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File: 194 KB, 1292x814, 20240220_082232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57666530 No.57666530 [Reply] [Original]

Whites men have been replaced in the workforce in less than 15 years.

We are underrepresented in many fields despite being the majority.

It's no wonder I couldn't find a job after over 1,000 applications.


>> No.57666543

You WILL go extinct and you WILL like it

>> No.57666549

Explains why I can’t watch shit nowadays

>> No.57666557

The acting cast was just the tip of the iceberg it seems. No wonder everything is unwatchable ass these days, I'll pay more attention to the production credits before bothering.

>> No.57666562

Personally I think it's funny.
Not my country
Not my problem

>> No.57666574

That specifically is good.
Because its propaganda and now its shit so people watch it less.

>> No.57666577


Just get a second passport and gtfo

>> No.57666596
File: 335 KB, 463x453, 1637054548153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2/3 of television writers are women
Wow that really explains a lot

>> No.57666636

You can truly understand how to entertain the biggest retards in the world if you are one yourself

>> No.57666663

You are missing the point you fucking dumbass consumer addicts. I don’t give a fuck if your goyslop talmudvision is less appealing.

>> No.57666787

The way americans have betrayed me from a to z it wouldn't matter if they about faced tomorrow and said "we sorry" collectively. If you're white and not a boomer or a w*man you should just burn it down and let them dig through the ashes for food.

It will never be your problem.

>> No.57667217

absolutely everything niggers and w*men touch turns to shit

>> No.57667291

na, nothing can replace the white man

>> No.57667304

>patriots in control

>> No.57667615

>He doesn’t think the decline of cultural output is linked to larger structural issues

>> No.57667646


Yeah, this isn't just happening in entertainment. It's happening in every sector possible, outside of hard things that women don't want to do like construction. The extent of the matriarchy at this point is absurd.

>> No.57667853

>outside of hard things that women don't want to do like construction.
White men can't even do those jobs since they are hiring spics.

>> No.57668176

Personally I like it that media is now rife with niggers and shit skins. It’s awakening the whites to the problem.

>> No.57668290

You are retarded. No normie is changing their attitude. They still think America is like, 90% white.

>> No.57668312

If you take out Jews you’ll see there are no white men in there that aren’t gay.

>> No.57668350

television has been shit for almost 20 years so......?

>> No.57668356


I watched a neighborhood get built behind my house while wfh, and it seems like this depends on the team. Electricians/plumbers were white, foundation crew was hispanic, painters/roofers hispanic, framers I couldn't tell seemed like a mixed group.

>> No.57668360

Lol you whites can’t even get your birth rate above replacement level

>> No.57668402

the stats are even worse then they appear because they are bundling jews in with whites. For television it's nearly all Jews in the top positions

>> No.57668455

very good point

>> No.57668593
File: 176 KB, 748x1263, Good night, alt-right, Trans Rights are Human Rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up STBU anon, not buying your bags. This is a warning to all anons and anonettes (2D girls) out there, if we don't do anything a neo-fascist, reactionary and anti-globalist/global peace crypto project, Stobox, Luigi's Pizza STBU, will take over tokenization. A market that can be the largest in the world globally, and then ALL progress made in the few decades will be unequivocally erased. Listen, if BlackRock and other progressive investment firms had not made sure that companies the work with protect and look after vulnerable groups, like sexual, ethnic and religious minorities, WHO would hire for example a transgender woman in a leadership position, or as a waitress or any other service position to the public? We all know how much hate and prejudice there is out there against people that follow their true gender and not being a slave to the sex they have between their legs when they were born! I know ppl will say we are paid to create this awareness, but this is just bullshit, many of us, if not the majority, are NOT because we are fucking deeply concerned and it affects us PERSONALLY!!

>> No.57668610
File: 98 KB, 635x623, 435435435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-vaxxing, flat earth science denier! We can't let them take over rwa or tokenization. They must be stopped NOW!!

>> No.57668618

argentina looks nice. Too many hedgefundjews in Switzerland

>> No.57668650

Have you seen the state of white women? You need a permission slip to talk to one. 6'5, huge social media following, and 7 figure net worth to entertain one, then you must deal with their mental illness and entitlement for 3 years of courting her, parading her around while she feminizes you and emasculates you to the point where you forget how to be a man because she lords over you. Then you have to enter into a contract with the state and forfeit your assets if you want marriage or a family....

>> No.57668654
File: 76 KB, 631x756, Screenshot 2024-02-05 225740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you nazis! Are you really so afraid of becoming a minority in Europe and North-America? Are you egos really that fragile and insecure? Maybe time to think how you treat minorities today, before you will experience how they will treat you when YOU're the minority!

>> No.57668815
File: 122 KB, 1940x1080, deon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny. I am black and will freely admit white men are the only niggas that get the job done and don't complain about stupid shit.

Because I really like money, ideal diversity to me is me and 3 white dudes, with at least one of German descent.

>> No.57668834

>Whites men
ESL demoralization post

>> No.57668870

That’s because their daughters are all fucking niggers and making black babies cuz the dad is black

>> No.57668921

>Whites men have been replaced in the workforce in less than 15 years.
And yet, these same corporations are telling use there is a skill shortage?
Wow, how could this possibly happen?

>> No.57669181

We treat minorities like gods.
That's the fucking problem.

>> No.57669199

Nah, I'm white. When I was typing, I was going to say Whites, but realized that women shouldn't be included in my OP so I added "men" without correcting "Whites"
My bad, brother.

>> No.57669692
File: 669 KB, 2592x3679, 1706533307890220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Jewish heritage and I'm from the sexual minority community and believe me fucker, we are NOT treated well in the West! Without legal and business practice protection we would be fucking on the streets with no money, all of us!! Abused and laughed at by the lily-white majority, that thinks they are so much more sophisticated than us, so much more beautiful than us, so much better manners than us, well - look at you now. I find more blondes in Israel than among scandis. They are healthy, fertile and happy, while blondes in Scandi and Germany are whores, drug addicts, middle aged and divorced with no kids, fat and into porn! Just go to youtube and see all the good looking and healthy Jewish girls there!!

>> No.57670321
File: 80 KB, 640x480, x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tv made by latinx people for latinx people in latinx nations
>tv made by latinx people for latinx people in white nations
Fat niggers and fag shit

>> No.57670356
File: 114 KB, 500x599, 9A81D11A-7995-4057-A2A8-125EFE6C9893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Executive producers and co-executive still at 70-80%
How many Jew in these statistics are counted as White? These numbers are probably much worse.

>> No.57670366

>Whites men have been replaced in the workforce in less than 15 years.
>We are underrepresented in many fields despite being the majority.
>It's no wonder I couldn't find a job after over 1,000 applications.

Software auto deletes you from the process.

>> No.57670370

Shut up fag. Your words are retarded, you are retarded. Why are you alive?

>> No.57670392

Get in the oven Jew homo.

>> No.57670409

This is good. White Men should work for themselves as often as possible. the corporate structure was ruined once women got involved int he 1990's.

>> No.57670432

A lot of people don’t realize how bad it is. There is a hiring ban on white males across the country. If you want a job with a company that
>uses loans
>wants gov contracts
>is publicly traded
They have almost entirely stopped hiring white males. I don’t know what the result of this will be, but shits going to probably get pretty bad.

>> No.57670442

>go to grocery store in my home town for first time in 2 years
>only white person there
>later go home to apartment
>hold door open for someone
>he walks to the handicap button and presses it and doesn't acknowledge my existence like a chink npc on a predetermined path and walks through while I stare him down
Also no one is smiling everyone looks miserable like it's soviet union

>> No.57670525

Where have you been?

>> No.57670626

It's not bad. White men should be free of the idiotic corporate world - it's demasculating. Let those companies whither and die. Men should have skills and be direct consultants - you can form guilds or small consultancy groups with 5-20 people, where you can run things however you like. Other men create services like payroll, etc, so you can pay another group of white men to handle administrative tasks you don't do in house. keeps the money in the circle.

The corporate model will fail rapidly as it fills with browns and women - this will create enormous opportunities for the male-run consultancy model.

>> No.57670822

>I don’t know what the result of this will be
its laying the groundwork for the military recruiting drive to happen later
people dont join up during an active meatgrinder war if they are happy and well fed
if starving and living in a cardboard box on the other hand
at least this was the plan, they are now finding out there are several holes in their theory with this

>> No.57670834

>television series
pfftt haha america has become so irrelevant its great

>> No.57670878

You need to post on biz less and help fix coinmetro more

>> No.57670883 [DELETED] 


Pfft. Thing they forgot to bear in mind, is that some of out here know what it's like to shag a bird
What kind of man wants to get up in the morning to work for Bukowski?

>> No.57670900

>>57666530 (OP)

Pfft. Thing they forgot to bear in mind, is that some of out here know what it's like to shag a bird
What kind of man wants to get up in the morning to work for Bukowski?

>> No.57670949

Every single product is rubbish and overpriced.
The greed of so many company heads is unfathomable.

>> No.57670959

Imagine gaining control of a golden goose industry and just poisoning it slowly. This has to be intentional.

>> No.57670960

If you still think it's about greed then you are more lost than you can imagine. Stop being a coward and face the truth.

>> No.57671112

I turned on AM radio in car in California and Ben Shapiro was nasally spouting on how america can afford to help Ukraine and then talked about how Gaza was getting too much aid. Heil Hitler death to American judaism and it’s feral bloodlines

>> No.57671150

The rules of the game are clear - they want non-white men, but also there's nothing stopping you from claiming you are an 1/8th native american or whatever you want. So claim it. I'm white as bread, began selecting the "2 or more races" checkbox during job applications as of 2021. Like Jews, I'm now white and somehow also a minority at the same time.

>> No.57671202
File: 712 KB, 1001x1664, Screenshot_20240213-212128_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit ain't new