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57656954 No.57656954 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for playing, wagie.

>> No.57656966
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TFR = Total Fucking Rizz


>> No.57656979

>techies are impotent
tell me something I don't know

>> No.57656981

Seems to follow the overall pattern of the wealthy/poor squeezing everything possible out of the middle class. Society is no longer built for the common, ambitious working man, only various shades of freeloader.

>> No.57656988

Total fertility rate.

>> No.57657001

You don't think people who make 30-60k are working men? They're actually out in the field doing shit.

>> No.57657006

makes sense
having kids as a middle class person fucks you up financially
as a poor person you're rock bottom so having kids is better than nothing
as a rich person you can have as many as you want and not even feel a financial burden

>> No.57657008
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>> No.57657011
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Kek the midwit (university average) curve striks again

>> No.57657031

hahaha what the fuck? must be russia

>> No.57657038

I forgot the link to the ful video but yes

>> No.57657075
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>t. "kids aint 'spensive" poster who lives in abject white nigger poverty, whose children are destined to be great clips hair stylists or forklift drivers

>> No.57657096

Some would say 4 forklift kids is better than 0 college kids.

>> No.57657106

You're welcome. What's pretty clear in the chart is that high-wage earners (by wage-standards) have a kind of "energy-budget" that gets redirected away from sex and towards work. Story of Western civilization right there. If you imagine "work" as an entity, it'd be stealing people's sex. All work does this, since technically, every second spent working is a second not spent just lazing about and fucking (or raising a family, if we don't want to be so narrow), but normally, the two would be in some equilibrium and people would be doing some optimal amount of work to provide for their families/children/spouses. They have come into disequilibrium, though, which is why demographics are collapsing: industrial society wants to eat its cake and keep it too, by having people work 20 hours and day and keep mortgage-bonds liquid by increasing house-prices by 7% p.a. or however much it is in perpetuity, but also wants to maintain and endless stream of new workers. It is rugging itself, though: even on purely utilitarian grounds, doing this is no more clever than not doing maintenance in a factory to save on costs: one does save on costs and extracts more profit in the short-term, but only until the machines start malfunctioning. Pretty shit to have to live through, but what are you gonna do. If you want to go even more esoteric, it's not even industrial society/capitalism that's the cause of this; it's the effect: people created capitalism, it's not a natural phenomenon, and they created it because they were sexually repressed neurotics who needed a distraction from "the evil, yucky sex" - a profound form of self-alienation from which the alienation from work, though real, is historically downstream.

>> No.57657112

yeah i guess that's true, if you take the saharan african nigger mindset of completely ignoring the quality of life of your children.

>> No.57657124

I have a STEM degree

>> No.57657127

It means the number of kids you have. Middle class people are being driven to extinction.

>> No.57657132


This is household income, and tradie guys are almost always $50k+ themselves since they work long weeks. Any household under $40k is almost always partially on welfare/services, drawing from the teat in some form.

>> No.57657141

No it's because 0-income niggers have nothing to steal in divorce, don't think/care about child support and don't get married. Middle class whiteoids aren't getting married because of the 50%+ chance of her getting bored after 7 years and stealing your kid and trooning him out.

>> No.57657142
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> less than 2k anons

>> No.57657146

me too. am i supposed to be impressed?

>> No.57657188

There's a whole host of social problems in Africa, but they're not ignoring their children everywhere, that's more of a modern phenomenon in places like South Africa. In other, more rural places, they live a subsistence lifestyle which maybe isn't rich, but also not "abject poverty".
The state also does this siphoning, true enough, hand-in-hand with the private economy. Systems like these tend to grow uncontrollably large over time, to the point that they're rugging their own underlying support-base (in this case the typical, well-behaved, productive worker). That women often initiate divorce... yeah, that's a bit shit too, though this is also part of this whole complex of sexual repression, plus they themselves get parasitized by the whole "relationship-industry" ("get a divorce", Instagram envy creation, Tinder, luxury retail, etc.), which survives by keeping women in a constant state of dissatisfaction, analogous to the system under which men are, which keeps them in a constant state of also dissatisfaction, but also financial dependence... so the same as with women, really.

>> No.57657306

i looked up the most recent data and it doesnt seem to correlate with this at all, where did u get it from?

>> No.57657343
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Team fortress retard

>> No.57657363

Middle class people don't want kids because that would mean sacrificing some luxuries. Poor people are poor either way so there's not much to sacrifice, and rich people don't have to choose between kids and an affluent lifestyle because they can afford both.

>> No.57658257

Kids are for poor people and stock market welfare queens. Real men can find their own purpose in life instead of pretending that there is virtue in giving into baser instincts.

>> No.57659510
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>Most incomes below 2.00 TFR
Infinite growth bros...

>> No.57659697

Just the word population reaching its equilibrium. No reason for 8 billion to live on earth