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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 263 KB, 603x466, Mochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57689311 No.57689311 [Reply] [Original]

How do you think Mochi will do this cycle?

>> No.57690377


>> No.57690649

I think there's going to be a manufactured fomo race between TYBG and mochi to drive new users to base. I think 200mil on each coin is extremely conservative. If CB can build enough hype, there's a real possibility of a bil+ for both coins.

>> No.57690911

I don't care, I just know that the cat is cute

>> No.57690940
File: 91 KB, 543x538, IMG_4228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1billy will happen and multi billy will also happen during bull run.

You’re a fool if you don’t grab a mochimon and a bag of mochi.

>> No.57690950

TYBG, MOCHI, CIRCLE will be the holy trinity of this upcoming bullrun, save this post.

>> No.57690970
File: 155 KB, 646x700, 9445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope well, I bought $MOCHI a few days ago while I wait for $LRDS to come out

If i don't get a 3.5x this month i'll rope

>> No.57691002

after watching what jeets did to DEGEN i have basically zero hope that base can ever capture liquidity and attention for any other coin ever again. Base participants are the most adhd tissue paper handed little bitches ever to walk the earth. They make solana memecoin traders look like gigachad hodlers in comparison.

>> No.57691069


tybg is also a very good play but mochi will go further

>> No.57691078

Idk about circle. I bought a little bag but im not sure where it's going in the medium term.
It seems pretty early to make generalizations like that about the entire network lol. Base is growing at a nice rate. The jump from bnb to sol was very abrupt. I expect a similar jump from sol to base this year. When that new liquidity starts flooding in, everything remotely decent will start pumping.

>> No.57691142

>tybg is also a very good play but mochi will go further
Mochi will no doubt do very well, but tybg has Jesse constantly in the TG and it's also being followed by CB employees including the head of listing Dan Kim, it clearly is a bluechip along with Mochi.

>> No.57691153

>Idk about circle
It's safemoon on steroids, I consider part of the holy trinity along with Mochi and Tybg

>> No.57691178

Base will be this cycle's BSC casino, with Coinbase being the sole btc etf custodian and Binance facing a multitude of legal issues and CZ stepping down, Coinbase is the premier exchange. Once Base gets more streamlined and integrated into the website and the app, liquidity will flow nonstop into Base. It's kinda silly to bet against Coinbase's own chain, especially in it's infancy. Any chain in it's infancy will have issues with jeeting.

>> No.57691284

Well that's what the shills keep saying and that's why I'm not sure about it medium term. If it pumps too hard and fast, it might end up like safemoon fast as well. No one can figure out this burn mechanism, but whoever wrote it obviously does. That means they can rug it whenever they want. The hope is that they don't rug it til the bullrun peaks, but what if they do? I'm bullish short term, but I'm not putting anything I can't lose into it.

Going with the paranoid schizo narrative that CB is at the very least aware of the goings on of the bigger coins on its network, a massive rugpull by a newer coin there after pulling a big mc would theoretically create lots of press and hype for base network. They don't really have a strong incentive to interfere and may actually want something like a safemoon on their network, regardless of the outcome.

>> No.57691308

Checked. Mochi will make /biz/ millions. Just remember to never sell your whole bag. Made that mistake with shib

>> No.57691350

Not just the ETFs, but the ETF derivatives market that will be approved later. CB is gonna be the Microsoft of crypto for US customers.

>> No.57691455

Or, maybe it is totally skem. CB knows this and is planning to pull the listing later so it can tell the SEC/media that it protects its customers or something? Who knows. I hope I'm completely wrong and it hits 10bil lol.

>> No.57691578
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, GG73pMXWwAA3mi6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mochindise is what will take Mochi to the next level, they're speed-running the Pudgy Penguin roadmap. And guess what? They can do it because the artist responsible for Pudgy Penguins is also responsible for Mochimons.

>> No.57691638

Safe to say that Mochi is what Pudgy Penguins would be if it had a token.

>> No.57691726

This is practically my base portfolio. WAGMI

>> No.57692921

what's the sui/make it? is 30mil enough?

>> No.57693555

I would aim for at least 50 mil if you can afford it

>> No.57694551

base god bros..

>> No.57694739
File: 21 KB, 392x311, IMG_4990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three fives
>$55.5mm sui