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57616101 No.57616101 [Reply] [Original]

>Germany in a year long recession and dragging Eurozone with it
>Japan announced recession today
>UK announced recession today
>China in a recession but CCP won't admit it
>But US will somehow avoid a recession even though every other major economy is in turmoil
Pres X to doubt

>> No.57616114
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>> No.57616115

No because the biden economy is the best it has ever been do youlive under a rock and not keep up with current events?

>> No.57616123

Is recession bullish for crypto?

>> No.57616133

America always wins.

>> No.57616134

US actually first entered one but they changed their definition so everythings fine

>> No.57616192


>> No.57616210

this, they already had two quarters of negative growth and said uhhhhh it doesn't count lmao

>> No.57616223
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Can't enter into a recession when the word is removed from dictionaries.

>> No.57616236

Absolute clown world.

>> No.57616295

economic activity is fluid, chud
we can be in a bullrun if we feel like it

>> No.57616341

The sad thing, is that pre-DEI and pre-tranny based America would've even been able to pull it off

>> No.57616346
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Hail to the king, baby.

>> No.57616468

USA gains power from the suffering of the rest of the world.
See how they always gained power after Napoleonic wars, WWI, WWII, USSR collapse, Russia-Ukraine war.

>> No.57616562

Correct, this is actually FULLY based, the elites just gaslighting the masses like why are you complaining the economy is fine hehe

>> No.57616568

just like me unexepectedly slipping in your mom looooooooool

>> No.57616614

BASED BiGOD singlehandedly ended inflation and wages are soaring. I'm ridin with Biden fellow middle Americans he is a president who works for us

>> No.57616734

Only main street is in a recession. Wall street is pumping because the jewish money witch is pumping FAGMAN with QE.

>> No.57617733

Just buy more things goy and we'll head off this recession.

>> No.57617737


>> No.57617745

Just took on a HUGE short postion on Bayer.
Germany needs to die.

>> No.57617766

Economic measures published by the government are fake and gay
>t. Government statistican

>> No.57617776

>Oh no the progress STOPPED? Oh noooooooo our pocke-I mena our nations are dooooooomwd
>lets go bring tons of migrants to ramp consumerism to fill up our pocke-I mean treasury!!!!!!!
lol at you retard believing this shit
How much “progress” do you need until you are the minority in your own nation?

>> No.57617890

You okay?

>> No.57617934

Droppin' dat deuce on Deutsche.

>> No.57617975

USA just siphoning wealth from the rest of the world it’s pretty easy to understand, never bet against America.

>> No.57617992

>Bullrun imminent
>How can we stunt it like last run?

>> No.57618104

if its a recession doesnt that mean they have to lower interest rates? which means full pump mode

>> No.57618130

Why don't those retard countries just change the definition? That's what we did and the economy has never been better

>> No.57618702


>> No.57618711


>> No.57618727


>> No.57618903


>> No.57620470

It's hilarious when the media just abandons common sense temporarily.

>Before covid: masks don't stop virus transmissions
>During covid: masks stop virus transmissions
>After covid: masks don't stop virus transmissions

>> No.57620584

>Betting against the American economy
Do it. Post your short position so I can laugh at you.

>> No.57620619

>>But US will somehow avoid a recession even though every other major economy is in turmoil
US is in consumer recession but biden government spends a lot on industry sides like semi and military.

>> No.57620623

Maybe don't destroy your continent over and over again, retard.

>> No.57620630

Why don't you just accept that Bidenomics works? Just accept it chuds. Democrats won, USA won. Fascist rightist hitlerian incel chuds lost.

>> No.57620709

We literally just went through this with COVID. Globohomo means we're all deeply interconnected for the immediate future (supply chains, etc). Recession in most major economies almost certainly means recession in the others.

>> No.57620755

Yeah. Glad I've saved to buy a house. This might be my opportunity at home ownership.

>> No.57620782

Your savings will allow you to buy bread for a single week when FIAT money finally crashes.

>> No.57620798

How is China growing by 5% a year a recession? A recession by Chinese standard maybe.

>> No.57620907

A house is a physical asset. Your money is imaginary

>> No.57621028



economy sucks? simply change the definition of sucks to mean great. the implosion this time is going to be pretty epic though.

>> No.57621757

as long as the population is retarded enough to let them do it , they will continue doing it , simple as.

>> No.57621774

"what implosion you right wing incel racist misogynistic cis male ?? everything is fine and nothing happens."

>> No.57621805

It’s not a question of mental retardation anymore, anon. Marketing companies have now the AI tools to program the public opinion and they do it scientifically

>> No.57621813

>pretending the government is fudging the data

Remember when they redefined recession last year? We've been in a recession but the feds are fudging the data

>> No.57621833

its one thing if the US goes into a recession but if a bunch of smaller economies go into recession first while the US still stays afloat before inevitably falling into a recession months later...

this is pretty much the ultimate bull scenario for crypto

>> No.57621877

the public literally needs to be in a constant state of retardation to not be able to sniff out that something is not right, you can only socially engineer the mass opinions so much but you can argue that they have already dumbed down / filtered the population enough to now never having to care about it and can just play both "sides" via bots/ai tools in the internet

>> No.57622003

Then all the imaginary money you have saved needs to be put into physical assets asap, before all this fake fiat currency bs comes down, cause it will come. Better to have your capital put into land, buildings, precious metals, guns, ammo, tools, vehicles, even fuel if you have enough space for it. The shit will hit the fan pretty soon and all rentoids will be fucked

>> No.57622181

It’s literally what it means
Recession means “we haven’t had any progress” on the infitinty progress chart
That’s it>l

>> No.57623222

Hate to break it to you anon but thr fascists are in control they just traded the swastika for the tranny flag

>> No.57623649

there is a level of government debt that will have serious structural economic consequences. Irreversible consequences. I don't know if it's 20 trillion 50 or 100, but it's not 500 or 1000 trillion. keeping the current course of action of spending 200% of GDP going to stop. Cutbacks hyperinflation, world war, great reset but one way or another.

you're very wise to have a plan that involves self sufficiency and hard assets like guns and land. we've seen this movie before in the USSR, Venezuela, cuba, zimbabwe, yugoslavia and nations collapsing under their own weight isn't good.

>> No.57623681
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you're right anon we've seen this movie before we've seen countries collapse like russia in the 90s when their money became worthless due to government debt it might be different now with all the printing of money and government lockdowns and it might take a while for this new system to fail and collapse like the rest that's why it's vital to take precautions now and prepare for the worst case scenario your plan is sound stock up now on supplies hard assets and weapons and be ready for anything stay safe anon and keep stackin

>> No.57623775

Everyone I know in Canada and the US is complaining about high prices, sure. But they are still buying the things they need, sorry about that eh

>> No.57623803

>be europoor
>start wars over and over again over petty ethnic grudges
>be american
>focus on developing the economy instead