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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57644173 No.57644173 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>57621011

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.57644231

XRP is a scam, a shit coin

>> No.57644285

Dude that shitty movie came out years ago. Nothing happened. PLEASE! PLEASE JUST BUY A SMALL MCAP TOKEN SO YOU CAN FEEL WHAT IT'S LIKE TO ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY! You guys are unironically going to kill yourself once you've realised you've wasted yet another bullrun

>> No.57644297

>christmas song signaling positive price action for Ripple XRP
just 10 more months then we'll make it

>> No.57644299


>> No.57644322
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>just 10 more months
yeah but which calendar?

>> No.57644323
File: 92 KB, 1438x810, i-don't-think-about-you-at-all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Van Miltenburg, Chief Business Officer at Ripple:

"We do hold a significant amount of this digital asset called XRP.
And we will on occasion, sell some of that into the market.
That one, generates some incremental funding for us,
but it also helps create more liquidity in the whole ecosystem of that digital asset.
I won't get into the weeds in terms of how how some of our products work,
but having liquidity in markets around the world for xrp is a big part of what will make our products overtime successful there; serves a dual purpose.
We measure our success not on the price of XRP, but on how much value we're delivering to these financial institutions.
That's largely a function of: Are they using our technology to move money around the world?
And that curve is going up into the right really nicely.
So that's what really gives us a lot of uh energy."

>We will on occasion, sell some of that (XRP) into the market.
>We measure our success not on the price of XRP, but on how much value we're delivering to these financial institutions.

https://youtu.be/zBoVnHuxTB0?si=E20uURmaG3uU3zIO [Embed]

>> No.57644327

bros my bags are aching

>> No.57644355
File: 1.08 MB, 1210x2031, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so demoralized

>> No.57644362


my id is based tho

>> No.57644376

I remember 1 or even 2 years ago I thought I would have made it by now

I'm probably still gonna be here in a year while XRP crabs around the $0.50 range

>> No.57644424

You and Mr both brother - I have a bag of everything, but my biggest were ETH and XRP. I’ve had to slowly sell 75% of my ETH bag to survive between 2021-2024. I’m relying on XRP or a bag of some shit coin to make it now.

>> No.57644429

DS just confirmed on twitter that they dont have any dump bots running

>> No.57644476

Why were we the chosen ones bros

>> No.57644477

If you’re in profit now, even by just a little, sell and put it into a better project, while we’re still pre-bull run.
I already know you’ll reply about never selling. It’s dumb. You’ll literally never make it with xrp.
Hard to have sympathy when you’ve been warned so many times.

>> No.57644511

Haha wouldn't you like to buy our XRP for cheap wouldn't you

>> No.57644536
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Gonna miss a 4th bullrun? 11 years opportunity cost not worth it

>> No.57644541

this is the opportunity of a lifetime tho

if you dont know by now, then xrp isnt for you

>> No.57644543

It’s already cheap though
It’s a shit coin and you know it

>> No.57644557

Haha nice try! I see what you did there. Never selling tho!

>> No.57644563
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>> No.57644569

Well, maybe aleph zero will moon
Stay poor, I guess

>> No.57644579

if those don't do anything then there is always still XLM

>> No.57644589

Sir, diversity portfolio into XDC
Redeem gains now sir

>> No.57644592

I dont like XDC and HBAR

>> No.57644601

Stay poor sir

>> No.57644606

alright im gonna buy 400XDC

what am I in for?

>> No.57644622

>16 dollars
Big yikes
You’re in for like 100 bucks in 2025/26

>> No.57644628

Lmao you will kys when your shitcoins (like BTC) are confirmed lesser assets to ISO coins and specifically XRP.

The entire board will be red and many will all say we were just lucky. Many will say "you sided with the banksters! Crypto was supposed to free us nOt HeLp ThE bAnKs!!!!1!1!111! You don't deserve to be rich. :(((("
Meanwhile blockstream is pals with the crypto deepstate dragging BTCs feet with muhhh store of value with Roger laughing in the background as he probably stacks XeRPs too. Far in the corner, forgotten totally with a dunce cap will be Craig "b b b but I'M SATOSHI!" While Vitalik is applying/tweeting at David and Brad so he can work for Ripple again lmao.

Hey GME, BBY and other such retards, thanks for your sacrifice, I actually think you have had a role in making things go a bit faster.

Too bad all your gains will be tokenized on the XRPL and such proving that XRP was the superior hold! Hahahahaha. Have your redditard updoots and fame, you can use our liquidity pools to "cash" out into nuFait (gold backed CBDC).

Oh and we hold the
(all ChadFolio holders denounce kikes, biblians and pisslamists)
And physical silver

It's over.

>> No.57644655

Enough to feed the village kind sir?

Why would I buy XDC if it only does a 5x from here while I can buy XRP and do a 1000x?

>And physical silver


XRP: Maybe
XMR: Glowie scam
Physical Silver: Boomer yikes

>> No.57644663

>unironically holds xrp
>unironically enjoys xsg
Yep….its retarded

>> No.57644675

>it's actually a 6x and not a 5x

big brain

>> No.57644684

Mentally challenged
Monkey brained
Not all there
Dumb as a rock

>> No.57644705

>he looks at decimals

lmao @ your poorfag brain

>> No.57644736

Alright lets be nice from now on.

Let's play a game. It's called

>"I really want to make it with XRP because...."

I'll start:

>I really want to make it with XRP so I no longer have to wage slave and can use my time more productively and in complete freedom

>> No.57644742

And by more productively and in complete freedom is have more time to play video games

>> No.57644746

>XRP: Maybe
Go be a normie somewhere else
>XMR: Glowie scam
Nice try, FBI. You really think our enemies don't have a backup plan? Only argument could be that it's GRIN/BEAM or some other such "privacy" (get away with shady shit) coin. Also, if a tyrannical future comes then things like buying life saving meds from poison jabs will be illegal. How do you think criminals will be funded by the powers that be in this scenario so THEY can secretly get those live saving meds? Lmao don't be naive anon come on. Only other thing they could use would be precious metals
>Physical Silver: Boomer yikes
Thousands and thousands of years of all of our ancestors throughout the entire world are surely wrong.
What a fucking joke of a post anon seriously
Are you a not?
So, then, tell me. What should I be looking into instead? BTC? ETH? Tesla? Bonds? FX? Options? What's your play that's so much better than mine (and many other anons)? Don't forget the logic but please skip on the SoUrCeS though, no one cares if you can't explain it yourself.
>low effort post
>troll reply
>ad hom
>kikey response
Get out of our containment thread

>> No.57644759

Hold that thought Barrqn I gotta go to the wage cage

>> No.57644769
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It certainly can't go much lower right guys?

>> No.57644846

This is sad. Get a life

>> No.57644980


Oh no no no

>> No.57645305

How are you baggies holding up?

When is the next meme date?

12th judge torres shit was a meme, 14th AMM vote shit was a meme, whats next?

>> No.57645320


>> No.57645428
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>whats next
Tomorrow Feb 19

>> No.57645446

Its probably one of the worst performing coins I've bought.
Glad I've got other coins... ada, agix, dot, ava, heck even shitcoin vechain are all outperforming this coins by alot....it hasn't even gained enough "good news/adoption" to get to the price it was 4 years ago during the flare token drop... it pumps last sure but at max it can go to around 8 dollors due to fibs and its increased supply before it retrace heavily. Ada was 4 cent while xrp was 40.... ada worth more now, same story with most. I aint selling but I aint buying more...all those with 1k hoping to be rich i feel sorry for.

>> No.57645511


1000xrp will make you a millionaire

>> No.57645568

wow, your 24/7 constant seething over xrp has left me completely demoralized. I will surely now see the errors of my ways and sell at any price.
All this fud, shilling and seethe it inspires would only makes logically sense if the token was completely worthless.
thank you for having my financial status and best interest at heart.

>> No.57645590

You're welcome

>> No.57645649
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Did any anons have trapper keepers when they were in school?

>> No.57645789

HI Pil still not stopping talking to yourself i see sad state of affairs this is you're life lol

>> No.57645796

You are lacking anything but hoping for that to be true. Other coins are llaning on tokenising everything and being rich off 500 dollor investment. Have more xrp than most especially people like you who push hoping without merit. If 1000xrp makes you rich im fine with that. But it won't, no flip the switch no standardised adoption in the foreseeable future...

>> No.57645810

just fucking stop PIL this cant be healthy in any way wasting all your time talking to yourself on some shitcoin board get help dude you are wasting your live

>> No.57645815

just stop PIL i and you are the only ones here whats the fucking point lol

>> No.57645828

Not a fan either. Would buy algo however.

>> No.57645834

4 digit xrp is literally programmed in the blockchain

>> No.57645916
File: 959 KB, 480x270, hold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait for the best i told you so moment in the all time history of /biz when all the iso tokens get slurped up by banks retail and more when we get filthy rich in the adoption process. Until then i am going to gif related.

>> No.57645949

"y-you were just lucky, i-it's n-n-not f-f-fair"

>> No.57646003

a poo in loo reciding in Canada none the less lel

>> No.57646051

Hmmmmmm isn't this cuuuuuuh-white interesting guys? My penis is rippling and swelling bros?! WHAT is even HAPPENING? You can not make this stuff up guys! Very very fascinating stuff to say the least

>> No.57646146

It will retrace back to .40s, right? It always does.
Should i sell now and buy later?

>> No.57646185

yes PIL sell

>> No.57646206

>pre bull run
Mate, the Tether Treasury is closed to being drained. The crypto finale is playing out before our eyes. Ripple will use the massive liquidity they obtained by suppressing the price to stabilize XRP when it all comes falling down (in 2 weeks)

>> No.57646217

Tether will keep buying Treasuries until the US government tells them to stop.

>> No.57646449

if XRP is a scam, it's one of the most elaborate scams ever
think they could have done a fraction of the schizo work and just gone the way of bitcoin or ethereum but no they wanted a few million dollars from schizos around the world so they spent likely more than that to construct this narrative that, if false, likely just means those of us who survive are just going to live in ze pods with no rights and eat bugs anyway so it's not like your money anywhere else would do you any good anyway

>> No.57646489

Stfu pil

>> No.57647060

Ooooooh baaaaaggieeeeeesssssssss

How is the XRP price doing?

Better than bitcoin? When $30k for a XRP?

The banks are gonna buy your bags in just two weeks!

>> No.57647231

30k$ per XRP?

Better be a bug in Rippled 2.1 / AMM fix that causes that.

>> No.57647407

Hello my friends

>> No.57647408
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Buy my own home and live quietly, in peace, in the woods away from tropical-types. All I want is some peace and quiet amongst the woodland animals.

>> No.57647463


>> No.57647482

How was your day of waging?

>> No.57647491

It was okay, got real dirty when taking out the trash. There are still alot of stains on my pants but i'm not washing them yet because i'm gonna need them again tomorrow that way I only have to do laundry once on Tuesday.

Luckely people were nice to me today.

>> No.57647504

>he owns one pair of pants

>> No.57647506

I invest, I do not wage anymore.

Rotation to bonds is nigh

>> No.57647517

I own 2 pairs of work pants but if I wash the dirty one now I need to wash the other one for tomorrow again on tuesday that way I have 2 work pants to wash then that would be silly so I have to wear the dirty one for one more day then I only have to wash 1 pair of workpants

>> No.57647596

>tfw i was larping in my head how I was able to quit my job becuase xrp mooned and I no longer had to work and was thinking maybe i will work a day or so for fun but then again I realized working sucks and is dirty

>> No.57647762
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gimme some hopium kind sir

ok myself

>pic rel

>> No.57647766
File: 241 KB, 2397x934, xrpapril16uhohyoucantmakeanyofthisstuffuprightguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm really ignites my hazelnuts

>> No.57647799
File: 69 KB, 500x496, happy_grinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 2 more months of waging

>> No.57647909

xsg has maybe 4 or 5 posters
It’s a dead general and xrp is a dying coin

>> No.57647933

hello sir

>> No.57647936

Shut up

>> No.57647961


>> No.57647981

Then why are you fucking here you fucking obsessed loser

>> No.57647998

This!!! So much frickin' this right here.

>> No.57648004

I'm warming up some bacon flavored soup from a can in a little pan on the stove in the kitchen so I might respond a little later

>> No.57648016

Yeah I too just hang out in threads of coins I have no fucking interest... some people need to touch fucking GRASS AND GO GET OUT OF THEIR MUMS BASEMENT

>> No.57648033


>> No.57648069
File: 6 KB, 226x223, freghat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind wage slaving and eating soup from a can, I know that I spend my hard earned cash so Ripple can further develop XRP and soon I will be rewarded for doing so.

>> No.57648082

Holding XRP is like the equivalent of dripping hot candle wax on your balls but instead of it being a hot dominatrix doing it it's some dirty old guy and there is no safe word

>> No.57648113

Kys jannie reporting faggot

Welcome back spammy.

>> No.57648144

Hey Barrqn how are you

>> No.57648166

Still crusading against the janny reporting faggots
See here as a great reminder


What a great post

>> No.57648172
File: 514 KB, 455x510, IMG_3564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two jewbois having a bromance, how cute, please take shitpil for a threesome, he is a cool guy for an Indian.

>> No.57648178

Are you also the guy posting that pil shit or is that someone else?

I noticed alot of our regulars are starting to lose it. And yes that includes you seeing from the way you started posting few weeks ago

>> No.57648184

You are just jelly we have together what you could only dream of.

>> No.57648195

It's portalnigger

>> No.57648220

ooooh portal dude is now the pil dude?

yeah that makes sense, although I noticed they became alot more desperate and aggrassive.

Take barrqn for example, he used to be so calm, now he is just yelling racial slurs in capslock all the time constantly.

And portal anon/pil anon used to come up with fake riddles, now he is just constant screaming about india in capslock

I mean people really are starting to lose it left and right.

>> No.57648233

Because suffering is our passion anon.
It certainly can and it certainly will be able to go down some more.
Kek, that’s exactly how I feel.

>> No.57648236

Nahh, that's some other fag or a bot/shill.
I'm not losing it, just slowly escalating things
You wouldn't understand

>> No.57648251

>he used to be so calm
I've been crusading against the kikeo biblians here since this general started by fighting off their mellonigger larps

>> No.57648254

Try me. I'm much more intelligent than I usually like to show. And i've been told alot in the past about how smart I am and how I could achieve anything if I wanted to as long as I put my mind to it.

>> No.57648266

And is it working?

>> No.57648279

>slowly escalating things
Finally getting ready for a move to Tel Aviv? Dreams come true for some. Congratulations!

>> No.57648296

Interesting opinion, consider crying some more, baggie

>> No.57648312

XRP is a scam
The above statement is a fact

>> No.57648320

Didn’t read

>> No.57648327

Hello ezlyb3g2 how are you holding up mentally?

>> No.57648340

In regards to…..?

>> No.57648347


>> No.57648352

Oh…it’s a bot

>> No.57648364


>> No.57648389

A 100%

>> No.57648391

I need 1 million dollar

at a save 3% APY that will be $30.000 every year

that will be $2500 every month

just enough to sustain my current life style

>> No.57648395

XRP isn't dead, it's only just beginning.

Buy while you still have the chance.

>> No.57648421

It’s David Schwartz dripping it on you, while he takes money from your wallet and then pisses on the rug on the way out.

>> No.57648439

While Brad garlinghouse is too close in your face and tells you about a new partnership ripple just landed but he's mouth stinks like garlicbreath

>> No.57648484

I have like 15k XRPs, i won't buy moar aaaaaaa

Paammpp this shittt aaaa

>> No.57648507

based and 15k xrp pilled (like the rest of us)

>> No.57648533

Only got 5.5k so iangmi

>> No.57648537
File: 123 KB, 750x330, IMG_2583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meme lines will guide us to a breakout. Should see $1.5 dollars again

>> No.57648543

Fuck off janny faggot kys

>> No.57648563

Hey barrqn I know we are friends but is it like... unconditional friendship? I mean lets say you were to find out for example that I was like either transsexual or had jewish roots would you think of me differently?

>> No.57648581

The meme lines need Analisa Torres to tell the SEC to fuck off and stop molesting Brad, Dave and the rest of us.

Enough is enough.

>> No.57648599

Burning the escrow would be a bad idea.

>> No.57648630

Shill alert!
Tell David and Brad we’re PISSED OFF and MAKING MEMES
(I don’t even hold xrp bro)

>> No.57648717
File: 716 B, 57x55, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57648728

Maybe once it hits 60 cents you can afford a second pair of pants

>> No.57648737

I can afford pants, and I was talking about work pants. Which I have two sets of. Which the employer pays for. The reason I wear my dirty work pants 2 days in a row is because of my laundry schedule.

>> No.57648752


>> No.57648772

I do not I have multiple pants

>> No.57648781

And it isnt even that dirty there is just some garbage spots on it because the garbage bag was dripping when I took it out.

Anyway who cares? Once XRP moons I will be buying a yacht and I will drive my yacht in hot waters so I only need swimming pants and once those get dirty I just jump in the water and rinse it off right away

>> No.57648828

XRP won't meaningfully increase in price until the global financial system collapses, this has always been the case
Mark Carney, Bank of England governor, has proposed the creation of a global digital currency as a way of stabilising global financial systems and protecting the sector from trade and currency wars.

Speaking at the US Federal Reserve sponsored Jackson Hole Symposium in Wyoming, Carney said that a “Synthetic Hegemonic Currency” (SHC) governed by the public sector and backed by a number of central bank digital currencies could replace the US dollar as the global reserve currency, and that this would be preferable to the alternatives, such as the Chinese Yuan/Renminbi.

He said: “An SHC could dampen the domineering influence of the US dollar on global trade. If the share of trade invoiced in SHC were to rise, shocks in the US would have less potent spillovers through exchange rates, and trade would become less synchronised across countries. By the same token, global trade would become more sensitive to changes in conditions in the countries of the other currencies in the basket backing the SHC.
>shocks in the US, like a cyberpandemic?
in other news

>> No.57648853

impressive autism.

everything i've seen from Schwartz indicates that he is a man who chooses his words carefully.

monero is obviously going to die in the coming wave of regulation, it is exactly what politicians mean when they say crypto is used for illegal activities

>> No.57648868

>tether treasury is close to being drained
but they keep printing hundreds of millions? my theory is they print fake tether to drain real money and if redemptions occur, borrow it from their other assets to repay (i think this is what caused Tron's stablecoin Tusd to depeg)
when the Tether ponzi blows up it will kill everything connected to it

>> No.57648886

the effects of tether dying on the US treasury markets could be interesting. probably not enough to cause any kind of instability on their own but dumping 10s of billions of USTs on the market suddenly could potentially cause less appetite at an official auction, increasing the interest rate similar to the ICBC hack back in november of last year, which would ripple through the system for example increasing inter-bank lending rates/SOFR

this could be why Yellen keeps issuing warnings about unregulated stablecoin issuers posing systemic risk

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told lawmakers on Tuesday that the government's financial risk watchdogs want there to be a minimum level of federal oversight of stablecoin issuers – a system that sets universal compliance standards beyond what states like New York and Texas currently impose.
The council of financial regulators she leads "believes it's critical for there to be a federal regulatory floor that would apply to all states and that a federal regulator should have the ability to decide if a stablecoin issuer should be barred from issuing such an asset," Yellen said in testimony before the House Financial Services Committee.

"We've had some concerns about how it would impact banks, and that's something I've had to discuss with the chairman," Yellen said in the hearing.

>> No.57648890

I too think the tether nuke is going to go off this year.
It will be the biggest event crypto has seen
xrp will be fine, and benefit greatly, actually

>> No.57648897

do those dates still hold with the new motions filed by the SEC? i haven't been keeping up on court filings

>> No.57648909

>60 more days

>> No.57648922

i also screencapped that, and .55555 last night

>> No.57648958

Time to activate the PLL and x10 multiple steps until reaching the target price of 5555$

>> No.57649002

I’ve been feeling guilty lately about evading Crypto Taxes because Jesus said to render to Caesar what is Caesars and to Render to God what is God’s. The thing is I have made some profit in crypto and have mainly gotten all of my crypto through Non KYC. I haven’t sold most of it and have mainly just given some of it anyway ane exchanged a lot of it for other cryptos. A lot of my records have been lost and a lot of it was done through Monero so I don’t know what to do. My plan is to hold and wait until I make a decent amount of money to sell and then pay the tax. I just dont know.

>> No.57649113

Exactly. Brad is close talking you with fetid breath about his trip with Klaus to Antarctica to meet the Overlord while David puts your toothbrush in his armpits and tells Harvey Weinstein about your daughters. That is Ripple’s Client Outreach Program.

>> No.57649125

Deja vu; go fuck yourself. Burn it.

>> No.57649178

do you know how marketcap works you stupid fuck. In order for that dream to be remotely realized, the entire market would need to collapse (xrp will fall in price along with everything else but stabilize). So all your time spent living this schizoid delusion you could've held something for this shitcoin mega cycle then bought back in later.

>> No.57649194

which is why you should be riding another asset then sell the top of this bull cycle and buy this shitcoin later. everyone will be too demoralized to buy back in, only the cultists will have held through it but big brains will ride and buy accordingly.

this was always the plan, rippletards. you will pump, i know it, but not until the the bubble of all bubbles pop: stocks/crypto parallel collapse.

>> No.57649232

get help PIL goodnight

>> No.57649290

Aliens come here
They're killing animals, plants, us, beginning some sort of soft terraforming....

They look to their judeaniggers and their pet trannies (and more).

Do you
A. Fight the aliens
B. Join the aliens

A = we good

>> No.57649318

>monero is obviously going to die in the coming wave of regulation, it is exactly what politicians mean when they say crypto is used for illegal activities
No it's not
Politicians say what they're told
The old order wants to retain power
When they say that they mean things that
They cannot control and don't benefit them
They tried to kill XRP even though.....

Nvm you stupid fucking normie GTFO you absolute retard.
The "ELites" will need a way to do their shady shit across vast distances (local will = gold/silver) and that has to be something like XMR.

Lurk more newfag

>> No.57649437

buy LINK kek

>> No.57649736

Simple as.
Your silence is telling.
Gtfo stinkie

>> No.57649998

buy ICP

>> No.57650285

Lets get back up

>> No.57650325

based remoralization poster

>> No.57650338

what good is monero if every offramp is shut and every wallet that interacts with it is blacklisted for aiding and abetting money laundering? it has no place in the coming system.

i think you are trying to manipulate unwary anons into hurting themselves.

>> No.57650366

i think the idea is that sudden unforeseen events will render it impossible to purchase XRP until it's too late.

>> No.57650377

Even $5.55 would be nice. give me some breathing room so it wouldn't feel like the walls are closing in on me all the time.

>> No.57650395

I got your back bro

>> No.57650427

You need to cook to get much better soups for pretty cheap (as long as you don’t mind eating it the rest of the week; sauces help with that).

>> No.57650640

Unironically yes, but I hold a lot so I don’t even have to worry, 2 months or 2 years it doesn’t effect me like some people who are trying to change their lives with a Hail Mary

>> No.57651209

Who said anything about an offramp?
You ARE, really THAT stupid.
People that are in the know will merely just use XMR (or other such).
>i think you are trying to manipulate unwary anons into hurting themselves.
I think you are trying to manipulate people into NOT having a stake in whatever currency is used by the nefarious actors that will be in hiding soon because their order has lost. You want to even do away with this knowledge/possibility because maybe you are one of them.

>> No.57651261


>> No.57651314


>> No.57651351

no retard, that has never happened in the history of trading. and to think somehow only xrp will be the chosen is the most narcissistic retarded babble.

>> No.57651622 [DELETED] 

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>> No.57651925

Lets. Get. Back. Up.

>> No.57652021
File: 4 KB, 197x164, profit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I am going to take out this weeks profits and build a new PC

>> No.57652396 [DELETED] 

e͎a͎r͎n͎ f͎r͎e͎e͎ g͎i͎f͎t͎c͎a͎r͎d͎s͎ a͎s͎ m͎a͎n͎y͎ t͎i͎m͎e͎s͎ a͎s͎ y͎o͎u͎ w͎a͎n͎t͎ a͎n͎d͎ r͎e͎s͎e͎l͎l͎ i͎t͎ f͎o͎r͎ p͎r͎o͎f͎i͎t͎s͎, r͎e͎a͎d͎ t͎h͎e͎ p͎d͎f͎ a͎t͎ t͎h͎e͎ l͎i͎n͎k͎ b͎e͎l͎o͎w͎



>> No.57652746
File: 103 KB, 640x611, 1600296426837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based gains. Haven't been too lucky with futures myself. I want to long from here.

>> No.57653085

I unironically start longs when multiple fud threads start on the board. Opened this at like .52 when there were 3-4 fud posts and PIL poster started up. So far has worked well for me.

>> No.57653271

Going to bed now. Its in your hands other side of the world l

>> No.57653695

It’s over

>> No.57653733


>> No.57653753

>BTC: $52400
>ETH: $3000
>XRP: $0.56

>> No.57653766

Im jelly I want a new PC too but I dont have money yet for it

>> No.57653782

Buy a second pair of pants first, broke ass nigga

>> No.57653793

Are you stupid or misunderstanding on purpose? Either way i'm not gonna explain again

>> No.57653799
File: 133 KB, 1570x1556, xrpextravod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57653802

This nigga eatin’ potatoes

>> No.57653805

Good morning XSG

I got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day

The price in the chart puts a smile on our face

And is shining a rugpull on the schizo race

>> No.57653808

Spammy why you only have one pair of pants bro wtf

>> No.57653841

I have like 2 pairs of workpants (my employer pays for them) and one of them is dirty but I still need to wear it today because it is scheduled for laundry tomorrow. If I wash it right away then it does not have sufficient time to dry.

As regards to normal casual pants, I do only have one good one and i've been meaning to buy a new one. The problem is that i'm a bit lazy and don't wear jeans so much but my gf has been complaining about it too so I guess I will try to set up an appointment to buy lets say two new pairs? Maybe there is a deal somewhere 2 for 1 or something.

>> No.57653851

>set up an appointment to buy pants
This lil autistic ass nigga don’t know how commerce works

>> No.57653853

Bro did the Russians steal your dryer?

>> No.57653852

Is today an American holiday or are markets open?

>> No.57653859

>yes, hello, I’m calling to set up an appointment to buy pants

>> No.57653863

I mean like put her down in my schedule. You gotta take car, drive to mall, park it etc. Not something you just do out of the blue at least not for me I have other responsibilities in life.

My washing machine can only wash. To dry I need to put it on my drying rack for like 24 hours.

Can we please stop focussing on my pants situation

>> No.57653872

actually i am eating eggs over beans and rice with tortillas and hot sauce. all of the ingredients except the hot sauce are from the food bank, because i am desperately poor

>> No.57653875

We are gonna be very smart rich people once XRP moons because we know what its like to be poor.

>> No.57653882
File: 229 KB, 840x499, 1686975903205483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gets a washer and no dryer bro did you get scammed?

>> No.57653886
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.qNE8ftNtU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hasn't happened yet but we're waiting on a once in a generation black swan event, probably an economic crash spurred by geopolitical factors possibly involving a cyberattack on payment processors

picrel its kali the black mother, the patron saint of creative destruction and the productive force of chaos

>> No.57653890

there is nothing wrong with some foresight and using a rack to dry your clothes, you just gotta plan a bit

>> No.57653892
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3.4gkPf8SS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being poor doesn't necessarily prepare you for dealing with the problems of the wealthy

>> No.57653897

You will live more modest and appreciate wealth more though.

And its not like im suddenly gonna drive supercars or buy shiny rocks for my wrist

>> No.57653898

wait so you are saying that if it turned out the every wallet that had touched monero in the last year was blacklisted from interacting with centralized exchanges, AND no offramps would turn monero into fiat, you would still use it?
why? help me understand

>> No.57653899

Europoors have no fucking clue how Ameri-chads are living
Each house shares one pair of pants and they don’t know what a dryer even is

>> No.57653900
File: 347 KB, 1530x807, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57653903
File: 841 KB, 1448x980, 1621483214063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some foresight.... the foresight to buy a dryer so I didn't need to hang my clothes for 24 hours

>> No.57653905

glad things are going well for you friend. sounds like you're set up for success

>> No.57653910

Are you American?

Can you explain why houses always say like


Why are there more bathrooms than bedrooms?

Is it because of American rule that there has to be 1 toilet always at least 2 meters away from a bed? In case of midnight toilet emergency after eating hamburger ?

>> No.57653916

Well I currently do not mind my current system and the dryer would clutter my bathroom too much so no it works fine if you wear the same outfits every day of the week.

>> No.57653920

3br 3ba here sometimes i like to poop downstairs sometimes I poop upstairs next to the office and sometimes I poop in the master bath off the master bedroom ... options

>> No.57653926

i think i'm going to be like the president of uruguay who was kept in a tiny cell by the CIA installed dictators for like 20 years as a political prisoner, and even after he got out and became successful he still stayed in a tiny house because large spaces made him uncomfortable.

>> No.57653927

Damn so this must be the American dream. Here in Europe we gotta choose if we want a dryer or want to help financing the local mosque.

>> No.57653934

Yeah im still gonna wear the same clothes (eventhough 2 extra pairs of pants) drive the same car, do the same type of groceries (okay maybe more or better meat or something) but my main life is gonna stay the same.

I dont like shiny or flashy things. I prefer function over luxury.

>> No.57653941
File: 300 KB, 2048x1657, 1698895022536107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about your luck hope you don't get stabbed bro...

>> No.57653954

>we gotta choose
you're given a choice now?

>> No.57653957


>> No.57654007
File: 116 KB, 1080x1059, FB_IMG_1706968812432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly xrp doesn't stop trucks of peace bro ...

>> No.57654015
File: 12 KB, 485x312, 0249_-_mmTnRA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me hope.

>> No.57654028
File: 179 KB, 926x545, sadddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$39 XRP is still not enough for me to make it

it doesnt give me hope

I need $100 XRP at least

>> No.57654039
File: 40 KB, 625x625, 1642028268542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me bro at this point i've been holding for so long that i need the thrill

>> No.57654052

Realistically how big is the chance we pump to $39k in one straight line?

>> No.57654057
File: 91 KB, 1280x1279, 1642774705563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slim, but never 0.

>> No.57654105


which one of you fags was this

>> No.57654145
File: 124 KB, 1200x644, Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 09.18.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$XRPGANG out here preaching Jesus and dabbing on vaxxies, lmao, love to see it

>> No.57654161

>These /pol/chuds make all XRP holders look like retards

the worst kind of fud

>> No.57654174

>two more weeks before people finally start dying from the vax, and here is how trump can still win

>> No.57654182

Must suck being a vax-tard while holding xrp
One good time bomb, and bad time bomb
Which will blow first?
That’s GOT TO suck

>> No.57654192


>> No.57654199




>> No.57654206
File: 808 KB, 558x974, Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 09.26.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must suck being a vax-tard while holding xrp

>> No.57654324
File: 309 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-12-14T192105.531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make all XRP holders look like retards

>> No.57654327

Lemeow every time it comes close to .5620 it gets slapped back down instantly for hours now turn off the bots David you fuck

>> No.57654334

>Here is why XRP needs the escrow, and why that's a good thing.

>> No.57654357

From the river to the sea let xrp breathe free

>> No.57654400


>> No.57654408

I should really stop looking at minute charts

>> No.57654453

I read a few of the other threads on the xrp subreddit.
While I do see some disillusionment and frustration, I would say they are generally more upbeat and positive about xrp than we are.
I'm surprised you left reddit and came here Spammy.
There's multiple users posting and discussing news stories related to xrp and Ripple.
They have zero off topic conversations and zero racist posts.
Seems like they would be receptive to the type of positive and hopeful posts you make here.
You may not like the lack of anonymity on reddit.
But you really aren't anonymous in xsg either.
Most of us recognize you're posting style and can identify you easily.
So its just the illusion of anonymity here.
You could even make multiple fake accounts on reddit, and no ones going to call you out for it on there.
And there is much more posting activity there, then here.
Reddit seems like a much more proactive and positive community.

Most of us in xsg are racist.
And a lot of us enjoy conspiracy theories and esoteric stuff.
I know you don't like these things, so why not go with a community more in line with your values?

>> No.57654462

I come here because I feel it's my duty as a human being to stop bigotry and the spreading of dangerous misinformation.

>> No.57654468
File: 1.28 MB, 1188x831, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brad Garlinghouse is a transgender woman, just like the rest of the (((elite))), which means we are on the right path and they are actually the chosen ones for the job.

>> No.57654470

Welp... I was on nofap but I might rub one out now

>> No.57654480

Wouldn't /pol/ be the place to do that?
The racism here is incidental.
It's like treating the symptoms, instead of the source.

>> No.57654482

/pol/ is too easy, here it's more subtle

>> No.57654486

Also if you are racist it's quite obvious you never fucked a nice fertile exotic 18yr old cuty.

White girls just don't have bodies like that. You never see some godlike titties, ass, waste or even face on boring white girls with their pancake titties.

I feel sad for you that you never had your bwc worshipped

>> No.57654493

I love racemixing and per-marital sex so much bros

>> No.57654511

You fetishize other races.

>> No.57654517

I exclusively date/fuck asians, latinas and persians.

>> No.57654520
File: 222 KB, 2038x1738, tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple owns a significant amount of BTC. I mean, why wouldn't they? XRP is 12 years old, and they were exchanging XRP for BTC in the beginning. So it's not some (((entities))) who are manipulating the BTC price when XRP tries to break out; it's Ripple. They're using bots (confirmed per court docs), dumping on exchanges and creating massive sell walls (obviously), and dumping BTC, everything to keep the price low. When this shit stops? When Ripple will own all XRP they're buying up from the open market?

>> No.57654527
File: 44 KB, 712x712, 1642188427179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subtle racisms
You are an absolute nigger

>> No.57654528
File: 97 KB, 1125x1206, GGjK8UgWoAA9KTa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some bot action from last year

>> No.57654531

No shit, it has been confirmed David Schwartz is satoshi many years ago

>> No.57654535

On the inside we are all pink sir

>> No.57654578
File: 2.92 MB, 1916x1200, Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 10.20.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brad Garlinghouse is a transgender
Chris is most likely one too; Adam's Apple is never seen, and his "wife" looks suspicious too.

>> No.57654586

The average day of an XRP holder:

>Racism and transgender obsession

>> No.57654616
File: 992 KB, 2104x3000, henry-kissinger-nancy-kissinger-attend-863116033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transgender obsession
Not my fault (((elites))) are obsessed with trooning out. If I'm right, then Ripple is the chosen one; they wouldn't let anyone of natural gender do this job. It just confirms that we're on the right path.

>> No.57654629
File: 354 KB, 1170x814, polobsessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not my fault (((elites))) are obsessed with trooning out. If I'm right, then Ripple is the chosen one; they wouldn't let anyone of natural gender do this job. It just confirms that we're on the right path.

>> No.57654641

The speed with which you post these images implies that you have a bunch of them saved in a folder, ready to use.

>> No.57654650

first day on 4chan?

>> No.57654663

Making fun of /pol/chuds or incels is too easy, yet fun anyway.

Especially since 4chan is their only safe place, or maybe some telegram channels, where they can be angry virgins without repercussions. Well not on my watch!

>> No.57654674

You were accusing him of being obsessed.
And yet you have a reaction image folder ready to go.

>> No.57654688
File: 1.96 MB, 1132x1244, Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 10.38.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet you have a reaction image folder ready to go
Rabbi is on stand by, ready to defend his troon overlords 24/7.

>> No.57654689

Yes, guily.

I have an obsession with polchuds that have an obsession

>> No.57654692

>More troons mean less 'man' so more girls for me

kek spotted the gaylord

>> No.57654703
File: 220 KB, 902x900, polparfume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57654712

And why do you care about it anyway?

How does it affect you personally?

>> No.57654718

PIL is a bot nobody is online for 24 hours straight every fucking day for years be PIL/BOT is so who is sending the bots?

>> No.57654720
File: 218 KB, 811x1049, soyincel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And how does it.. BLEH

>> No.57654728

Nobody likes your PIL arg dumb portalfaggot

>> No.57654755

I don't know which side/meme I like more

The basedjack lefty or the polchud righty

>> No.57654756

oh hi PIL/BOT redeem sell buy

>> No.57654759

>makes normies fear hell
Am i supposed to feel sorry for normies???

>> No.57654766

its litterly just you PIL/BOT talking to yourself for fucking YEARS on end remarkeble mut be one of the longest running bot threads on the web

>> No.57654767
File: 153 KB, 364x527, 4chan_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stupid normie tranny reddit black sjw incel virgin female how is the weather in india stupid jewish person

>> No.57654784

It appears you are slowly losing grip on what's real and what isn't. This is a side effect from holding Ripple (XRP) for too long through multiple bullruns without any positive price action. The missed opportunity cost is just icing on the cake. I want to ask you to please stay strong during these times, because soon (two weeks) all XRP holders will be rewarded (not financial advice).

>> No.57654787
File: 302 KB, 902x900, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57654795

fuck I didnt notice i broke the 100 mark

>> No.57654805

lol i can see your writing style/syntex i can see the words you use your the same fucking thing hopping ID's FOR FUCKING YEARS talking about wasted resources you are it

>> No.57654809

I literally have only posted by this id in this thread but whatever

>> No.57654814

i own buttcoins and a shitload of ETH actually

>> No.57654819

LOL LMAO and PIL/BOT just keeps on going sad! many such cases

>> No.57654825

Which post in this thread do you think is also mine?

>> No.57654832

this one kek

>> No.57654834


>> No.57654845

>4chan is their only safe place
Most websites would turn into 4chan without heavy censorship and moderation.
4chan, a site where you can anonymously post any and all opinions, and be judged solely based on what you post.
Vs. Reddit, a site where you are judged based on up and down votes and is heavily moderated and censored.
Reddit and any site that uses heavy moderation and censorship are the safe spaces.

>Making fun of /pol/chuds or incels is too easy, yet fun anyway.
>Especially since 4chan is their only safe place, or maybe some telegram channels, where they can be angry virgins without repercussions. Well not on my watch!

You sound like a women.
You like to make sure that your opinion is shared by the majority of people.
And you derive pleasure from mocking people that you feel are lower in perceived social value.
If conservative viewpoints ever became the majority opinion again, I think you would instantly switch your opinions and make fun of liberals instead.

You often like to talk about mundane aspects of your day.
You're often concerned about the mood in the thread.
In the same way a woman tries to control and influence the mood in social settings.
You're a woman.

>> No.57654846

Don't forget i'm still (relatively) nice and prefer to keep it that way.

But if you guys turn your backs on me or start bullying I cannot promise I won't go back to my old self before I became one of you.

>> No.57654854

I switch sides few times a day based on whatever gets me the most (You)'s

>> No.57654858

but i gots ze go have fun PIL/BOT (i really hope your a BOT ive been watching for 3 days now and if you are a real person you might of well just end it nobody deserves to be living such a sad and empty live

>> No.57654859

>You are a woman
>You will never be a woman!

Make up your minds already ffs

>> No.57654861

Good morning!

And happy US President day :)

>> No.57654874

Over 275 posts already

Welp... time for a new bake I guess xD


Migrate lads!

*Flies away*

>> No.57654890 [DELETED] 

e⋆͎͍͐⋆a⋆r⋆n⋆ f⋆r⋆e⋆e⋆ g⋆i⋆f⋆t⋆c⋆͎͍͐⋆a⋆r⋆d⋆s⋆ ͎͍͐⋆a⋆s⋆ m⋆͎͍͐⋆a⋆n⋆y⋆ t⋆i⋆m⋆e⋆s⋆ ͎͍͐⋆a⋆s⋆ y⋆o⋆u⋆ w⋆͎͍͐⋆a⋆n⋆t⋆ ͎͍͐⋆a⋆n⋆d⋆ r⋆e⋆s⋆e⋆l⋆l⋆ i⋆t⋆ f⋆o⋆r⋆ p⋆r⋆o⋆f⋆i⋆t⋆s⋆, r⋆e⋆͎͍͐⋆a⋆d⋆ t⋆h⋆e⋆ p⋆d⋆f⋆ ͎͍͐⋆a⋆t⋆ t⋆h⋆e⋆ l⋆i⋆n⋆k⋆ b⋆e⋆l⋆o⋆w⋆

