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57815203 No.57815203 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true you need to learn golf if you ever want to reach executive level? Does Golf work that well for business and networking?

>> No.57815211

LOL you made me laugh thanks

>> No.57815222
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>you aren't coming to Top Golf after work anon?!?? It's half off Tuesday and the HR girls are coming

>> No.57815347


>> No.57815499

Are lessons worth the investment bros?

>> No.57815538


If you find a good guy, it can be if you also put the work in. If you find a grifter or dont put the work in its a waste of money.

Nothing replaces practice and time playing.

How do you find a good coach? Find a scratch or better golfer or the best junior on the range and ask them who their coach is.

>> No.57815541

my uncle teaches golf professionally and has met numerous celebrities, arab oil barons, and all manner of rich folk. if you ever intend on being around these people you should be able to play well enough without embarrassing yourself

>> No.57815580

>How do you find a good coach? Find a scratch or better golfer or the best junior on the range and ask them who their coach is.
probably the best advice for finding a good coach ive seen

>> No.57815612

Maybe, I don't know as I'm not in that work environment but it certainly can't hurt. And golf is loads of fun regardless. It's the most challenging yet rewarding sport I've ever played. And being outside for 3 to 4 hours is a good way to literally touch grass and give your mind a little break from the Internet and screens.

>> No.57815638

Golf got my business all the way up to level 7 and my networking to level 14. I literally cannot believe all of the business my business is doing from golf.

>> No.57815720

Congrats anon

>> No.57815745

This thread reads like bots posting in it

>> No.57815882

It's a cringeworthy activity for karens that destroys nature and terrorizes people living nearby who want to go to actual nature.

>> No.57815887


>> No.57816315

I am not a golf player but my intuition is that your comment is bullshit. Suppose I wanted to stroll through Hyde Park... Would you call it "destroying nature" only because the park is managed by gardeners? Also, a golf course is quite limited in size, so I do not see why we should condemn this open air practice.

He man's posts like this one: >>57815638

Meanwhile, as bots run amock, I am range banned from posting images and there is a time that makes wait 60 sec before every post.

>> No.57816374

i think people are moving towards bjj, but maybe that's only because i'm poor

zuckerberg and musk talk about combat sports, not golf

>> No.57816408

>He man's posts
I see you're esl so it makes sense you'd be confused. The anon you don't understand is making a point. To a brown anon with elementary English experience it may seem robotic but actual is just going over your head

>> No.57816437


>> No.57816489
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>> No.57816933

Yes lessons are worth the investment. You need to go out and practice what you've been taught also.

>> No.57816948
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>> No.57816981

Honestly, I’ve found that long range rifle matches have way more execs and people in a variety of white collar industry, than golf does.
Golf is boomer shit.

>> No.57816993

This nigga looks like he's playing basebolf

>> No.57816997

Hows does niko avocado still have the moves?
Is it his diet of obesity goyslop and noodle?

>> No.57817075

No. Having hobbies does. Being an interesting person. Being a beginner golfer will undoubtedly damage your progress. And you're not going to get good in 3 lessons.

>> No.57817085

I network by doing coke with my coworkers.

>> No.57817120

That's sir gay Nazareth

>> No.57817125


>> No.57817134

>Having hobbies does. Being an interesting person
So golf?

>> No.57817188

Yeh if it's actually a hobby and not something you're doing because you think others will be impressed. Then you're just a faggot and no one will like you anyway.

>> No.57817308

>and not something you're doing because you think others will be impressed

>> No.57817480

Because you are basically a chick trying to hang with the guys.

>> No.57817775

How would they even know if you're good? You are one if the guys

>> No.57817948

>everyone’s brown gay or old
Ameriwhitebros fix this shit

>> No.57818145

first 500 dollars spent on golf is best spent on lessons to learn the fundamentals of the swing
take 4-5 lessons every 2 weeks or once a months
work on the things you learned at each lesson extensively before the next so you don't spend a lesson working on the same thing as the last lesson
when you play rounds you'll have the tools to get around the course having learned fundamentals. you won't be playing well, but you'll be able to enjoy it
etiquette is most important when you're new/bad. you're going to hit a lot of bad shots, so be sure to hit them quickly. Nothing is worse than a guy in your group who is making a mess and taking a long time to do it. 2 practice swings max, take them before your turn to hit, dont start them when it becomes your turn.
pick up your ball once you double par on a hole
you'll improve your score over time, but your scores will improve quicker if you keep in mind that golf isn't about making good shots, it's about limiting bad ones. a bad first shot means your second shot's objective is to put yourself in a good position for your third shot
one of the great games you can learn to play, and you can play long into old age

>> No.57818455

>you can play long into old age
Yeah this and being outside for a couple hours sold me on it

>> No.57819333


>> No.57819778

>How would they even know if you're good
Because you will suck
>etiquette is most important when you're new/bad
Basically this

It's a leisure activity first. Something to take the mind off work. People spend tens of thousands trying to git gud. They are not doing so to find business opportunities.

>> No.57819827
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>Kek don't try anything bro because you'll suck in the beginning!!!!1!
Low t basement dweller spotted

>> No.57819846


Work? What’s that?

>> No.57820034

this anon is a retard obviously. golf courses are home to a huge range of wildlife for local suburban areas. turtles, fish, snakes, birds, frogs, squirrels, deer, chipmunks, insects, plants

>> No.57820119

>golf courses are home to a huge range of wildlife for local suburban areas. turtles, fish, snakes, birds, frogs, squirrels, deer, chipmunks, insects, plants
You are a low-information retard. Those are all animals you find in plain suburbia too. Massive tracts of flat, manicured greenery are not remotely helpful to nature or biodiversity.
These animals continue to exist (largely adjacent to, and not directly *in*) golf courses in SPITE of them, because they are hardy, adaptable species.

>> No.57820151
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No you don't have to play. But it helps.
The key thing is that you spend 4 hours+ with people your have a financial relationship with . That's a long time. Golf collapses the time time necessary to create trust.

Same is true with drinking. If I close a bar with dudes, odds are they will offer me a job at some point.

>> No.57820860

You are literally the low t basement dweller with asking advice from a business and finance forum if he should take up golf for networking purposes while I actually learnt to play golf.
But project more.

>> No.57821419

>Don't have Hobby's
>Don't try new things
>If something is different do not attempt
You are confirmed low t

>> No.57821737

this is now a golf rumors thread

>> No.57821765

You absolute mongoloid, I do have hobbies. I do new things. You need hand holding from anons to even attempt to try to learn something. But yes don't play golf, you'll just be another slow retarded faggot wasting space on my course, just like you are on my board.

>> No.57821790

Any rumors you got?

>> No.57821799
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>don't play golf, you'll just be another slow retarded faggot wasting space
Kek sent from mommies basement

>> No.57821834

your behaviors will unveil your true integrity
for example, notice how whenever women do something impressive, instead of celebrating to themselves, they ALWAYS instantly look around for other people's approval.
That's you.

>> No.57821864

Seems more like fanfiction than real life. If someone's good enough to play a round of golf they're good enough to play a round of golf

>> No.57821871

You should attempt talking to people IRL before going to a golf course and suffering a panic attack as everyone stares at you shank one into the bushes on the first tee.

>> No.57821921

I've been golfing before my low t friend. I can tell you haven't because stuff like that doesn't happen in real life. Try watching less television and leaving the basement.

>> No.57822354

this is good except the double par advice. Most new golfers will never finish a hole if you do that. If its a packed course on a weekend and you're 4 deep waiting to tee? sure. but for quiet rounds or more casual stuff at a muni while you're learning, play till ~10 shots.

>> No.57822960


You dont need lessons

The swing is one fluid motion, always look at the ball, the rest is just muscle memory. You shouldn't swing too hard yet too weak, once that is dialed in you shoot straight as an arrow

>> No.57822968
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>> No.57823311

>The swing is one fluid motion, always look at the ball, the rest is just muscle memory. You shouldn't swing too hard yet too weak, once that is dialed in you shoot straight as an arrow
true but it's near impossible to learn the right swing without guidance, because of how unintuitive golf swings are
lessons not necessary but you almost need a vet to analyze your swing and drill the nuances