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57629763 No.57629763 [Reply] [Original]

Can Jannie’s do their fucking job and prune all these threads? They’re totally fucking inorganic. This shit token has no purpose, no hype, and no volume. It is being spammed ad nauseam. Take your profits/losses, dump your l shitter and move on, no one is buying your fucking bags

>> No.57629780
File: 77 KB, 750x344, IMG_2330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60k volume in a time where the worst of low effort shit tokens on erc20 are getting millions in volume.

>> No.57629828

Why do you want this board to be more dead anon?

>> No.57629869

Dead board while btc smashes 52k is bullish

Avi threads are bearish

>> No.57629891 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 534x588, IMG_4229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one is buying your bags
>about to break 1000 holders (majority of new holders biz bros)
>muh low volume (even though SEVERAL cexs want to list AVI but the team refuses to use its funds for listing when they’re working on products)
>perfect scores on dex
>most transparent and professional team you’ll find, all playing the long game
>tokenomics are godlike
>demand for it’s utility already exists they just need the product audited by the same auditor that ran binance
>team using its own money to pay for audit quote, not pulling out tokens to pay for it
>eliminates need for any other bridge on base
>games played will BURN 1% of tokens used to play
>quite literally the make it coin of the year

Keep fading though.

>> No.57629931

TLDR, I will keep fading your inorganic shill fest. It’s bull season and you’re bag holding a 4M mcap shitter while meme after meme is gigasending. Bridge is coming soon tho bro ygmi

>> No.57629942

>b-but muh bridge
7 already exist for base
>b-but muh shitcoin ERC20 bridged to base
nobody will provide liq to lets say $PORK on base so its useless
>b-but muh arcade launchpad
Lil bro launchpads are 2021 meta
plus token not needed

>> No.57629965 [DELETED] 
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I’ll screenshot this OP for the cringe thread when it’s 100m cheers

>> No.57630077

Please do. I’ll save this post.

>> No.57630083
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I don't have a single cent in this thing but this level of sperging is hilarious.

>> No.57630729

Well when there are more threads per day of a shit token than purchases, we have a problem.

>> No.57631002

The 40 linkie threads a day are ok but a single avi thread every day needs the mooods.

>> No.57631016

At least chainlink has a respectable mcap and volume. And no it’s not one thread a day. It’s like fifteen. Listen if Jannie’s want to start hammering linkies and avifags I’m down

>> No.57631099

The irony of calling them inorganic spam when you yourself take up make up most of the posts in the thread

>> No.57631113
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>> No.57631187

>Autistic rageposting every time AVI is said
This schizophrenic retard needs a permaban. Posts 40ish times freaking out saying crazy shit about a coin he doesn't own

>> No.57631190
File: 8 KB, 375x375, 1706187662916348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the same insane freak thatll make up 50% of the posts in a bump limited avi thread

>> No.57631225

Are the multiple AVI threads in the room with us now?

>> No.57631322

>sells the bottom and gets priced out immediately
>spends every waking minute of his life fudding avi threads
>weeks go by and no one is selling
>seething at all the time wasted
>creates a thread begging the jannies to prune all avi threads
Kek You sold at .0002 and not even a whale dumping tens of thousands brought it close to that. Seems like the swingie is getting nervous

>> No.57631373
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This, it's the same scammer group who tried swinging and got priced out. That's why they're throwing a sissy fit. Not selling, get fucked

>> No.57631776

this is our coin faggot. don't like it? stiff!

>> No.57631840
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60k volume is bullish. fuck man, I wish I held.

>> No.57631856
File: 134 KB, 1080x969, 1702480388742184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre a failed swingie!
this is a common way for baggies to hand-wave genuine fud so it sounds bullshit if you werent there, but this is genuinely whats happening
>this stupid motherfucker brags about selling to swing trade
>sell gets bought within literal seconds
>the SAME ID starts spamming obviously made up fud immediately after, and its a new story every minute

ive fucked up a swing trade before and it DOES give you raw seethe and can make you feel like you got buttraped.
but being this schizophrenically obsessed with putting down the project because YOURE retarded and crying about it for so long is actual giganigger behavior

>> No.57631909

>I wish I held
we know, kek
nice slip up

>> No.57631931


>nice slip up

My friend, you are not a retard, but a midwit. If you were a retard, you’d have a chance at making it. But as a midwit armed with an IQ of 90, you are destined to be poor forever.

>> No.57632022

midwit is 100 to 115.

>> No.57632061

Yeah, im really sorry man but like… im just not going to sell my AVI. I know I know, It only has 60k volume but I just dont care, im just not gonna sell it. Listen, is theres anything else you need to say about AVI please let us know but like, im still not gonna sell my stack, im just not going to do it. Lol

>> No.57633195

I was in the thread where he announced that he was going to dump his bag, so I got my wallet ready and bought his 22m bag. I think I’m up like 2-3x from it too. I’ve had some bad trades but you just lick your wounds and move on. I wouldn’t normally fuck with people while they’re down but matt is begging for it.

>> No.57633248


I'm really sorry. I am, but I'm not selling. I can understand that you might be upset, or tired, but I'm just got gonna sell. I so, so sorry. I wish you a nice day

>> No.57633291
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>I didn't buy icpepe
>i didnt buy linu
>i didnt buy troll
>i didnt buy chan
>i didnt buy pepe (sol)
I've lost an estimated 200k profit from taking your advice for months OP and lost thousands just because i was too much of a chicken to gamble, just like you

>> No.57633310

AVI has an mcap of about 4 mil and below 1000 holders with the potential for an mcap in the billions, you're still early

>> No.57633387

Matt... please you need help.
Pick up the phone, me and mom are worried about you Matt

>> No.57633420
File: 67 KB, 750x354, IMG_2332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t care, it’s bull season, you can shit into the eth chain and make money.

>hours after a huge twitter announcement
>no volume

Lmao literally getting outperformed by actual rugs

>> No.57633472

Lil bro matt Im up %1500 this month while your rug is down 99%.
Your wallet is public matt

>> No.57633542

Nigger this is the first thread I’ve made and I’ve never bought this coin I’m just surprised at the seemingly high memetic ability of you guys paired with the total lack of volume during a time when everything is sending. Seems inorganic m8

>> No.57633554

Okey Matt. Better luck next time Matt

>> No.57633573
File: 78 KB, 404x422, 1702695597956169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already admitted to having bought ITT and we're up nearly 3x in the past ten days.
i genuinely dont know how you cant see that youve embarrassing yourself nonstop

>> No.57633584 [DELETED] 

You know there’s no one marketing this right

It’s just a couple twitter accounts posting half assedly this is in the early stages. Volume is not a concern.

>> No.57633603



>> No.57634041

not selling simple as

>> No.57634144

you had 6 months to buy

>> No.57635645

lmao you must be a literal mutt in disguise, no guy named matt descends into such niggery behavior

>> No.57636455

Thanks for making a 2nd avi thread schizo... One where you... Complain about too many avi threads?
Fucking retard.