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57746312 No.57746312 [Reply] [Original]

>be El Salvador
>adopt Bitcoin
>become instantly better than amerimuttitoland

>> No.57746346

>be shitskin dictator who doesn't give a fuck about the rule of law
>imprison literally anyone remotely suspicious of being a criminal
kill yourself authoritarian apologist

>> No.57746499

in the end it worked. where's the problem? just cut the onions.

>> No.57746539


>> No.57746554

This inversion is the new trend. The lawless third world will submit to authoritarianism to escape crime. The first world will submit to lawlessness in the name of respecting the free will of illegal immigrants.

>> No.57746571


shut the fuck up, cuckold.

>> No.57746574
File: 2.20 MB, 5568x2227, 1667503212792-el-salvador-prison-deaths-ms-13-barrio-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh law that only exists to defend crime
just don't act like a nigger and don't interact with niggers. is that really that hard? anyone who isnt a subhuman can do it

>> No.57746576

clearly his method is working

>> No.57746598

Imagine the smell

>> No.57746759

Yeah anyone making a big deal about this is some onions cuck. The gangs tattoo their gang members it's like a fucking neon sign saying "I'm a criminal".

If they were doing some witch-hunt shit or rounding up random people I get it but they're not.

>> No.57746794

>adopt Bitcoin
did they?
I think you have to send the funds to government special wallet and then you can use "bitcoin"
basically a scam

>> No.57746840

I wonder why are they still imprisoned instead of being gassed, they are just irredeemable scum so no point in keeping them around

>> No.57746886

okay but it worked didn't it

>> No.57746897
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>rule of law

>> No.57746954

It works until it doesn't, because they're punishing the wrong thing.

Say you're an admin on a forum filling with retards. You're doing well, and the ads your retards click on are paying for your lavish lifestyle.

One day, you notice spam bots are everywhere, and ruining your site.
Fortunately, the spam bot maker is an idiot, and every single one of its bots is setting the Name field to "SpamBot"
So it's actually super easy to deal with. Remove any post with the name "SpamBot", and you've solved spam forever.

Guess what the spam bot maker does next?

El Salvador has made having tattoos a capital offense punishable by indefinite detention without due process.

What do you think happens next?

>> No.57746975

Please educate yourself chud

Dictatorships erode fundamental human rights: Arbitrary arrests and imprisonment without due process strip people of liberty, security, and undermine the very foundation of a just society.
Violence is never the answer: While a drastic fall in a statistic might appear positive, it raises deeply disturbing questions. How did the murder rate drop so much? The implication here is that the state likely murdered, silenced, or forcibly disappeared those perceived as potential criminals, which is utterly horrifying.
The rule of law is the foundation of a safe society: It protects the innocent and prevents abuse of power, ensuring long-term stability. Without it, citizens live in constant fear, unable to rely on predictable and fair justice.
Short-term versus long-term outcomes: Though crime statistics might seem good in the short run, the cost is immense. Dictatorships suppress dissent, stifle innovation and economic progress, and breed long-term civil unrest.
Rather than focusing on draconian tactics, exploring systemic causes of crime is crucial, including:

Addressing poverty and inequality: Provide economic opportunity, quality education, and social support in marginalized communities.
Investing in community policing: Build relationships of trust between police and the people they serve.
Rehabilitation programs: Help former offenders reintegrate into society rather than simply punishing them.
Focus on prevention: Address factors like substance abuse, mental health challenges, and social isolation within communities.
Remember, a truly safe and just society is built not on fear, but on respect for human rights, the rule of law, and addressing the root causes of crime.

>> No.57746983

>What do you think happens next?
the criminals are in prison and people stop getting ugly ass tattoos?
win win, you're right

>> No.57747005

>Addressing poverty and inequality: Provide economic opportunity, quality education, and social support in marginalized communities.
>Investing in community policing: Build relationships of trust between police and the people they serve.
>Rehabilitation programs: Help former offenders reintegrate into society rather than simply punishing them.
>Focus on prevention: Address factors like substance abuse, mental health challenges, and social isolation within communities.

those all sound good in paper but they literally never worked for fighting crime, anywhere, ever. the only thing that ever worked is actually gunning down criminals. then you can start doing that with the leftovers trying to bargain.

>> No.57747064


Lmao dumbass it has nothing to do with bitcoin, the leader of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele cracked down hard on drug gangs and criminals, that's why the crime has been drastically reduced.

>> No.57747090

Nice chatGpt post. Write your own opinions yourself next time

>> No.57747091

It serves to protect the innocent
>If you got nothing to hide you've got nothing to worry about!
You're a retarded bootlicker

>> No.57747119

The country facing generations of brutal military dictatorships sounds like a high price to pay. What makes you think people aren't okay with that price?

Chemotherapy destroys your body. It would be much better if the cancer was prevented or stopped earlier. You have cancer and it's bad. What should you do?

>> No.57747120

>ends justify the means

>> No.57747131

why can't leftards just admit he's doing a wonderful job never seen befofe, having the highest murder rate in the world to one of the lowest in a span of few year is not an easy feat by any existing metric

>> No.57747177

This guy might unironically the most efficient leader of a country i've ever seen.

>> No.57747231

Because innocent people are suffering so that a few people can build up their walls and ensure there are always outsiders struggling and stealing to get by.

The problem won't ever end until it's actually solved rather than avoided.

This step had to be taken because it was left on it's own for so long. But it won't ever accomplish what you are hoping.

>> No.57747233

It might work for a bit. Let’s see what happens when someone comes for his power. Suddenly political opponents become criminals…

Dude gave a speech recently that gave Mussolini vibes

>> No.57747243

They just stopped reporting them

>> No.57747286 [DELETED] 

You sound like the kind of person who wouldn't invest in TROLL and then cry like a 2 year old children after his uncle enters the bedroom for a 3rd time in the night.

>> No.57747339 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 640x640, huehuegeggee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, who the fuck cares
You sound like the kind of idiot who would see other people investing in coins like troll, act all high and mighty and then cry a river when the bump comes
Man i will blast those children and you can't do shit to stop me.

>> No.57747866

Violence is the only answer. Whether its the threat of violence or actually acting on that threat doesn't really matter.

The sooner people understand this the less violence is actually needed to restore order.

>> No.57747899

sounds based to me

>> No.57747906

police are like garbage men
criminals are trash

if your city is full of trash you need to hire more garbage men. simple as

>> No.57747911

>violence is the answer
>poor people commit violence
>against the law
>be violent towards them as a solution
>show them how to form and control a community
>breed more poor people
>violence is the answer.

>> No.57747933

>noooo not the hecking murderinos!

>> No.57748022

>He thinks I'm going to read his shitty post

>> No.57748172

I'm not arguing morality here. Might makes right, its a universal truth of reality. Deal with it, work it your own advantage, but there is no changing the fact that might makes right.

>> No.57748211

you genuinely don't understand how low iqs behave
the moment they start getting their shit pushed for being criminals they go on hiding

the non-criminal people seeing this shit won't think "violence is the answer", they will think "if i become or even act like a criminal i will get fucked, i better straight myself and don't go that way"

>> No.57748411

ChatGPT bots out in full force today, sad!

>> No.57748517

Saddam, Gaddaffi, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin etc. all understood that shitskins can't have democracy and authoritarian governing keep the browns/yellows/slavs in line.

>> No.57748590


The west is a shithole lol

>> No.57748690
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, 1678188504448105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile their economy is in the shitter.
I hate how this man's being shat on by liberals because I think he's doing something right.
HOWEVER, he hasn't really done anything yet until it reflects on the economy. He is LTERALLY AGAINST THE FREE MARKET which is ironic because he bought BTC. Lmao

Isn't El Salvador shoulder deep in debt??