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57763407 No.57763407 [Reply] [Original]

I sold at 44k like a retard and have been waiting for the dip. It's not coming. Or at least it did, and not for long. I straight up want to kill myself for sitting on the sidelines AGAIN. I knew this was coming, as I did last time. I will never make money. Overall I gained 4% in the past 3 months on my portfolio of 100k. Everything around me is constantly going up and I can;t help but think I'll lose all my money if I put anything in it. I seriously want to just shoot myself and end it now. I'm obviously incapable of making any good decisions. How the fuck do I deal with not just buying the top and seeing all of my hard earned money go down the drain. It will probably go up more, but I'm always too scared to make that bet. I'll be a fucking poorfag forever. Here's your shekels Mr. Schlomogoldbergenstein

I have a friend I was bitching to about this who took my advice about halving cycles a couple months ago and is a firm believer in the line go up, without any other evidence besides it halves. He said "just put another grand in the BTC ETF like I did, you'll be fine"

...Wow. Yeah like $500 max return on that could ever change my life worth anything.

So Biz, how do I deal with crippling FOMO and retardation?

>> No.57763461

Yeah last January I told my wife we should buy 1 BTC but she made it conditional and wanted me to open the relationship if I decided to do it. I decided against it unfortunately.

>> No.57763585

Damn, that situation must suck. Do you even love her anymore?

>> No.57763771

If she asks to open the relationship she's going to cheat on you anyway

>> No.57763856

Same but 400k
I pussied out bexuase i have no income ima neet
Gonna kms if it doesnt dump
Hopefully shit pce tomorrow

>> No.57763875

10 year plans are necessary. Buy in and buy dips and hold for 10 years.

>> No.57763909

Alts son, catch those alts pumping.

>> No.57764020

Many people suck at trading. Most do. I would even argue the vast majority does. It has to be this way, you can't consistently win vs hordes of bots, algorithms, people with first hand industry insight, insider trading and the whole market being an overall net negative due to trading fees. Just to name a few. There a too many variables you just can not know as a normal pleb. There is no shame in that. Man up and accept this is just not something you can win at, even if your ego tells you so.

Here is how you beat most people:
Buy and don't sell for a long period of time. Hodl is a meme, but it became one for a reason. You can win by just being patient. Stop trading, buy and wait. Ignore fud. And don't listen to fags on twitter or 4channel except me.

>> No.57764039

accept you are a retard and buy bitcoin, then just wait 10 years, just go all in it doesn't matter. saylor bought another 3000 bitcoin at 51k.

>> No.57764055

imagine if you listened to me and the others a few weeks ago when we told you just to buy and hold. dollars suck. haven't you learned by now yet?

>> No.57764116

Patience is the ultimate edge against tik tok normies with the attention span of a fish with Alzheirmer who can't watch a video for longer than 10 seconds without needing distraction.

>> No.57764125

I asked my wife the same thing and she told me she'd have to ask Jamal for permission first. Jamal always takes the money to buy weed though so the chances aren't looking good.

>> No.57764166

I know you're just memeing but I actually sold at 45k fml

>> No.57764229

I'm not memeing

>> No.57764303

10 years plans are not needed. At this market short term goals is best

>> No.57764328

then we are friends in misery, probably time to gamble in shitcoins or just forget about it for a couple of years

>> No.57764331

I literally sold at 38k.
>but yield curve
>but recession
>but inflation

I thought I was mastermind El mastermino. I WANT TO SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM.

>> No.57764420
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at least you invested into alts right? what about nfts? there are other markets ops besides, I'm already seeing profits from $SUPER LOL

I hope most of my alts dont die cuz if they do I'm ded

>> No.57764547

When this happened to me last bull run (on one coin, since I'm not a fucking retard selling bitcoin during a bull run or ever for that matter) I went to the perp casino and longed at 15x leverage with the sales proceeds. Made what I would have made and some. Give it a try. Bitcoin not gonna dip meaningfully till it breaks ATH and explores the low 70s - I can garaun-fucking-tee that much.

>> No.57764571

This is sound advice. I've traded and lost alot of money. I learned how to stomach seeing my assets deep in the red, and just continued to buy. Just find something else to do with your time, like taking care of yourself or developing a new skill. Time flies and you'll just see your account explode to new levels. Time in the market beats timing the market.

>> No.57764674
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The plan is simple, you buy bitcoin at any price below the ATH and only even consider selling it IF the price of BTC passes the ATH. If it does not pass the ATH and crashes back down you just buy more BTC that you won't sell until it passes the ATH.

If you just hodl until the next ATH, no matter how long you have to wait, you can't lose. If you try to buy in and out and time the market you lose. Just hodl bro. Hodl to the moon.

>> No.57764748

>Selling BEFORE the halving while $500M is flowing in through ETFs every single day
How retarded does one have to be to do this? Even if it’s to swingtrade, literally why? Why risk missing out on the bullrun that you’ve been waiting 2 years for just to increase your stack by 10%? You had 2 whole years to swingtrade, so why the fuck now? When the halving gets close, you’re supposed to sit on your fucking hands and enjoy the ride

>> No.57764804

just buy bitcoin and wait. it's literally that easy. if it goes down? just wait some more. no big deal. btc is the adult marshmallow test

>> No.57764847
File: 52 KB, 1280x719, JX6NU5Uhmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so easy to just sit there and waste your time when you are down 5 to 10 times on your investment just wait bro it will magically get better

>> No.57764862
File: 231 KB, 500x423, 1694258033758557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should kys
We have been telling you for YEARS here that you just should BTC and hold.
It was really that easy
And you fucked up
Your own fault
You deserve it.
You had your chance in life and you wasted it because you wanted to gamble
Only pain for the rest of your life. Tormented.
I'm not sorry.

>> No.57764888


>> No.57765003

The FOMO is insane right now.
Here are your options
Go all in at the top during peak euphoria and bear capitulation
Take a small position to hedge while you wait for a better entry
Keep waiting and see what happens maybe a big pull back will come.
I have $165k on standby I think I’m just going to FOMO $10k and see what happens

>> No.57765016

I bought $10k of eth at like $2900, sure I'm making some money, but its just a drop in the hat, you need to go hard if you want anything that could be meaningful.

>> No.57765086

My Twitter feed is euphoric I’m not going all in. I’ll just kms

>> No.57765553

>My Twitter feed is euphoric I’m not going all in. I’ll just kms
The twitter feed can be euphoric for 16 straight months. GL. Me personally, I always buy below ATHs, all the time

>> No.57765630

yeah you've got it exactly, i'm glad you agree. it helps to know what you're buying so you don't get worried about meaningless vibrations