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57710288 No.57710288 [Reply] [Original]

You can have the money in the world, but if you have an asmongold hairline no amount of money will change the fact that you’re a hideous BALD faggot.

Do you think Elon musk would be where he was today if he looked like the repulsive balding weasel he used to be before his rockstar hair transplant? Fuck no. I feel SO much better about myself now that I have a soft, floppy head of hair again at the tender age of 33.

I feel that youthful excitement I used to feel in my early 20s. I feel like I can participate in social life against. It’s a great feeling guys.

Invest in yourself. Get a hair transplant

>> No.57710299

Are you taking finasteride to maintain the transplanted hairs?

>> No.57710309

Nah i'd just stay bald. All i need is you guys. What good is my hair when none of you compliment me on it? Not that you can since ive got none.

>> No.57710314


>> No.57710323
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If I don't leave the house why do I need to worry if I have hair or not

On the internet, nobody knows you're bald

>> No.57710328
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Believe it or not, it doesn't matter how good your hair is. In the long run, we'll all end up old, wrinkled, and toothless. You're not going to look back on your life from your deathbed and think, "Wow, I had really great hair!" Take a look at picrel. Of the four most-common deathbed regrets, only one is related to money... and it's that people regret having been too obsessed with money. Stop being so shallow, OP. If you can't do that, stop trying to convince others to be as shallow as you are. There can be more to life.

>> No.57710508

Yep and minox
Ok baldie lmao

>> No.57710701

Just got back from bangkok last week doing a hair transplant. Best thing you can spend your money on. Look 10 years younger.

>> No.57710718

>Yep and minox
lol lifelong pharmacuck

>> No.57710736

Explain Bezos and Balmer.
The fin is not for the transplanted hairs, those will remain until the day you die. The fin is to stop the original hairline from regressing further, making a gap that will require even more transplanted hairs.

>> No.57710744

Getting on Fin at 21 (32 now) was the best investment of my life. My hairline has receded a little bit since I turned 30 from NW1.5 to NW2, but no one would say I’m “balding,”

>> No.57710766

Don't you need to take anti rejection drugs for the rest of your life now?

>> No.57710774

I took fin for a year and nothing changed but my hangovers got so bad I stopped drinking all alcohol.

>> No.57710837

I'm 30 and I have 0 signs of baldness literally barber has to cut a bit of hairline to make it normal because I have so much hair is insane haha

>> No.57710858

I’m a big dude, 6’1, square jaw, handsome face, built like a linebacker, but my hair is thinning, it’s my one insecurity besides my lack of BTC, I can’t tell if it’ll be better or not to embrace baldness or inject myself with chemicals to maintain my hair it’s a pickle

>> No.57710871
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>young men are poisoning their bodies with pharma toxins
How can you be against the vaxx then take this sludge that is temporary and kills your balls?

>> No.57710957

Just quit drinking and go outside. Holy shit.

>> No.57711250

Embrace your shitgenes and dont cheat
You are the Baldie kek

>> No.57711288

topical finasteride is kind of a bitch to apply and measure properly, but there’s a sweet spot where it has minimal systemic absorption whilst still reducing scalp dht, aka you can save your hair without side effects. There’s new treatments also coming out that are promising and don’t affect hormones so it’s dumb to not at least try

>> No.57711302

>nooooooo dont fix your hairline in your 20s and 30s. Everyone is bald and ugly at 60 anyway its le pointless !!

>> No.57711306

Bald asf

>> No.57711314

>nooooo stop being happy you need to cater to the whims of society, your hair needs to look like this, you have to wear theses, if you aren't fucking pussy you're worthless!!!!
Must feel weird living a shallow life dictated by others

>> No.57711363
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i was like this at 30. no signs at all.

31 was fine
than out of no where at 32 it started noticed thinning when out of shower

im 34 now with pic related.... tried eveything else all that useless crap like rosemary oil, stopping caffeine and adderall for 6 months. stopping alcohol for 9 months. thankfully it hasnt gotten worse.

debating fin and minoxidil.

>> No.57711379

Ethnicity saar? Hi shlomo?

>> No.57711400

I'm a kissless virgin with a full head of thick hair, so even if I start balding it makes no difference since I will remain a kissless virgin no matter what

>> No.57711421


>> No.57711431

how much does it cost.?
i mean, if you cant handle your hair going away, eventually you'll want laser surgery face lift too.
face lft, neck lift, brow raise, eye job, botox, etc.

>> No.57711456
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I'm 32 and my hair is doing this really weird thing where it's receding primarily on my right temple but not anywhere else. My hair is one of the only good qualities about me and girls I barely know will run their hands through it. My plan is to go to Turkey and get a transplant if it gets too bad.

>> No.57711459

It's 100% worth it to do this. It should be as routine and unremarkable as getting braces. Men crab bucket each other hard when it comes to looks. It's the equivalent of girls telling each other that you can be hot no matter how much you weigh.

>> No.57711498

A lot of people mention not being able to “handle” going bald as if it’s a mental deficiency to not want be bald. It’s an objective maximization. You will look worse bald, you will look better with hair. Life is easier when you look better. I’m not crying “why me??” that I’m losing hair, just want to keep looking good. Transplant scheduled for March

>> No.57711507

>taking care of your appearance and looking good is only for the approval of other people
Bro you must look like a mess. Do you also only think people lift and eat healthy to get pussy too?

>> No.57711527

Dirty blonde hair, white skin.

>> No.57711541

Just get on fin. I've been on it almost a year and been fine. If you're in the US, use GoodRx. You can get a prescription for 180 pills for like $20.

>> No.57711566

bald head is a sign of maturity and masculinity
imagine paying to look like a little girl

>> No.57711568
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eh I did just fin and nothing else
the rest of it is just too much effort, money, and risk

>> No.57712138

What doc did you go to? I kinda wanna density max with dr. Laowrong
Topical fin and minox would help you a lot >>57711431
5k. I’ll stop caring about my appearance when I’m like 55ish. Until then I’m gonna be a vain little cosmetic faggot
Based. Good luck
Holy based loving this energy
It’s up to you, you could get that right with 500 grafts at the temples EZ

take heed, crab bucket baldies

>> No.57712172

Where did you go to get a transplant for $5k?

>> No.57712661

you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.57712693

>Explain Bezos and Balmer.
this. maybe I am just too privileged (6ft2 full head of hair) to understand these copes.

>> No.57712703

So sell me on a transplant without this faggy
>you're le ugly
risks? maintenance after? cost? I'm not a amerimutt, 5000$ is a very significant sum

>> No.57712716
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>> No.57712830

>life revolves around thai hookers
>no intimacy from anything else
>bragging endlessly about hookers pretending to like you even when you realize they don't really
>realize you're just their premier paypig
>still keep bragging anyway and pushing your insecure image managing to convince others you're not just some desperate loser

He is.

OP, why do you need to go through hair transplants when the only people paying attention to you are those you pay? The money is what defines your interactions. Not your hair.

>> No.57712882

The risk is that you have to take anti-balding drugs (finasteride) forever, and that has a possibility of side effects. Most people have no issue with the drugs, but there is a small chance that it will weaken your sex drive and make you grow bitch tits. Some people claim that gbe side effects can linger even after you stop taking the drugs, but there doesn't seem to be much evidence for that.

>> No.57712910

topical minoxidil doesn't do that, r-right?
My rogaine hasn't been doing tranny tier shit, has it?

>> No.57713000

Wouldn't you still have huge scabs and a partially shaved head a week after a hair transplant? Do you really look 10 years younger right now?

>> No.57713027

I dont even believe half the stuff I read on the internet
This whole thread is probably advertised by the hair industry

>> No.57713237

Restore hair dr. James Harris
No risks with a good surgeon. You might get fin dick but that hasn’t been my experience despite taking 1mg fin, 1.25 minox, and vit d in one pill from a company called happy head
American prices. You can dyor for a cheaper doc overseas it was just convenient for me to do it stateside
It’s for my own vanity dude. You are correct. I say that means my argument is even stronger. I feel much better about myself and I have to tell everyone about it. Simple as


>> No.57713548

so you go on eternal maintenance, usual drugs, ok

>> No.57713589

Not into taking any drugs, but I'm considering going to Turkey and dropping 5k on a hair transplant.

>> No.57715304

I did the DHI long hair technique. Google it. Used Dr Dao.

Its instant. No bandages. No shaving your head.

>> No.57715327

Does hair transplant work if you're like totally full Norwood bald like I am or just if it's thinning? I've really been contemplating it lately being bald has totally ruined my confidence it's like a curse. Now finally have the money for shit like this id pay almost anything to lift the curse

>> No.57715340

I ended up with fin dick. Hated it which is why i want for transplant.

Plus 3 months into fin all the hair grew back. I stopped taking it and all the hair fell out. Didnt realise you could never stop taking it.

>> No.57715352

If your bald your fucked.if you are like a 6 or 5 on the balding charts and you still have hair on the back of your head near your neck they can save you

>> No.57715369

Yeah I've still got hair in back and on sides but top and front are a total wasteland. Shave my head as a cope but I know it looks like shit. Seriously would do almost anything to lift the curse but figured it was a lost cause plus I was kinda poor until a few years ago. Maybe I'll look into it. Might want to start with something less invasive first when it comes to cosmetic procedure, like botox or something. Dip my toes in the water

>> No.57715514

So you got a hair transplant but you're not taking finasteride? What's your plan for when the non-transplanted hair continues to recede and you're left with a gap between that and the transplanted hair?

>> No.57715541
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i got laser hair removal on my scalp

>> No.57715582

>The fin is not for the transplanted hairs, those will remain until the day you die.
Not true. It depends from person to person, but there's a good chance transplanted hair will eventually thin and fall as well. Using a lotion of fin + min applied topically on the new hair is a good strategy to make sure they will grow strong and minimize collateral effects.

>> No.57715598


yes. they recommend you not be on any hair loss treatment before the transplant. Doctor put me on 3 months of Minoxidil just to thicken my hair after.

>> No.57715892

If you were balding before, you're almost certainly going to continue balding. I don't get why you haven't planned for that eventuality. Are you just going to keep getting transplants over and over to fill in the balding areas, depleting your donor area?

You're probably going to shed hard when you stop minoxidil. If you don't want to take fin, you'll need to take minox forever. And even then, minox is likely to stop working after a few years based on what I've read.

>> No.57715925

Finasteride is poison and the fact that you need to take it after a transplant means the transplant is pointless because the post-requisite is poison. inb4 it's fine, no it's literal fucking poison and i've known and researched this drug for years. Stay away kids.

>> No.57715937

Once hair cloning is safe and affordable, the best route will be to just get a transplant with cloned hairs every few years or whenever your hair goes again. And definitely not to take any poison drugs like finasteride. Even minox isn't good for you.

>> No.57715962

I tend to agree with you on the drugs. Which is why I'm not taking them. I just think it's weird to get a hair transplant and not take them.

Hair cloning still seems to be a long way away.

>> No.57715991

I'm pretty sure there's a decent amount of people who get a transplant and actually end up not taking finasteride. Whether they lose the hair and look worse i don't know but personally if i were to get a transplant in the near future, i'd opt to not take any drugs. I really wish something new and safer like cloning/etc would come out.

>> No.57716089

Trump have not hair transplant ..hes hair a so cool

>> No.57716109
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trump has a wig dumbass he doesn't even come close to my wcdonalds chad hairline my wcdonalds hairline is a perfect combover of alpha male energy i'm selling hairs a mile long i'm buying hair that looks so good the girls i meet on tinder don't even notice the rug and to your point about finasteride you are a total pussy for even typing those words i'll shove all the hairs you are losing myself i need not drugs or poison i'll just eat all your hairs and be a chad like me

>> No.57716672

you need to use keta shampoo weekly. its more important than minox. you can order 2% from europe

>> No.57716694

I'm 33 with an excellent hairline and thick beautiful hair. I can assure you that I am still a faggot loser.

>> No.57717262
File: 109 KB, 896x896, F10NIV8aEAAF0c_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're a peater so you know enough about nutrition and biology to never have any need of hair transplants

Feels good man

>> No.57717337

If you’re not considering drugs don’t bother getting a hair transplant
Even if you had a tonsure strip like monks do you could get some coverage, but you might not have enough for max density. It depends
To be completely honest I don’t care. For my personally, i was literally obsessing over going bald. I was taking 50 selfies a day monitoring my hair loss, goggling haircuts, and I just looked like absolute dog shit. I have a feminine slender skull, I looked like absolute shit without hair. Yea, the rock can pull it off but I can’t
Word I’ll look into it
*shrugs* treasure it bucko
>rationalizes lucky genes as personal decisions
Yea ok ferret

>> No.57717587

Don't give a shit, kys

>> No.57717602

Based and high IQ pilled.

>> No.57718183

Being attractive is a natural inherent desire for people, you are already a lost cause.

>> No.57718195

>If Im going to bald when Im old, I might as well be bald now
>If Im going to be crippled when Im old, I might as well get in an accident and be crippled now
>If going to die when Im old, I might as well die now


>> No.57718202

You really need to go on min and fin immediately
The point is to save your hair while you are still kinda young. As a man you don't need any of this to be attractive, hair is pretty much the only factor. Once you are old it doesn't matter either way.

>> No.57718206
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Having hair > not having hair but not at any price.
Is finasteride necessary?
I thought there was some stem cell alternative after the surgery.

>> No.57719141

I’m getting hair transplant surgery if I make it this bull run. I have a nice face and a nicely shaped head. I can rock the bald look. I’m short though. Only 5’3. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being bald or short but you can’t be both.

>> No.57719176

>ITT: vain faggotry

Go wash your asses first you effeminate mental women.

>> No.57719200

My grandma was bald and it didn't prevent her from being a total misanthropic cunt with 6 kids. I bet any of you scared of being bald are short and either fat or scrawny. If having hair isn't helping you now, being bald won't hurt you later. Your lack of self determination is your problem. If it counts for anything to realize how dumb you are, take a look at japanese men. Their men that work as hosts and prostitutes like like bisexual boyband singers. Their salary men have hair and all look the same. Their bald or shaved head men look like high T chads. If youre balding you have two choices: shave it, or go full psycho dreadlock skullet.since you're talking about it on 4chan you're not gonna go get a hair transplant

>> No.57719224
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yeah bro you should totally sell all of your hair follicles to afford the hair transplant it seems legit this guy on 4chan knows what he's talking about if you're bald then you might get the pussy the hot chicks only date bald men all the short bald men i know have big dicks and tons of money it's a perfect combination i should know i work at mcdonald's and we have all types of customers tall short fat bald we're the fast-food restaurant with the most diverse group of people

>> No.57719576

Just don't lose your hair

>> No.57719841

All I'm really saying is that no woman wants you to lube up your head and cram it inside her pussy if you're all hairy. Shave that shit and be a reverse birthing sex god

>> No.57720547

I took fin, it not only grew back the hair on top and in front that I had lost, it also gave me thicker hair like I had when I was a kid. The only drawback was I got Peyronie's disease, reduced erection size, an indentation in the left side of my penis and if I have sex I have pain with erections, and there's a 3 or 4 day period of pain in my penis following sexual activity. But the fin grew hair.

>> No.57721973

Hair loss comes from chronic stress hormones. Read Ray Peat.

>> No.57721983 [DELETED] 


cool airdrop


>> No.57722004

>lose hair
>can't get women
>get hair transplant
>still can't get women
>taking all these pills daily
>erections are soft
>cave and pay for hooker
>dick no longer works
At least my hair looks good, right guys??

>> No.57722170

>FUE and DHI surgeries generally take about 8 hours to complete, but the exact time can vary depending on the number of hair follicles being transplanted. It can take 12 to 18 months to see the full results of the surgery.
Sounds like you're making a speedy recovery.

>> No.57722319

I’ve been on finasteride since 2005 the absolute second I noticed my hair was thinning. It all grew back and I’ve maintained it for 20 fucking years. I fucked so many beautiful women because I had the confidence of good hair. Would have been miserable and depressed as a baldie. Now I don’t care as much but it saved my ass in my twenties

>> No.57722355

Being bald is a good filter. Anyone who can't handle a bald bro doesn't deserve your time.

>> No.57722356

Do we inherit the hairline of our mothers father?

>> No.57722574
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Easy fix

>> No.57722629


coping baldcel

>> No.57722687

You guys aren't sleaze-maxing and it shows.

You think some normoid jerk with our without hair is a big difference? Ok, you have hair now, so you look like... a slightly more genetically lucky loser. Great! $10k well spent, I guess?

I look BETTER without hair. I don't cope and headshave. I'm a full Norwood 7, and I wear it long, baby. Pair it with some wild facial hair, plenty of gold jewelry, and a *penetrating* stare, you are the master of all men. Be sweaty, be hairy, be LOUD. Even total chads, I'm talking 10/10 world-conquering chads, if you swagger right up to them like this, their natural instinct is to kneel. Develop your personality into whatever you want "YOU" to be, and then dive in 100%, your looks will not matter. Be original. Having hair is not original.

>> No.57722723

>Only 5’3. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being bald or short but you can’t be both.
Brother, I am incredibly bald, and only an inch taller than you. I have fucked well over 100 women, and have an amazing life and career. I'm telling you, you gotta just let your personality grow like a wild vine man. Rise above humanity.

>> No.57722732


>> No.57723665

Absolutely based beyond this realm

>> No.57723671

You can become trans