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57649948 No.57649948 [Reply] [Original]

Will I become a millionaire in the next two years?

>> No.57649968

if you sell the top and dont get greedy, unironically, yes

Link is hitting, minimum, $150

>> No.57649972

i dont think so
link has always been kind of low energy
and your btc holdings are too small to do anything that impressive
maybe if you go all into ETH you could get to around 500k in a few years

>> No.57650048

what's the point of having $6k in bitcoin, even at the height of the bull run you'll make $6-$18k at most.

>> No.57650071

Yes if youre not a fucking retard.

>> No.57650094

link has outperformed most of the top cryptos though

>> No.57650140

Sell before you lose everything

>> No.57650183

link will top somewhere between $75-$150

>> No.57650254 [DELETED] 

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>> No.57650256 [DELETED] 

             ,       



>> No.57650527

convert LINK to BTC now!

>> No.57650815

>link has always been kind of low energy
What is this woman logic?

>> No.57650830

>link has always been kind of low energy
rank 120 to 5 in three years
rank 22 to 12 in last 6 months

>> No.57650851
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Irrelevant, because LINK has good fundamentals that are gonna stand the test of time as we are seeing now

>> No.57650866

How does 3-digit peasantry sound?

>> No.57650876
File: 230 KB, 1079x1289, Screenshot_20240218-170106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I be broke in the next two years?

>> No.57651303

>lite coin

what possesses a person to buy this in 2024? Put your shit in Link damnit.

>> No.57651336


>> No.57651364

I agree.

>> No.57651368

>imagine holding any amount of LTC and BNB

>> No.57651383

Maybe. But if you do it will only be temporary as your $120 link will dump again to $20 and 99% of biz won't sell in time as they fell for the staking trap.
At this rate you might make it at age 50 and retire a bit earlier then trade boomers.

>> No.57651400

Go all in on ETH

>> No.57651427

Even worse I bought at $150 in 2020

>> No.57651437

$120*7k is not a million dollars you elementary school flunk out

>> No.57651438

>Will I become a millionaire in the next two years?
No, you needed more bitcoin for that. That ChainLink project is infamous for missing 2 bullruns in a row, I fail to see why it would be different this time around.

>> No.57651461

Yes if you hold LINK (I'm lying to spare your feelings)

>> No.57651479

You have 6 figures port and you are choosing to all in Link. You do not deserve to make it. If link pumps 10x you STILL won't make it post taxes. If you think link is going to le 81k you are delusional.

>> No.57651485

That's why I answered
smartass faggot

>> No.57651494

it was terrible how it peaked at $50 after we bought for $0.20

>> No.57651499
File: 40 KB, 485x365, yea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag detected, every linkie here has a 6fig stack now if they have browsed before the last bull.

>> No.57651515

It's terrible that you held it all the way back down -90% and failed to sell the generational btc/eth top

>> No.57651539

I have more than 3x OP's size. I hold 0 link cause I'm not retarded buying high caps w/o a 7 fig folio. 7k Links is not enough to make it, get your head out of your ass.

>> No.57651611

It’s literally 4th grade math are you actually retarded?
Then why are you in this thread? And why are you bragging about your folio like a giant faggot?

>> No.57651638

Cause the person I was replying to is implying I'm a priced out poor? Cause OP is asking if he's going to make it? Giving this guy genuine advice. He has the capital to make it this cycle, anyone with 100k does. But not if they hold a coin that's already top 15 like link.

>> No.57651659

>getting mad because of a comment by an anonymous person
You definitely do sound poor now

>> No.57651682
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Just realized you are OP. So you weren't looking for advice, just confirmation bias? Or were YOU the one looking to brag about your measly 140k folio? Either way good luck, Link might 10x if you're super lucky.

>> No.57651694

flip your positions then maybe yes

>> No.57651719

lol oh if anon isn't 7 figures he won't make it or something? you really think link will just keep exploding in price indefinitely once wallstreet money dries up?

>> No.57651931
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Post wallet then?

>> No.57651980

100%% Correct

>> No.57652264

it's to hold on to forever, in case bitcoin goes to some astronomical number in the future

>> No.57652286

Besides $18k is a down payment for a condo

>> No.57652654
File: 341 KB, 680x705, 1696886991860399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute fucking king
youre gonna make it

>> No.57653562

why buy it in the first place? All the smart contract development and innovations are taking place everywhere but there.

>> No.57653590

Put it all into link retard. You have no idea how comfy you’ll be with 3,500 link in 3-4 years.

>> No.57653599


yea if you keep adding and sell the top

>> No.57653604

You will be fine with the Link. But put that 5k in BTC into something like ToadKiller that can moon drastically soon.

>> No.57653628 [DELETED] 

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>> No.57653989

If you sell your stinkies and buy KNS

>> No.57654012


The seething and contempt makes it obvious LINK is going to be one of the best performers. Its amusing. Anyway


>> No.57654029

>Then why are you in this thread?

Because someone with a lot of resources wants you to sell and pays campaigns of retards to encourage it but they are so bad and obvious at what they do it just emboldens the holders.

>> No.57654037




>> No.57654386

Maybe for 5 min at the top of the bullrun
Realistically you’ll probably be around 500k, but you won’t sell because paper gains are intoxicating

>> No.57654543
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Am I gonna make it ;_; I’m so demoralized… fuck dude

>> No.57654568

Hold forever and you will make it. However, there is one cost. Sacrificing your soul. No joke

>> No.57654605
File: 640 KB, 1556x1072, __yazawa_nico_love_live_and_1_more_drawn_by_kurokawa_makoto__4e154a9950f4ef8d826ee7c83c53adf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies are fucking disgusting.

>> No.57654621

Why would you say that.
Jesus helped me through all the hard times. I will be steadfast against all storms.

>> No.57654654
File: 866 KB, 2560x1600, Screen Shot 2023-12-07 at 9.24.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kek. Anyone complaining about muh link underperforming is a newfag $5+ buyer


hell yeah anon

>> No.57654708

OP can only become a f***in' millionaire if he throws in some DePINs like PEAQ, HNT, IOTX, and Krest into his portfolio.

>> No.57654774

>I will be steadfast against all storms.
Good, you're at the right place and the right time. Keep believing and stay strong. Good luck

>> No.57654780

If I were OP, I'd throw some low mcap utility tokens in the mix, like DUA, NXRA, and RIO.

>> No.57654791


You'll make it friend.

Incredibly based and Christpilled.

>> No.57654816

You will make it. (In 20+ years)

>> No.57654833

ty frens ily

>> No.57654879

At what price do you think many folks bought? majority of the bag holders pushing this shit probably bought at the peak. Y'all are probably trying to lure those newbies to push in liquidity for your exit.

The answer is no. Risk more on low caps like dua, naka, omi, and a few others.

>> No.57654907
File: 7 KB, 250x160, 1688088948950957s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamentals and utility are key, Faggot. Brillon stands out for me 'cause it's got that banking integration and gasless transactions

>> No.57654911
File: 555 KB, 638x641, 1632663222043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what I meant by selling your soul was that to not let the price affect you. It'll swing up and down. You don't want to end up bitter ike fudcucks here

>> No.57654950

Outta this list, I'm only buying the token that's got utility in cross-border payments, gas fees, cashback, and all that jazz.

>> No.57655024

why would you want to put a down payment on a condo. i'd rather live somewhere spacious with family homes than in an ivory tower surrounded by dumb poors and third worlders (redundant) in every direction.

>> No.57655030

I've been starting to withdraw my cryptos earnings on my bank account for the last 3 months or so.
I'm from the 3rd world country and I finally have enough money to buy my place and live rent free.
It's not much (around 130k euro) and I'll probably miss bullrun but at least now I have a goal and I'm happy that I'll be able to buy something with my crypto gains.

I already withdraw around 50% and I'm hoping it will go up as much as possible in the next few months

>> No.57655031

>At what price do you think many folks bought?
I dont know and dont give a fuck when many "folks" bought
>majority of the bag holders pushing this shit probably bought at the peak.
They're called newfags, not majority bagholders
>Y'all are probably trying to lure those newbies to push in liquidity for your exit.
You think we spent the last 6+ years holding link just so we could attempt to lure in some broke ass faggots on biz? Thats some negative IQ logic right there anon

>> No.57655035

How does within the next two week's sound?

>> No.57655051

Okay. I'd suggest you stick with it, cause I'm aint risking boomer coins either. I deal with assets in this axis as well, with a good influx and interest on their products. Liquidity flows where there is a high influx and interest.

>> No.57655114

>I dont know and dont give a fuck when many "folks" bought.

I believe you know. Why are folks biz fudding and trolling? because they sold at a loss. They could not bear how bad the price turned out to be in the past few years.

>They're called newfags, not majority bagholders
I bought at the top. Does that make me a newfag or a bagholder?

>You think we spent the last 6+ years holding link just so we could attempt to lure in some broke ass faggots on biz?

ofc. How do you expect liquidity inflow for the price to pick, fool?

>> No.57655180

>I bought at the top. Does that make me a newfag or a bagholder?
It makes you a retard

>> No.57655222

$6.9 mil eoy don't let anyone else tell you otherwise

>> No.57655292
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Checked af
Hugs fren
>verification not required.

>> No.57655294


We must be retarded. I'm not that dumb to lean on something that has no possibility of making me more.