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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 259 KB, 574x620, 198888888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57700781 No.57700781 [Reply] [Original]

they're getting destroyed on every online platform, and it appears to be getting worse

>> No.57700788

question - was this all part of the original vision? If so, what page of the whitepaper

>> No.57700799

another question - do you feel like your funds (donations) were well spent by the team?

>> No.57700831

who is this girl?

>> No.57700834

>a lot of expense for at home office.
what expense?? it should be just an office computer

>> No.57700842

Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57700857

How many times have you jerked off to this girls tik tok adem?

>> No.57700874

Not so fast paypig / incel / chud / loser

>> No.57700890

stop watching porn thomas, this isn't healthy

>> No.57700934

one of the many work from home employees of Chainlink that YOU pay for

Her job role includes:
-putting on makeup
-pretending to workout
-tiktok videos covering the above

>> No.57700975

i wrote a song for how much i hate chainlinkers :^) hope you enjoy:

dooo dooo doo dooooooo
i hate chainlinkers theyre so damn dumb
i hate linkers cuz theyre gay
i hate linkers they are so damn dumb
other coins mog em every day

i hate linkies cuz they're so damn dumb
should just bought btc
btc and eth mog em night and day
if you hold link u are gay

these are copes and link is stupid
poverty will be theirs forever
fuck linkies they are duuuuumb

>> No.57701144


wtf, after holding for years this unironically gives me the urge to sell

she prolly got the job cuz shes one of ((them))

>> No.57701163

What's your favorite scene in Face/Off?

>> No.57701184

>the paypig memes were real the whole time
>instead of big macs for sirgay it is a staff of globohomo
Paypigsisters....what the hell is our response without sounding poor???

>> No.57701221

does she have an OF? I love jewish girls

>> No.57701484


why do they all look like ((them))

>> No.57701497

Here, have a bump Adem you porn addicted tic tock junkie, I feel so bad for you every time I see a thread you made knowing that this is the only human interaction you get, btw don't bother responding since I'm gone after this, adios!

>> No.57701506

im honestly shocked he hasn't kysd himself

>> No.57701510

>Not writing off a new desk, chair, rug, lamp, power strip, TV, laptop, iPad, two monitors, cat bed, blinds for your window, and a fresh coat of paint as business expenses

>> No.57701530
File: 38 KB, 512x512, UXHftlPWwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should probably just go kill yourself instead of taking it out on other people you pathetic waste of space"

>> No.57701533

The goon sessions in between his fudding help him keep his mind off how pathetic his life is.

>> No.57701654
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>muh Adem this muh Adem that
thank you based Zachary and Timmy, this damage control does wonders!

>> No.57701660

This is why I didn't sell most of my PYTH airdrop. PYTH is highly efficient and has progressed steadily, safely, but still at a pretty respectable pace. CL looks lethargic in comparison. I'm not switching horses mid-race so I'll just leave my airdropped PYTH bag and my "cheap" CL fight it out. My prediction is that PYTH will outperform CL by an order of magnitude this cycle.

>> No.57701997

holy shit, how delusional do you have to be to think that poorfags whose only self-worth comes from social media likes have absolutely any impact at all on CLL's success. retail is (i.e. you are) literally irrelevant, and your constant, pathetic screaming into your echo chamber is having exactly zero effect on LINK's progress as a protocol. PERHAPS you're having some effect on the price at this speculative-only period of crypto's story, but that's honestly doubtful. see also: the staking pool filled up in minutes despite all your efforts.

>> No.57702241

hahahahhahahahahahhaahha look at this cuckold wimp trying to front like he's got it all together

don't lie buddy, the team cucking you over and over is starting to wear you down. Don't take it out on my for pointing it out.

>> No.57702252

>puhhhhhhhhleaaaaaaaaaaaaze staahhhhhhhhhhhp noticing reality!


>> No.57702258

that was incoherent... here's the facts

-you work so you can make donations to her to have the dream life she's always wanted

-you get nothing in return

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57702274
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>i have obsessive cuck fantasy's.

>The feels when no one to cuck me.

>> No.57702307

I want to nut on her face

>> No.57702337

>fails to into reading comprehension
>proceeds to fail at subject/verb agreement
>projects cuckold fantasy on his betters
completely predictable. have a (you) for entertaining me

>> No.57702345

Adem is such a pathetic loser. Now hes finding random chainlink employees tiktok accounts to shame them on their twitter. This is next level retardism.

>> No.57702360
File: 59 KB, 906x548, LINKMARINE_OUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this video unironically made me sell my last 5k tokens.

Thank god I managed to escape this cult, would kill me to see Sergey pissing my money away like that

>> No.57702382

who the fuck is adem? QRD?

>> No.57702412

Why do fuddies think we're paying for this? The last time most Anons bought Link was in 2018.

>> No.57702430

Thomas. We all know he deleted his accounts after he got outed as a porn addicted loser. Coincidence? No. Another testament to how big of a retard Adem is.

>> No.57702484

I wouldn't have sold if Chainlink was mostly hiring devs from Romania, Poland or Russia. Even if at $100k+ they live like kings in their country, the good ones are worth their money.

>> No.57702486

seriously, i cannot justify spending so much money to increase my stack by a few percent. i'll probably look back and wish i actually had my net worth here, but that's simply an insane bet not worth risking my family's welfare on. so i guess i'll be sporting Major insignia at the yacht party

>> No.57704047
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The new boogeyman cope archnemesis villain for linkcels

>> No.57704186


>> No.57704289

She made her account private now. Great job schizos

>> No.57704306

incels strike again. This is why we cant have nice things

>> No.57704903
File: 823 KB, 2592x1944, wildthomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow after all this time you and thomas became linkers? fucking losers.

>> No.57705228

She should be fired.

>> No.57705255
File: 236 KB, 570x606, gold star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that YOU pay for
I bought tokens at $0.40 which are now worth $18.00
So I "paid for" this bullshit by ... making a 4500% return?
I don't understand.

>> No.57705262

I wonder if she ever though she would be attacked by a bunch of crypto incel mouth breathing basement dwellers.

>> No.57705268

Yes. A significant portion of your return was siphoned to pay for her and others. You would have made twice as much without the insane level of inflation the LINK token went through so far (with a lot more still ahead)

>> No.57705273
File: 80 KB, 459x502, ooo-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harassing this woman is why chainlink will never moon again.
Potential buyers hear of these rabid incels harassing employees and think, "there must be a better option"
When your business has to instruct new female employees to hide their public life because they will get harassed by incels online, you've got a problem

You are why chainlink is stagnant.

>> No.57705276

wait for t>>57700788
he communistic dream tech

>> No.57705283

I don't know how these guys do it. I tried shitting on ada and xrp years ago for fun but it got boring after the second day.
To keep it up non stop for years is pretty impressive.

>> No.57705288

She was posting tik tok roastie videos doing nothing all day and floating about it while investors are down significantly and got criticised justly. How much of a faggot simp are you where you juwtify this cunt because she has tits and a pussy. Zayi isn't going to fuck you anon.

>> No.57705435

I stand with zayi
I kneel for zayi
Justice for zayi

I just wish she actually was the girl in the middle and not the right

>> No.57706121

>50 posts
>no links to the tiktok or proof she even works at Chainlink

>> No.57706257


>> No.57706330

You underestimate the POWER of autism.

>> No.57706766

Sergey should rename his company ChainSimp

>> No.57706776

nice id

>> No.57707268
File: 44 KB, 461x518, 1694299609976534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz' version of chris-chan has made yet another thread begging for attention on twitter
its funny because chris-chan is actually more popular and got laid in the form of barbussy
meanwhile this third worlder is just impotently screeching on a dead business and finance board from his whore mom's basement in the Netherlands when he isn't trying to run MLM scams as a Success Factory "employee"

>> No.57707713

Attacking some innocent girl isn't gonna get your money and opportunity cost back, you antisocial misogynist incel.
Your anger should be directed at Sergey who is the head ceo and the one responsible for the current state and price of chainlink.
The girl is based for milking the system, you would all do the same in her position, you get plenty of threads here with anons bragging about doing nothing at their WFH job and getting paid to shitpost. It's sergeys fault not hers so leave her alone you toxic linkcel losers.

>> No.57707722

Yikes chud. A professional woman (queen) needs a proper work environment

>> No.57707804

why wasn't this staked?

>> No.57707875

this, so much this.

>> No.57708650
File: 112 KB, 975x600, Snapchat-959040857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57708881

Oh no i invested in people who have generated a 4500% return for me before a bull market has even come into full swing, how will I ever recover

>> No.57708884

I don’t own any Chainlink but watching you autists decimate the life of some dumb zoomie girl who did something this retarded in an effort to seek attention brings me a lot of joy

>> No.57708949

watching advocates performing all kinds of mental gymnastics and once again attacking disillusioned holders instead of addressing what the tiktok roastie said is pretty telling
>criticizing the roastie is why chainlink is stagnant guise, stop it pls
this happened yesterday, chainlink has been stagnant for 3+ years
>loool who cares I'm up x since ICO lololol
I think it might be actually over this time

>> No.57709077

>this happened yesterday, chainlink has been stagnant for 3+ years
yes. incels have been the problem for 3+ years. if you were on /biz/ before 2017 you know.

>> No.57709090

>retail bagholders are the reason chainlink has not delivered
the absolute state of advocates

>> No.57709284


>> No.57709297

... you watched a 125x turn into a 45x? was the amount too small, or what was the issue?

>> No.57709402

I still get angry that my 4k usd of link got bought at the top of $0.32 rather than $0.27. I would have had so much more.

>> No.57709543

maybe she'll see this post and have sex with you, anon
assuming you arent zayi herself

>> No.57709555

Lot of anger in this thread for people who supposedly bought the bottom and are up 200%. lel

>> No.57709612

Speak for yourself. I said in 2018 that I was buying $500 of Link every week, until the price hit $500 and that I will continue to do so forever until that happens. I am now bleeding and am beginning to lose hope that it might one day be worth it but ive committed to it so thats that forever because my autism wont let me quit

>> No.57709632

I know it's ironic, but it's kinda sad honestly.

>> No.57709642

I'm up 16000% actually

>> No.57709816

the same this i think of supraoracle. the campaign to earn some token is still on

>> No.57709831

sold my bag at $15. don't care if it runs to 100. just going for other oracle with micro infrastructure.

>> No.57709910

chainlink Thomas doxxed (supposedly)
hes a full time twitter fud cuck