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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57798083 No.57798083 [Reply] [Original]

LINU just hit 4M market cap with almost 1M volume first day on citex and 1M yesterday on uniswap

>> No.57798086

LINU just hit 40M market cap with almost 10M volume first day on citex and 10M yesterday on uniswap

>> No.57798128

There are people who are reading these threads and STILL not getting that Linu is the next Shib (which was the next Doge of its time). The people who made tens of millions on these are the ones who bought in before they were listed on multiple exchanges and guess what - Linu just got listed less than 24hr ago. Its gaining so much steam that you can literally google “how to buy Linu” and theres endless guides even from institutions like coinbase on how to do it.

Theres really no excuse at this point, anyone who frequents /biz/ has heard of it by this point. If you are not holding Linu then you are simply choosing to not ride 2024’s official gigapump gain train.

>> No.57798159

what's the sui stack on this?

>> No.57798195


>> No.57798209

>"hello sars pls redeem latest shitcoin sars it is next shiba trust me sar thank you"

fuck off Pajeet

>> No.57798224

NGMI. Hope you at least bought Doge below 0.10, kek. If you are holding BTC then kys for being a stupid boomer,

>> No.57798248
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>The people who made tens of millions on these are the ones who bought in before they were listed on multiple exchanges
It's funny, I had a shib anon try to tell me today that shib is a better investment then LINU because shib is on Coinbase. They don't understand that if you're buying your coin on Coinbase then you've missed buying the bottom and missed out on making millions with it.

>> No.57798271


Until I can mint stablecoins against linu on fringe fi I don't consider it legitimate

>> No.57798286

Kek, brainlets deserved to be dunked on. By the time coins hit coinbase they have already seen their 10,000x phase.

>> No.57798310
File: 269 KB, 1280x1049, IMG_4662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check ‘em

>not holding BTC


>> No.57798325

I made it, you're the one shilling some literal who shitcoin. I bought shib when iy was under 50k mcap. You're an idiot, your knock off shitcoin is one of thousands of others. >>57798224

>> No.57798374

Didnt make it and never will. Desperate and sad. You are one of those pathological losers that are too pussy to make gains but must autistically attempt to drag anything they didnt invest in down because they cannot cope with missing out.
>i bought shib under 50k mcap
Just lol. Because buying the next doge then made sense to you but buying the next shib now doesnt. Cant even keep a consistent story.

>> No.57798379
File: 77 KB, 675x499, 8d3hnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal who shitcoin
>knock off shitcoin
>I bought shib when it was under 50k mcap
If what you're saying is true about being a og shib then you of all people should know that shib was just a knock off literal who shit coin of doge and that starting the journey again with another knock off shit coin of doge/shib is the perfect plan. If you fail to see this then I'm sorry I refuse to believe you're a og shib.

>> No.57798606


How do i buy Luna Inu without being buttfucked by ETH gas fees?
It would cost me 25 dollars to make a transaction

>> No.57798669

Citex since yesterday! Or you buy like 100 buckaroos so 20 bucks gas are kinda worth it

>> No.57798704

Citex. Also gas fees may vary, of my two buy ins yesterday, one was about $4 and the other about $20. Gas fees are what keep most shitcoins from going anywhere, this is why being adopted for trade on an exchange less than 24 hours ago is a big deal. With more exchanges coming it only means more exposure.

>> No.57798796

I'm not buying your scam coin. Enjoy being poor, ranjeet.

>> No.57798797

Is biz really this poor?

>> No.57798808

Im a spic so im double poor

>> No.57798833

>There are people who are reading these threads and STILL not getting that Linu is the next Shib
There are hundreds of other shitcoins that all feel like they're the next shib and they've been spamming that shit for the last 2 years. Linu is no different

>> No.57798839

oh wow, its back to where i bought in at lmao. time to get excited i guess

>> No.57798888

Awww sheeeeiiiit here we go again.

>> No.57798900

>green id


>> No.57799033

is citex kyc? can you use it as an american or do you need a vpn?

>> No.57799240


>> No.57799274

Oooooooooooooo WAGMI homies

>> No.57799284

oh shit homies, linus market cap is going to bei 88m next month

>> No.57799330

+400K marketcap since this post, SER
how could you tell the futures, ser

>> No.57799387

Linu gets at it again
the only metric i give a shit about

>> No.57799391


>> No.57799546

kinda kicking myself that i only bought 1.5T lads

>> No.57799553

>Only bought 1T


>> No.57799575

Chill out lads, you're both going to make it.
75B will make it so you'll both make it 10x+ than that!

>> No.57799667

sorry for killing that citrex candle yesterday guys.
I misread the depth (too many zeros) trying to arb and ended up losing 500B. Shouldn't have used market sell lol.

>> No.57799673

im the one that told you not to use 1t because of market depth

>> No.57799699

retard paperhands
you're supposed to hold for 4 to 12 months
we've been telling you idiots for weeks now this is early and a longterm hold

>> No.57799722
File: 65 KB, 1212x748, Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 14.03.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i literally bought in at the bottom

>> No.57799783

bought half at bottom, rest at various points
122B stacklet at around .0000000040 average
not too bad if I dare say so
gonna buy 200€ more this weekend, therefore wouldn't mind another dip

>> No.57799820

im getting in

>> No.57799840

luv to see all those small buys

>> No.57799862

No. I will not buy linu again to sell for fifth the value of usd i put in.

>> No.57799882

Same, bought 100b Wednesday and up slightly more than double

>> No.57799912

I would buy, but I’m 99% certain that when this crabs, someone will take profits and it will ignite another sell off. I dont really want to buy the top. Gonna take a chance on something else at this point.

>> No.57799939

maybe but consider the amount of whales who have held throughout the past 45ish days
they haven't dumped during the omega giga dumps - i mean sure there was some 20-25K sales, but that isn't enough to tank us more than 4-5% at a time. It would take LOADS of them to really tank the price down to the 2s again.

>> No.57799972

There's 2 or 3 wallets that do massive swing trades
And 1 wallet that's a front running bot
Outside of those there's rarely massive sells happening
And it seems the front running bot has stopped

>> No.57799990
File: 15 KB, 1715x72, Y6mSwyThyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol not sure if anyone else saw it last night but the front running bot that buys and waits for someone to buy/dump (then it triggered the mev to sell) was baited by one of the top holders last night.
So it buys 11K and the top whale must of knew it was a MEV - so they put up a 10K sell order (cancel it, I think) and the bot instantly triggers to sell at a loss lol
This was epic to see live

>> No.57800203


>> No.57800215

That's it I'm buying if kek wants me so bad to buy

>> No.57800439

>t. 3T holder not selling till 1b mcap

>> No.57800459
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>> No.57800562

I impulsively spent $30 in gas to buy $800 of this shitcoin because my gut told me this looks like some retarded shit that’s going to moon. Am I GMI?

>> No.57800585

LINU is hardcore l33t kind of internet underground shit and YOU can be apart of it
buy in when it is cheap, and then you tell people you know, how cheap it is.
So everyone else buys in, and move the price up (TO THE MOON) (TO THE MOON)
Then when they're up there they wonder "Why the hell did I buy into this shit?! I need to get out!"
t. old fag who respects fyrstikken a /biz/ OG

>> No.57800588

No cause you'll sell for like $5000 at best and only have enough for a second hand car

>> No.57800627

Do you consider $800,000 “making it”? Because to me that sounds like 6-figure hell.

>> No.57800659
File: 150 KB, 2018x1175, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So at the current price $800 is 135036000000 or so linu and I plug that into my super hacker app and ...
sir, you win $2,179,573.71 dollars
thanks for playing

>> No.57800685

Considering that’s a small part of my folio, 800k for me would put me over $1 mil. But I’m a burger so that would become $500k. Still kind of making it for me though because I geomaxxed to South America and got a catiza QT without telling my employer, topkek.

>> No.57800706 [DELETED] 

Can any anon help me with 700$ for university admission?

>> No.57800747

+700K since this post 7 hours ago.
How did you see the pattern autist? Speak up. Some of you have powers.

>> No.57800819

Guys I need a 10x on this beast for buying a sailboat and sailing away from globohomo before WW3. Let it happen in max 1 month from now, mkey ?

>> No.57800904

Selling my stack, guess it was too good to be true afterall.

>> No.57800921


>> No.57800943
File: 79 KB, 634x725, 2024-03-02_164202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeps going in up. UP UP UP. The moon is not even the final destination.

>> No.57800973

Its going parabolic. Doge is energized as well as Shib and that energy is now being routed through Linu to create the biggest pump of 2024.

>> No.57801042
File: 126 KB, 828x874, IMG_3758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for you guys. Not LINU specifically

I’m pretty new to buying these coins but have been lurking since the last bullrun.

Is “connect wallet” really how you buy these alt coins? It seems really shady, like my entire wallet is going to get stolen if I do that

>> No.57801053

Yes, you need to collect wallet. But only do it on trusted sites of course. If you are worried you should create a new wallet that you transfer to from your main wallet.

>> No.57801065

>collect wallet

>> No.57801068

Ok cool, thanks. I’m assuming wallet to wallet transactions are free? And can one person have two of the same kind of wallet (two metamasks) or would I need to use another

>> No.57801093
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>> No.57801111

>have $250 in some scam coin from 2 bull runs ago
>don’t want to spend $90 to convert it to LIMU and double my bag
Why the fuck is gas still so much? I want to gamble with some play money not invest thousands just to make it worth it

>> No.57801138

no offense but you have to serious research to do. Like you're missing some fundamental concepts about what a blockchain is. Watch 2 hours worth of youtube videos then practice moving stuff around with like a $5 wallet.

>> No.57801173

>Watch 2 hours worth of youtube videos
No need for that.
Just send small amounts at first.

>> No.57801233

>Why the fuck is gas still so much?
Yeah, the gas prices are crazy. Don't even remember what I paid but it was pretty crazy (insane)

>> No.57801238

Money first then I’ll worry about the underlying tech plus it would’ve been far fewer characters on your end to just answer

>> No.57801265

Checked, digits smile upon Linu. As for gas it can vary wildly, one transaction for me yesterday was $4 and the other was $18. Just do everything in large amounts rather than pussyfooting around, not like any of this is going to matter once it 1000x’s

>> No.57801301

Do it when it gets later so gas goes down youre in the gas prime time and itll only go up for next 4-6 hours

>> No.57801313

Count me in.
Need advices for Kraken, coinbase can get fucked. How do I buy this shit?

>> No.57801317

Preddy sure I paid 100 USD last time...
This is why I'm gravitating towards Solana.
But my small stack of LINU will stay.

>> No.57801326

ok bucko have fun

I'm not giving a knife to a child tho

>> No.57801340

the anon in question doesn't even know what gas is. for real, he should at least put a hour into research into smart contracts and what the fuck they are / do

>> No.57801344

Its not on Kraken lol.. by the time these things hit major exchanges the 1000x already happened. Yesterday infact was the day it got listed on its first exchange, Citex. More on the way.

As for buying outside of Citex, just type “how to buy Linu”. In a nutshell you are buying Eth, moving it to a wallet, and swapping it for Linu.

>> No.57801386
File: 277 KB, 1851x1111, 2024-03-02_172616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic wouldn't surprise me
linu before the storm

>> No.57801422

I guess that metaphor makes any sense (it doesn’t)

>> No.57801459
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, 20240214_191204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a kraken account
>buy Ethereum on kraken
>create a Metamask wallet
>send Ethereum to Metamask wallet
>go to Uniswap and connect wallet
>search for Luna Inu and buy

Also gas fees are currently low right just as a heads up

>> No.57801474

Just paid $28 to buy another 200 billion. Not that bad if you spend lots. But then I made a 2 mil transaction and spend $15.

>> No.57801499
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How many of them are listed on CEX and at or below LINU's MCAP?

>> No.57801523

>some idiot sells his entire 1.5 trillion stack for peanuts
>immediately gets swallowed up by buy orders
They call them “suicide stacks” for a reason kek

>> No.57801849

Waiting to get verified.
Thanks homie.

>> No.57801857

>LINU just hit 4M market cap

>> No.57801870

If you already have a Coinbase just use Coinbase Wallet instead of going through all that effort.
Then go buy on Uniswap.

>> No.57801877

They can get fucked.

>> No.57801900

Nothing wrong with Coinbase wallet. Only people who whine about Coinbase are poor people. With that being said. If you hold Linu I apologize homie and will suck your cock

>> No.57801902

When other exchanges?

>> No.57801905

I.i.it's not stopping

>> No.57801914

Guys... I think we will see 10x within hours

>> No.57801921

And that's just the slow beginning.

>> No.57801926

Guys what is happening?

>> No.57801933

If my calculations are correct within few weeks.

>> No.57801942

1000x-5000x from here is very possible.

>> No.57801949

Linu is pumping, doubters are seething, the guy who threw away his entire 1.5T stack an hour or two ago is begging for money so he can buy a rope to hang himself with. And i am sitting here comfy with my 500 billion stack.
Checked and based. Shaving a zero incoming.

>> No.57801953

2 more weeks?

>> No.57801955
File: 91 KB, 1688x684, Retard Seething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the smiley cuck has been around for weeks now. I should have saved the time people said were never hitting $5 million mcap again.

>> No.57801959
File: 333 KB, 1768x2208, Screenshot_20240303_022356_CITEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought more LINU, went out of my way to do it on the exchange so it counts.

>> No.57801965


>> No.57801982


>> No.57801983

Thanks homie.
Looking good right now.
Sight tight homies.

>> No.57801989

40k buy just rolled in
Are we gonna make it homes?

>> No.57802006

4-6T+ whale here, im not even selling 1 eth worth on your 40K buy, desu and bless you.
Some poorfag sharks will take .3's maybe a couple 1-2's but just know, I am not taking a damn eth from that. Lets hold and go to the fucking moon, i want millions not 100k.

>> No.57802011

We're ready to start barking...
Strap yourselves...
>FUDjeets roping...

>> No.57802018

Remember when 5T was only a couple hundred bucks? FUCK 35b Stacklet and in a few months we'll be laughing saying "Remember when 35b was only $100?"


>> No.57802048

403 billy enough?

>> No.57802062
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so heckin comfy lads

>> No.57802063

Wish I had bought earlier...

>> No.57802074

>500b baggie.
It's gonna be fucking epic.

>> No.57802075

Nice. I wish.

>> No.57802115

Its not too late. Just added another 350bil, now sitting on 900bil stack comfy as fuck.
>captcha; wyw8


>> No.57802152

6 mil mcap now. Biz was warmed yesterday. It's still not too late but the clock is ticking

>> No.57802154
File: 79 KB, 1108x813, sdfsdfsdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in good hands guys, remember that

>> No.57802167

Ok topped off another 100billion just to be in the 500billy club

>> No.57802172

yesterday it was 4...

>> No.57802258
File: 82 KB, 512x487, 8de0b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINU started in January just like SHIB
>SHIB took 10 months to reach ATH
Just a reminder that good things come with time. Don't fall for these small numbers because only those with diamond hands will make millions on LINU.

>> No.57802383

I have like $10k worth of shitcoins that I have left over from the 2017 ICO craze. Cashed out, made some money but missed selling at the peak which made me fucking suicidal and took years to get over it.

I want to get back into the game though but I am so out of the loop I wouldn't know where to start. What would you do in my position with a $10k bankroll?

>> No.57802405

Congrats baggies

>> No.57802410

Thanks faggie

>> No.57802411

put 2k in linu
2k in a stablecoin
4k in precious metals
600 in crack
rest in cash for bail once you get caught smoking crack

>> No.57802485

5000x is fud now. 10000x min.

>> No.57802513

Based, WAGMI

>> No.57802521

I swapped out the last of my chain link and all of my tucker coins to top off my stack, now I’m just under the top 50 holders. I bought most of mine when it was lower than this so even just now I’m at or above break even from total investment, maybe even a few thousand in profit. I’m gonna hodl this to the moon, I believe in it

>> No.57802526

we're homies you're about 12 or 14 higher than me on the list, but we aren't far away. I believe in all the top 20 whales holding honestly. GJ on securing your 10-20M+ bags, maybe 40-80 if we go shib levels.

>> No.57802529

All 10k into Linu. We watched a whale gobble up $40k earlier this afternoon. 10k is enough to buy you 1T Linu but not for much longer because its about to shave a zero any minute.

>> No.57802530


my nigger

>> No.57802536
File: 62 KB, 610x547, pic-selected-240302-1927-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in LINU

Seriously tho half of it into LINU
For the rest picrel

>> No.57802550

Your message got screened as being spam because it was filled with all sort of faggot shit. Ie; not going all in on Linu. Think about that.

>> No.57802597

D0bo is filtered

>> No.57802614
File: 702 KB, 1768x2208, Screenshot_20240303_033317_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just needed an email address, deposit eth, withdrawal linu.

There was no prob for me.

>> No.57802649
File: 63 KB, 544x500, 8de0pj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go all in on LINU (that's what I did) and wait 6 to 8 months, you as well as me will probably be linu millionaires by then.

>> No.57802701

>Think about that.
That actually made me think.

Now that I've sit down and thought about it for a moment, I think you should actually go all in on LINU

>> No.57802742
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, tothemoooooooooooon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no, I checked my portfolio and my estimated purchases of Linu, I am up at least 5k. But that's paltry in the grand scheme of things. Let's go up, up, up and hold tight to the green candles with our massive 'ceps homies.

>> No.57802753
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Coinbase WALLET is what I hold LINU with, its fine.. but back up your seed, and fuck goybase exchange.

>> No.57802863

I’m up about a grand. Held through the dumps. Idk I’m considering selling. Will this shit really 1000x?

>> No.57803019




>> No.57803230

Sell if you don't want to be rich I guess.
It is your money bro, do what ever you want.

>> No.57803315
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>> No.57803372

Sell all but a grand, what could go wrong?

>> No.57803402

Yes but you'll have to be patient like the rest of us have been.

>> No.57803525
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Shib took 10 months to reach ATH, only diamond hands will make millions.

>> No.57803568

yeah holy fuck ive sat through 40-80% dips in a day and had to throw in more fiat on the dips (which made me tons of fucking money so whatever) BUT the point is i had to fucking wait and suffer and you newfags will have to as well! but the night we pump 2500% NO one care anymore

>> No.57803579

Uniswap good?

>> No.57803755 [DELETED] 


>> No.57803866

Literally just stop looking at your portfolio

>> No.57803921

i know i've actually held a huge stack and accumulated all of February

>> No.57804193

Checked but what does this mean??

>> No.57804226

It's a jeet advertising his tg

>> No.57805431
File: 280 KB, 1242x1220, IMG_7308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swap fees are 20 bucks

>> No.57805758

Memes aside do you all truly believe this will reach a Mc of multiple billions? It's exceedingly rare for meme coins to do that. What makes this coin so special?

>> No.57806031

40m is extremely likely
200m is likely
400m is possible
beyond that, who knows.

>> No.57806067

Billions range. But only because crypto as a whole will be pumping, doge and shib will 5-10x from where they are now. Linu fills the void as shib 2.0 (doge 3.0) for everyone who missed those trains.

>> No.57806082

nobody knows, everybody is pulling information out of their asses. if you're afraid to invest in this then dorkcoin is right next door

>> No.57806126
File: 369 KB, 2048x2048, Firefly shiba inu next to blue 4 leaf clover flag infront of green moon 32185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes this coin so special?
SHIB was the /biz/ coin
>LINU is a /biz/ coin
SHIB took 10 months
>LINU is on it's 2nd/3rd month after bearmarket death
SHIB contract was renounced, had dev team
>LINU dev abandoned but renounced contract right before
>LINU contract is also a 1:1 clone of SHIB
No coin has all this criteria.
On top of this:
>6.5k holders which is crazy high for this low of an mcap
>Top wallet spread is crazy low (no one owns more than 2% of the supply, it's a gem)
>New community survived a flash dump from 13m to 3m mcap in the first week and a half
>New community survived a corrupt admin running an NFT scam and ejected them from the community
>New community survived a massive paperhand from the upper management when NFT scam was exposed
>New upper management that paperhanded came back within a couple days and decided not to quit since the token itself didn't change
>Within a week of reforming the token without the corrupt admin they brought the coin to CEX
We have the narrative. We have the community. It's just down to the homies to shill it and not paperhands it.
Even if it retraces all the way back to 2m from here I know the team is still going to keep up the stupid amount of effort they have been.