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57740349 No.57740349 [Reply] [Original]

to whom do you guys even FUD link to no new people come here its the same 10 faggots here your FUD does not work because there is no one to FUD

>> No.57740446

They want to fud staked Anons out of it. A completely useless endeavor, but that does not stop the feeble minded.

>> No.57740496

Latefags blame OGs for "scamming" them because OGs were 100% right, but their timescale was wrong, and this is blasphemy to the clinically depressed ADHD instant gratification zoomer mind.

>> No.57740587

>FUD does not work
yet here you are, starting a separate thread about how it doesn't bother you. Hmmm...

>> No.57740614
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No you’re a coping retard idiot.

Here’s the real: chainlink is fudded by us, the faggot holders. Deep down we know this is techno ponzi with an extremely poor business plan. The more ‘research’ your little rat brain does inside your sexless body, the more you realize what a scam this horseshit is. When autistics try to lie, they have pretty profound tells that they are lying. Link FUD is like that. Just delusional faggots attempting to lie to themselves that a known fat Russian scammer has Le secret crypto project.
TLDR: link holders are retarded faggots making themselves miserable. Not by fudding but by not selling.

>> No.57740618


>> No.57740631

Its probably this

>> No.57740648

they're bored. when I was bored at home i'd antagonize my sisters in the same way.

but seriously I sold nearly everything after that tiktok video emerged. I mean, can you even believe sergey is that milquetoast to have women like her waddling around filming amateur documentaries of the life of a ponzi schemer's secretary? fucking hell, should've bought xrp. what a mistake.

>> No.57740696

i fud because i'm all in since 2017 and I don't want others to suffer like I did

>> No.57740697

This. Fudders are so incredibly laser focused on fundamentals, causing them to fud for two reasons:

1) they believe Link will pump on fundamentals alone, so they think they're free to fud the normies out of their special coin
2) they're frustrated that the fundamentals (staking, CCIP) aren't being released fast enough and/or that the current fundamentals aren't pumping Link, so they vent their little hearts on here

The obvious reality however is that fundamentals matter very little, which is why the top 10 is absolutely filled with horrendous fundamentals (ADA, XRP, Solana, BNB, Avax, fucking Doge).
Even BTC and ETH, arguably.

>> No.57740812


>> No.57740845

they fud over and over because their entire identity is tied to this shitcoin. There is nothing else going on in their lives.

>> No.57740868

By that you mean link holders right?

>> No.57740895

He means fudders.
Only someone who's all in Link would cry and bitch every single time Link isn't moving with the market. Because obviously, if you hold a bunch of coins in addition to Link, that wouldn't frustrate you nearly as much.

>> No.57740916
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Ok Adem

>> No.57740943

in other words, all that matters is the price

>> No.57740950
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Its 2020 top buyers and mentally unstable people like pic related who fud now

>> No.57740968

but then the holders make a thread bitching about the fudders, because they are obviously equally frustrated and probably in the same boat. If someone wasn't insecure about an investment, they wouldn't create that thread

>> No.57741008

>If someone wasn't insecure about an investment, they wouldn't create that thread
and if link was such a shitty investment no one would bother creating threads every single hour for 7 years saying how shit it is

>> No.57741014

>but then the holders make a thread bitching about the fudders
Once in a blue moon.
Right now there are like half a dozen threads about Link lagging behind, and exactly one thread about fudders (which is itself an anomaly).

>because they are obviously equally frustrated
Frustrated with the spam. And even then OP doesn't seem frustrated so much as curious.

>> No.57741064

How does doxxing the guy make his points any less cogent? Faggot

>> No.57741139

>(of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing
your misuse of that word has triggered me more than any post any retarded fudfag has ever made. there was absolutely nothing in the way of logic or reason in the post you're referring to. it was 100% ad hom attacks, and you used the word cogent to describe his *point*. congrats, here's a (you), you enormous faggot

>> No.57741168

By ‘his points’ I’m referring to all of them. Because he makes a good point constantly against link holding faggots and their deranged narrative.
I’m sorry you’re autistic, a poor reader and a most importantly, a link holder. Well sorry not sorry.

>> No.57741248

>he makes a good point constantly against link holding faggots
He makes a good point against himself?
How does that make sense?

>> No.57741280
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Making fun of you for locking your cubes up in special exclusive shit flavored staking with garbage apy and no airdrops is not FUD. Making fun of the coins terrible price is not FUD. We are having a laugh.

>> No.57741537
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Because Adem is a porn addicted faggot who admitted to staking link.

>> No.57741622

the whole premise of LINK is that it is "the fundamental infrastructure of the entire web3/crypto industry", Sergey himself has marketed it this way, holders keep propagating the same narrative, so, why WOULDN'T you attack those fabled fundamentals?
that was the entire bullish thesis YEARS ago

>> No.57741817

>the whole premise of LINK is that it is "the fundamental infrastructure of the entire web3/crypto industry"
Pretty much every crypto out there has a premise like this

>> No.57742011
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>Ok Adem

>> No.57742412


>> No.57742430

yeah but with link it's actually true

>> No.57742535

lol fucking entitled lifeless retard

>> No.57743454

It was (keyword was) a good investment years ago, but no longer is. Making lots on threads on it is a product of this board creating a cult, not a qualifier of a good investment. Reddit has done the same with Gamestop.

The main problem is other cryptos are going up, and Link isnt

>> No.57743477

It doesn’t. It gives a cult member a temporary cathartic release. It’s basically their ego’s way of saving a confrontation with harsh realities

>> No.57743513

>It was
if it was as in past tense there wouldn't be fud threads every day for seven years, I'll sell when the fud stop because then I'll know that the interest is gone

>> No.57744187

>yet here you are, starting a separate thread about how it doesn't bother you
That doesn't mean it's working, anon lol

>> No.57744341

and follow up question, why do the fudders think any of this stuff works here of all places
this is fortune the humor we use against each other is worse than your carefully selected insults
the fact that these 'people' and i sue the term very broadly cannot understand what biz is is really telling
especially their images that they made themselves are so low effort

also thomas preety much proofs that fud doesnt work on twitter
there you just block the lot of them and thats it game over and they get 3 real views per post lol
so how absolutely delusional are either these fudders or the retards paying them

>> No.57744364
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