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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57738687 No.57738687 [Reply] [Original]

Lucky Token returns edition
>Native token

>What is HTS?
Hedera Token Service, the HTS is a service built on the Hedera Hashgraph network, enabling low fixed fees, lightning fast transactions and transparency between token creators and investors.
Try it, you won't be disappointed.

>> No.57738750

I like force token :) and dinu :) and grelf :) and dank :)

>> No.57738784
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Sauce Inu is the only HBAR meme coin worth accumulating. The Sauce name alone + inu guarantees it will be the future DOGE/Shib/Bonk of Hedera. Do NOT buy cringe forced maymay shit like Grelf or you will get rugged.

>> No.57738808

dinu better stay booty blasted

>> No.57738821
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Thing is, sauceinu has nothing in common with doge/shib/b0nk other than a meme dog mascot.
Why all the previous dogs came big?
DOGE = low barrier of entry to mining, everyone can do it
Shib = massive supply, low barrier of entry to defi, anyone can buy millions of token for pennies
B0nk = given as airdrops for sol community, given for free with sol phone
DINU is the next evolution in this cycle.
A free faucet that anyone can pull from, that becomes progressively more rewarding as users accumulate tokens.
DINU is the peoples token, DINU is for the community.

>> No.57738872
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DINU will be a top HTS by the end of the bull

>> No.57738902
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No doubts about that buddy
>Verification not required
Also, checked

>> No.57739032

Fuck that. The first thing I learned after coming to hbar was that sauce inu devs are a scammer group that stole billions of tokens with a dapp.

>> No.57739046
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This is true.
They also seem to have some constant need to come up to every community space and start shitting up the discussion
Onions sauce inu if anything
Stay true to the OG, get Lucky

>> No.57739842

Any BSLers? I'm interested but HBAR has scared me off corpo coins that will just dump on me for years. Do they have tokenomics listed somewhere?

>> No.57740173

I have around 1M BSL. I don’t think it will go crazy but will certainly do ok during the bullrun.

>> No.57740420

>mfw Dovu did a 10x but I didn’t buy enough
Still holding, waiting for another 5x

>> No.57741625
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Do not let this die hbarbarians

>> No.57741874

Where is force anon? I need to thank him for the free tokens from the other day. Ended up being around $500ish

>> No.57741893

This is the best time to accumulate BSL because it’s kinda forgotten and people don’t think it can pump

>> No.57741906

I bought $300 back when that would get you a million tokens just to have a nice round number
It’s worth over $5k now I could have easily bought $1k worth at the time

>> No.57742214


Its the first credit union that you can use digital assets as collateral... I have 400k of it, price imo is in the unknown phase as anon has said. Its the 1 HTS coin that has a connection to reality...

Because most have no idea what Banksocial is. John Wingate is one of the FEW high IQ Hedera believers who understands its implications and how it will reshape the future

>> No.57742672

People only like coins when they pump
We’re lucky everyone’s too stupid to be buying up BSL right now

>> No.57742777
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Buy lucky token :D

>> No.57743202

Its dumping now, gonna buy bit more to reach 500k but vol last 24h was 124k so someone with money just bought in as avg has been under 45k

>> No.57744166 [DELETED] 

I still have 1.5 megabags.
as of today I am up 88.9%.
or my $80,000 investment is currently worth $161,550.
and I know each coin is worth at least $3.
so this is both GREAT and NOTHING of what it will be.

>> No.57745660
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Just announced

>> No.57745710

Is lucky serious, or is it a memecoin ?

>> No.57745921

Do you not know about the Lucky dev? He started off with Lucky token, faced the first real dump, gave up on it and minted a token called Dank. Dank failed too and he minted Dank inu. He repeated that process more than once a month and now has over 20 shitcoins. He recently started shilling Lucky token again for some reason, maybe he feels guilty about abandoning his token and ignoring his loyal holders? Imagine if the Grelf dev decided to give up after the first dump like Lucky dev did. Grelf would not be up their with Saucerinu as the best meme coin on Hedera.
Don't touch anything the Lucky dev makes unless you want to lose money

>> No.57745949

FUCK, thats even bigger than what he said with HBAR Bull a month ago 95 Credi Unions.

this bullrun should be fun! Xsauce, Hbar and BSL

its a memecoin, that dumps and repumps. Gotta catch it right or you will lose it all in one night

>> No.57746006
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keeping an eye out on that 24hr vol

>> No.57746320

Kek hbags

>> No.57746559

Low cap
Good volume
Legitimate project

A true gift. This won’t last long

>> No.57746707


I believe it will pump early due to just being under 1 cent and once it catches people will then buy in because its still early and theyre investing in the worlds first digital to fiat and regulated credit union.

I may be wrong in my conservative assumptions but Wingate does tye same shit Leemon and Mance do aka talk only when shit is done :)

>> No.57747083

High IQ anons in this thread.

Yup, this is the time to buy BSL, after everybody forgot about and FOMOed into the top of Sauce and Dovu. John Wingate is the biggest chad in the space and, like the anon mentioned, he works silently without hype just like Leemon and Mance (who are thrilled with the project btw)

>> No.57747121

Just to add onto this, I believe their open banking platform is MUCH further along than they are letting on. Remember, they have been in stealth mode for years - they don’t hype up things and don’t have a public roadmap precisely to avoid being copied, however, they’ve been building their open banking platform on Hedera for well over a year now, and they have partnerships with all the big names in the CU space to adopt it. I think we are going to be shocked with all of the things they release this year and I do truly believe their platform can help credit unions grow and stay competitive.

>> No.57747567

>I do truly believe their platform can help credit unions grow and stay competitive.

Bro the implications of being the first WORKING, LEGAL and REGULATED crypto to fiat bridge backed by Credit Unions. They are on ETH as well and John himself said its useless BUT has the liquidity needed to bring value.

Im super hyped, not rwally for price but having a way to use my hbar as colateral for XYZ in the future!

>> No.57748666
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It is the original memecoin
And a bit more than that
The reason why 2023 was so quiet:
Two whales managed to acquire ~50% of token supply in 2022
One dumped on other, leaving huge whale underwater with almost half of lucky supply
He then proceeded to dump every single pump in 2023 and recently ran out of tokens to dump.
I didn't want to shill new peeps to become exit liquidity. Just wouldn't sit right with me.
I am however, going to shill and improve the project for the next 15 years, to pass on as my legacy.

>> No.57749591

Holy CHECKED I was a doubter but I’m going to buy some right now

>> No.57749954
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>> No.57750688
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Be a true hbarbarian.

>> No.57751618
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Shameless bumb

>> No.57752292
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buy the funny weed dog token dinu :D

>> No.57753030

>shitcoins start getting minted on HCS
>each and every single Hedera thread becomes a chittering cacophony of brown fingers click-clacking away at their keyboards trying to shill their own shitcoins to feed their villages
I miss the old Hedera threads. Even if they sometimes died due to inactivity, it's better than brownoids' spastic shilling in broken English against the backdrop of hypebeast retards trying to fund the next $5000 of clothes with the word SUPREME printed on them.

>> No.57753062
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Lucky shilling is justified
It was the first one afterall

>> No.57753308

I'm working on something. I don't usually post but I read the threads from time to time. FORCE token 0.0.4751568

>> No.57753604
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I'm diamond handing the drop
You got this, break the bank with FORCE

>> No.57753757
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I did your bidding my master. Everyone that associated has at least 5 tokens.

>> No.57754701
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Associate 0.0.1109951 and post wallet
I'll send you some good luck

>> No.57755503
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0.0.1330202 thanks in advance fren.

>> No.57756066
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And done!

>> No.57756776

Lucky number ! Thank you based anon.