that means it's impossible, ok?!

>> No.57829357

Goybase is publicly traded, they are subject to the long dick of the SEC fucking them at any given moment if their holdings aren't accurate.

>> No.57829372

CB isn't run by a certain unscrupulous tribe of thieves

>> No.57829375

Fidelity holds their own Bitcoin

>> No.57830575
File: 99 KB, 809x254, bobofession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coinbase will fail this cycle
source: my ass.
being sidelined really fucks you up, doesnt it?
>Coinbase isn't insured and isn't your friend.
tru dat.