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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57811896 No.57811896 [Reply] [Original]

How dare you ask for CCIP so soon? It has only been
>checks calendar
>>gregorian calendar doesn't go back far enough, have to check julian and then pompilian
>>even that doesn't go back far enough
Well nevermind how long it's been.
>dumps during bull run
You can't rush perfection
>drops to rank 16
Anyway what do you need ccip right now for?
>orders 6million cheeseburgers
What would you even accomplish with CCIP out q3 2024?
>bleeds sats
I bet you are just one of those moon boys, with talk of CCIP coming as early as 2027.
>hires 6 more HR roasties
Maybe if you eat these bugs, CCIP will come out next decade
>releases CCIP limited access α-v0.02
There, we delivered our promise
>dumps another 55K LINK from the premine

>> No.57812025

Diamond hands, brother. Diamond hands.

>> No.57812029

and you still hold LINK bags lole

>> No.57812288

>"m-maybe if i post yet another fudcuck manifesto someone will unstake this time and let me in?"
make a thread where you livestream your suicide and ill consider selling a single token
thats the only thing that will work

>> No.57813066

I think LINK won't pump because there are too many bagholders. But more important than that, what marketmaker is going to pump a coin when there's a single entity that holds a majority of the coins AND is waiting for an opportunity to dump?

Why would you pump LINK when you can pump shit like PEPE and not have to worry about saving retail normies from their underwater positions AND have the chainlink company dump their holdings ontop of your efforts and possibly even lose money?

>> No.57813155

>dumps another 55K LINK from the premine
kek I hold more than this fantasy stack in your mind, feelsgoodman.

>> No.57813411

The calendars part was good, thanks

>> No.57813678

Chainlink has taken so long there are so many baggies now harassing them like jeets, you wonder sometimes if they’re ever going to pump the token at all or will keep it low out of spite

>> No.57813753

The Ethereum Foundation regularly dumps hundreds of millions worth of ETH, didn't stop ETH going from "double digit shitcoin" territory to near 5K.

But yes of course market makers prefer memecoins since they can control them better, nothing new there

>> No.57814860

Only difference is Eth token is needed. Link token is not

>> No.57814901

I needed the ETH token to get the LINK token staked/move it out of cold storage
if that is not the definition of "token needed" in this retarded market then I don't know what is

>> No.57816271

Is sage the biggest cuck on biz?

>> No.57816399
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>> No.57816422
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Kys obsessed faggot

>> No.57817013

CCIP doesnt pump it. Only when supression stops

>> No.57817352

awwww he even tried making his own little meme to fight back against the ebil natzees he begged for attention from
but saying you live in peoples heads here doesnt make sense when its clearly the other way around
you spend hours and hours fudding for attention on biz every day and chimp out in a very obvious way whenever people mention your irl details when they recognize your irate sub 80 iq mouthbreather posts
maybe try being more subtle (if you're even capable of understanding that concept lmao)

>> No.57817372

Why did jannies remove my CCIP thread? WTF?

>> No.57817434
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>everyone is le Thomas
Kys promptly obsessed faggot

>> No.57818065

>im not Adem Kayser i just simp for him
so you're even more of a loser than he is basically

>> No.57818113
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>>im not Adem Kayser i just simp for him
>so you're even more of a loser than he is basically
So you're completely obsessed with a loser? Kys obsessed faggot

>> No.57818390

if they ever run out of tokens, they'll just create a new one. bagholders will buy it, no problem. might even do the ipo to look more trustworthy to financial institutions that don't make their money selling unregistered securities

>> No.57818410

My condolences, cuckbro

>> No.57818535

in the tiny mind of a fudcuck
>"if you make fun of a guy who spams biz for several hours a day and laugh at him for getting upset that means you're obsessed"
>"but im not a retarded faggot for simping for that guy who is definitely not me"
uh huh
hey, ask me how i know you're gonna be raging on here for the next few hours while i make myself dinner and work on my music lol

>> No.57819357
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>let me just write a whole biography about some guy to own da fuds.. this will cure my inceldom
Go research Thomas some more before you kys, obsessed faggot