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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57643021 No.57643021 [Reply] [Original]

Since we don't even have a duly elected President, can't we just cancel President's Day and force all the financial institutions to open regularly? It seems like a pretty pointless holiday now, all things considered.

>> No.57643035

Biden spends most of hia time filling up his diaper.

>> No.57643059

>wahh wahh wah my country has been taken over by jewish pedophiles.

When I was your age, I had to mow 2 lawns for an entire year to get the money together for that down payment on my house.

>> No.57643459

Presidents day is for washington and lincoln you tard

>> No.57643509

Even BETTER reason to cancel it then. That lazy fuck didn't even finish his plan of shipping them back.

>> No.57643759
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Makes no difference whatsoever who's president and whether he's was really elected or not. American politics is absolute bullshit. 99.9% of American presidents have been 90% to 100%jew-puppets. Nixon was perhaps "only" a 50% jew-puppet at best, but he was still shit.

> Nixon on the Media and the Jews:

Washington was a (((freemason))).

>> No.57644801

reminder that they broke the law by committing a coup of the government and rigging legitimate elections so we have no constitutional duty to pay federal income taxes

>> No.57644874

> Washington was a (((freemason))).
And without those freemasons, you’d be sucking the dick of some monarch and Jewish nobility who’d actually arrest and imprison you for complaining about them even a little
He was a bit busy being dead from a horribly ill timed conspiracy

>> No.57644896
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I’m unironically moving to Japan, already have $130,000 saved up and I’ll be applying to the JET program for my work visa.
I hate fat people and minorities, so naturally I refuse to raise a family in America.

>> No.57644905

>Russian bots don't know what presidents is kek

>> No.57644985
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Feeemasonry is jewish. It's a jewish tool.

>> No.57644990
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>> No.57644995
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>> No.57645005
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>> No.57645012
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>> No.57645016
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>> No.57645024
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>> No.57645029
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