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57577986 No.57577986 [Reply] [Original]

Is blockbank/fideum a scam or not?

I see a lot of chainlink OGs holding it, and fudders are comparing it to DMM which was a scam. DMM was an inside job psyop from chainlink Timo, Fideum seems to have no connection to him whatsoever as far as I know.

Other people are comparing it to Celcius and fidueum does seem to have over half a million retail customers.

Is this a lithuanian scam or not? pls no bully

>> No.57577998

All altcoins are a scam, and I’m saying this as someone whose portfolio is 100% altcoins at the moment

But they are good at what they do, which is getting more more BTC value than USD does

>> No.57578043

Ok fair. But is this a scam that will pump hard or one of those scams that will crash before pumping?

And why do so many chainlink ogs hold it? Is there anything special about fideum?

>> No.57578067

You can decipher that based on tokenomics and features the altcoin has and who/what the devs are actually actively doing

Just remember to take profit and move on

>> No.57578104

delete this

>> No.57578112

The ceo said they have 500k customers on hold. To access tier 2 you have to stake $2k in fideum in the app.

Even if only 10% of the customers want to get to tier 2 that’d be a buy wall of a hundred million dollars, while the current market cap is only 60 million dollars or so. Is fideum extremely undervalued or am I retarded? Why is no one talking about it except chainlink fudders and OGs?

One of the cofounders seems to be a scammer that never paid a bitcoin loan in 2015, but Sergey was also a “serial entrepreneur” (scammer) that abandoned NXT so I’m really lost here.

>> No.57578124
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lmfao who cares about $shib you know what is going to 20x honey badger token $hoba i know it sounds gay but i literally do not give a single f**k i have an enormous cock and am going to use my hoba profits to buy a honey badger limo and i'll be able to ride around in it with all of my honey badger friends this isn't financial advice but i think that i am the best investor and that if you just buy $hoba and hold it long term you will make money

>> No.57578185
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Why do you keep shitting up my posts with your scams whenever I ask to be spoonfed about fideum?

It's all so tiresome

>> No.57578188

I never heard about that 'loan' fud. Can you tell me which member this is?

>> No.57578219

obvious ee border line scam
the fact they're back shows bull is here
remember that a lot of linktards and bored out of their minds and are looking for something to distract them

>> No.57578241

Ok but will it pump and how high?

>> No.57578264

Are you a member of the team?

>> No.57578270

No, but I bought some Fideum a few weeks ago so Im invested in it

>> No.57578283

I’d tell you to go and ask in the telegram channel but the mods ban anyone that isn’t a pajeet it seems

>> No.57578294

I'm already banned from the tg

>> No.57578299

Why so?

>> No.57578306

making fun of indians

>> No.57578335

Fucking kek. Yeah seems about right.

I see potential in the project and a guy that shilled some good shit back in 2020 that goes by “crypto boomer” is also shilling it. Most of his calls went to 500 million market cap and some went to multiple tens of billions so I don’t know what to think desu. I saw a video where the ceo says she’s waiting for more favorable conditions to start marketing so maybe after the halving we’ll see better price action. Let’s hope it pulls a crypto.com

The only fud I can see is the unofficial community, KOLs just love to antagonize new holders calling them fudders when they ask questions. A friend was thinking about buying 40k worth of fideum and decided against it because he was banned from the tg kek

>> No.57578443
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I think I remember you anon. I was in that 100k thread when I first heard about this and then I think there was another thread you made. I still haven't invested in it either. I put the money I was going to invest in it in AVI and the rest in ROKO. Something about Fideum rubs me the wrong way idk what it is.

>> No.57578495

>Something about Fideum rubs me the wrong way idk what it is.
Definitely has a Quant’y vibe, scammy but with the potential to gigapump. I don’t see any paid shills though so that’s good I guess. I’m counting on the magic left over from chainlink to guide me.

If any big brain anon wants to chime in I’d appreciate any spoonfeeding.

>> No.57578512

Fuck them I bought their IDO years ago when it was BlockBank and those niggers won't return my emails and convert to $FI. They also require KYC to do the swap. Like, you couldn't figure out how to airdrop ON BNB? Fucking lithuanian jeet jews

>> No.57578551

also heard abt it from crypto boomer. i thought i may as well buy because it looks decent and if it fails i'll get to see his stupid bitter smug schtick collapse so it's a win either way kek
he did call QNT in 2021 and crypto.com which he compared it to so this shit could be good
did QNT have shills?? you literally barely heard about it on here even during its insane run, how did it have shills lol

>> No.57578553

For what it’s worth, random shitcoins did far better than link and I missed them because I was in the chainlink cult. Quant particularly went from $1.51 to $397 whereas link went from $0.11 to $52.

That’s a 262x for quant vs a 472x for link.

My point is that I disregarded quant because biz told me it was a scam even though it did pretty darn good. And it is a scam, but it pumped hard, so I don’t want to miss out on shit that will pump again only because these projects are not as legit as link. NOTHING is as legit as link but I want to make money, don’t care if it’s a scam that will implode once the bullrun is over.

Anyways, just wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts about if fideum was a scam or not. Thanks everyone.

>> No.57578601

>Fucking lithuanian jeet jews

Go to the telegram or contact a small chainlink OG account on twitter so they can post about it bro. For some reason followers with hundreds of thousands of followers follow small time link marines and reply to them pretty often. Maybe start spamming fud so they’re forced to listen to you, gotta get creative when your money is on the line.

>he did call QNT in 2021 and crypto.com which he compared it to so this shit could be good
Yeah that guy is a smug asshole but I have to admit his calls have been pretty good. He’s known for deleting content so you might want to archive his tweets just in case.

>did QNT have shills?? you literally barely heard about it on here even during its insane run, how did it have shills lol
I saw a few posts here and there but mostly it was linkies fudding it every once in a while. The fud was stuff like quant having a taco stand outside of sibos while Sergey was invited to chat with the big honchos. Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things as quant still pumped hard.

If you meant to say I was comparing quant having paid shills to fideum, I wasn’t saying that. I was just saying that I don’t see any paid shills for fideum as a stand-alone fact. Sorry if the wording was a bit weird.

>> No.57578767

a smug asshole and he can't draw for shit lol. but he shills actual projects i would have to wade through 1000 /biz/ dog shitcoin threads to find so it's worth it

>he fud was stuff like quant having a taco stand outside of sibos while Sergey was invited to chat with the big honchos
kek i miss 2021, you got deranged byzantine fud like this instead of the low effort shit you get now. not an oldfag or anything but this board has definitely declined in terms of usability
and no worry anon your wording was fine was just wondering

>> No.57578820

Yeah, I got 10m fi and not selling any until 50 cents.

>> No.57578841

It’s going to top 50 easy.

>100k suicide
>1m make it

>> No.57578875

>kek i miss 2021, you got deranged byzantine fud like this instead of the low effort shit you get now
For me, it’s the kushti cap painting Sergey as a money hungry scammer. Just beautiful fud.

>It’s going to top 50 easy
Why? State your case cunt, don’t leave us hanging

>> No.57578933

>spoonfeed me im too lazy to spend 16 mins reading about something that might make me life changing gains
go buy link instead im sure it’ll make u rich

>> No.57578969


You’re right, just sold this fideum crap and went all in on chainlink.

>> No.57579127

Sold mine too based all in linkies wagmi heil sergey

>> No.57579220

ugh… based (I know, I know)

>> No.57579338
File: 420 KB, 1224x1546, Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 10.02.29 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the good
> CEO held key role in Aave in the early days (2017/2018)
> Won a comp that Mastercard was sponsoring
> UI/UX is decent
> Apparently the team have pretty good regulatory relationships

The bad
> trying to pass off Mastercard comp as a 'partnership'
> marketing is an absolute clusterfuck, the blockbank twitter account posts more about Fideum than Fideum
> previous twitter account suspended https://twitter.com/fideumgroup?lang=en
> Key personnel have already been fired before project got started and left a 5 week gap of twitter updates on main account because he was the only one posting https://twitter.com/GabrielHiris
> a member of the team is using a cringe shill account 'escape the wage' to shill Fideum, what's worse is the main blockbank account reposts them, see pic rel and full tweet here https://twitter.com/EscapeTheWage/status/1756429968626589963

In summary everything reeks of scam with flashy marketing so will probably pump

>> No.57579364

> trying to pass off Mastercard comp as a 'partnership'

and this is bad because?


>marketing is an absolute clusterfuck, the blockbank twitter account posts more about Fideum than Fideum

afaik they're still doing the branding switch and there's no marketing push until everything's ready

>previous twitter account suspended https://twitter.com/fideumgroup?lang=en

could happen for any reason, it's nothing

>Key personnel have already been fired before project got started and left a 5 week gap of twitter updates on main account because he was the only one posting https://twitter.com/GabrielHiris

he hasn't been fired but left on his own, people move on it is what it is

>> a member of the team is using a cringe shill account 'escape the wage' to shill Fideum, what's worse is the main blockbank account reposts them, see pic rel and full tweet here https://twitter.com/EscapeTheWage/status/1756429968626589963

no proof that is a team member, he is just shilling his bags

>> No.57579427

lol picrel, paid a jewish PR 'firm' to release some nothingburger article, such a good firm too that the CEO himself writes the article lmaoo

>he hasn't been fired but left on his own, people move on it is what it is
How do you know this? If he left on his own why wasn't it announced publicly? He was the loudest person on social media about Fideum, he went silent a day or 2 after making long posts about how proud he is about Fideum.

>no proof that is a team member, he is just shilling his bags
actually yes the way he writes about Fideum is clearly misleading - switching between 'they' and 'us' when referring to the team

DESU I wouldn't be surprised if it was you faggot and if you are part of the core team. this project reeks.

>there's no marketing push until everything's ready
they are literally marketing retarded shit all over twitter with no coordination, including announcements of announcements lol https://twitter.com/blockbankapp/status/1752710056926138672

As I said although this is genuine FUD that caused me to sell most of my bags, ironically their sketchy behaviour is the kind of BS that often leads to pumps

>> No.57579435
File: 318 KB, 2030x1428, Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 10.19.17 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57579527

>lol picrel, paid a jewish PR 'firm' to release some nothingburger article, such a good firm too that the CEO himself writes the article lmaoo

how do u think marketing works? do u think people just go out of their way to write detailed articles about something without monetary incentives?

>he hasn't been fired but left on his own, people move on it is what it is
How do you know this? If he left on his own why wasn't it announced publicly? He was the loudest person on social media about Fideum, he went silent a day or 2 after making long posts about how proud he is about Fideum.

that's what he said personally, it's your choice if you wanna make baseless conspiracies.

>no proof that is a team member, he is just shilling his bags

are you ESL? he is clearly saying that "us" as in meaning token holders. get some english comprehension.

>they are literally marketing retarded shit all over twitter with no coordination, including announcements of announcements lol https://twitter.com/blockbankapp/status/1752710056926138672

not everybody who posts about fideum is hired by fideum, in 99% cases it's just people shilling their own bag.

the whole announcement of annoucement is just how you're meant to do it in crypto if u want to pump ur coins

>As I said although this is genuine FUD that caused me to sell most of my bags, ironically their sketchy behaviour is the kind of BS that often leads to pumps

so u're the kind of dumb ass who sees a pattern that makes money but goes against it because it's "sketchy" like the entire crypto space isn't just a huge marketing scam aimed at pseudo intellectual techbros who think they know everything? are u the morality police or here to make money?

>> No.57579593

Any project which is shilled by "OG linkies are in it" turns out as a scam. Same how scams shill on this board saying "OG whale here bought LINK at 11 cents ICO; buy *insert shartcoin name* it's going to moon!"

In fact you can check the top wallets yourself and you won't find any OG linktard.

>> No.57579612

>do u think people just go out of their way to write detailed articles about something without monetary incentives?
you posted the nasdaq link as if it were outside confirmation of the mastercard partnership when it was actually a press release

>> No.57579640

>so u're the kind of dumb ass who sees a pattern that makes money but goes against it because it's "sketchy" like the entire crypto space isn't just a huge marketing scam aimed at pseudo intellectual techbros who think they know everything? are u the morality police or here to make money?
a pattern that makes money but also loses money 99.99% of the time
You're a faggot and a sell signal

>> No.57579652

>I see a lot of chainlink OGs holding it
no you don't

>> No.57579675

>wow my crypto alt scam is le SHADY
do u realize everything but BTC is a "scam"? u're supposed to figure if it can make u money.

this is why you'll be in this market forever.

>> No.57579688

>The Mastercard Lighthouse FINITIV program runs over a three-month period and offers Nordic and Baltic fintech and fintech-enabler startups and early scaleups the opportunity to work with stakeholders such as Mastercard, tier one Nordic banks (e.g. SEB, Danske Bank, DnB, Swedbank and OP Financial Group), our Tech partners (e.g. AWS), Program Advisors (e.g. FinTech Mundi and Invenio Growth) and a circle of Investors. The purpose of the Program is to create conditions favorable for identifying and pursuing Partnership between the Program participants and
stakeholders, and even the participants themselves.


And this is not a partnership? What do you think the contest is for? Instead linkies shill they have google partnership cause Sergey made a gmail account.

>> No.57579699

>About Lighthouse FINITIV
Mastercard Lighthouse is a partnership program designed to strengthen the financial services ecosystem. Mastercard Lighthouse FINITIV is a tuition-free program designed to catalyze symbiotic partnerships between fintechs / fintech-enablers, Mastercard, tier 1 Banks and other Nordic & Baltic partners. Pairing the energy and innovation of fintechs with the stability and distribution at large financial service firms, the Program produces partnerships that strengthen the entire ecosystem. Each five-month the program hosts a series of on-site and online workshops for 15 fintechs and fintech-enablers, and brings banks, investors, advisors and fintechs together to explore partnerships via open innovation.

It's as much as a partnership as it can be, did you even read the article?

>> No.57579711

This project stinks. Just look at how many women there are on the team

>> No.57579718

You could spoonfeed /biz/ a 100x and they'll still be like "but it hasn't 100x yet how can i be sure? i need a time machine". u can cope in a year and be like "i almost bought and made loads of money but some guy there left his job so i thought it was sketchy instead i bought chainlink and got a 4x when everything else went 20x and i underperformed but its ok cause there'll be another bullrun in 2027 heil sergey the great damn he just dumped another million"

>> No.57579730
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Bunch of women mixed with pajeets and no names. CEO is a woman too kek

>> No.57579743

> did i read the paid jew PR shill and get successfully shilled kek
you're a desperate faggot go back to your tranny telegram pump channel
extreme desperation lol are you going to miss out on your 7% affiliate bonus if no one in this thread buys

>> No.57579749
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don't cherry pick

>> No.57579750


>lol picrel, paid a jewish PR 'firm' to release some nothingburger article, such a good firm too that the CEO himself writes the article lmaoo

Kek, yeah the ceo seems jewish, must have a lot of contacts to publish these articles. Me thinks it will pump beautifully and then crash down to $0, what do you think?

Here’s the evidence

I just buy whenever there’s controversy about a project that’s under 100m market cap, it’s served me well so far.

>> No.57579755

How is it a PR firm? It's from the mastercard site.

>> No.57579756

Holy schizo. I'm not even a LINK marine but tons of people changed their lives thanks to LINK, I don't understand why you're even bringing it up here. You sound like a newfag and this project is doomed to fail because it's led by a woman. Simple as

>> No.57579762

I've been holding chainlink since 2018 newfag, I dumped those cursed bags in 2021 and I'm much better off.

>> No.57579763

Hard pass, thanks. Enjoy getting dumped on by Svetlana and Ranjesh

>> No.57579777

why do u think im trying to make u buy, just correcting ur bullshit. this is going where it's going whetever u buy or i buy.

>> No.57579786

Nothing i said is bullshit though, team looks godawful
Nice trips though

>> No.57579795

Are you the “crypto boomer” guy? Fucking kek I’d make sense. You’re a smug asshole, lighten up dude.

So.. how high can this scam go? Higher than the celcius scam?

>> No.57579796
File: 853 KB, 836x549, Screenshot 2024-02-12 144358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this team has a 7 billion mcap btw

>> No.57579801

I’m pretty sure fideum is around 60 million market cap

>> No.57579817

The PR company responsible for the article is listed on the article footer kek

>> No.57579826

You're saying the Mastercard partnership is bullshit and I linked you an article on the mastercard site that proves it's not and it's a full fledged partnership cause they won their contest. What more do you want? The nasdaq article is just a pr firm regurgitating this to boomers.

>> No.57579836

>The fud was stuff like quant having a taco stand outside of sibos while Sergey was invited to chat with the big honchos. Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things as quant still pumped hard.
That was SIBOS 2022 and 2023. QNT has done nothing but dump since then. QNT was rarely shilled on /biz/, but around $4 a thread was made weekly or biweekly. QNT featured in the LINK x Oracle startup program in late 2019 as well. (https://blockonomi.com/oracle-20-companies-chainlink-link/)) so it's not far fetched to say most early QNTies were Linkies too. Personally I bought around $30 when Coinmetro listed QNT.

>> No.57579846

But chainlink’s team is also full of roasties. One of their top research scientist Dahlia Malkhi is a jewish woman. Is that a good or a bad thing in todays clown world?

>> No.57579854

>pump beautifully and then crash down to $0
reasonable take

>> No.57579863

>That was SIBOS 2022 and 2023
I remember earlier FUD having to do with chainlink stealing their interoperability customers too, but yeah, the sibos fud was around 2022.

So, is fideum a scam or not? Please answer these questions:
>Should I buy fideum?
>if yes, how many tokens should I buy and when?
>when should I sell?

Thank you

>You could spoonfeed /biz/ a 100x and they'll still be like "but it hasn't 100x yet how can i be sure?
Ok but when is it doing the 100x? Thank you and come again

>> No.57579871

Perfect. Do you think it can get to $1 before imploding?

>> No.57579928
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I just got in touch with Gabriel on Twitter and he confirmed he left of his own volition. For me - this is a potential buy signal.

>that's what he said personally
maybe not such a faggot after all

Cro has been identified by the team as a primary competitor, see picrel. $1 is highly unlikely in short term. but a nice 10x is within realm of possibility.

>> No.57579929
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They joined after Chainlink already became a success. At the beginning it was just Sergay and his male companions. Then he got rich and wanted to get his fat (albeit small) dick wet

>> No.57579937

I don’t get it, how hard is it for the team to just create a bot that pings them whenever the word fideum is posted in here? I’m here ready to be sponfed and shilled to and these lazy niggers don’t want me to buy their tokens.

Shitty marketing, 0/10

>> No.57579960

If I didn't I would be holding something else.

>> No.57579983

alright. that is more of a partnership than i expected. i was already aware of the mastercard connection and was bullish on it but i thought it was more of a grant situation, this seems to be closer toward a partnership than i thought.
nigga chill i was just asking you to directly refute his fud kek. i hold this shit already
crypto boomer is too smug and arrogant to ever post on /biz/, let alone reply multiple times. he barely even replies when one of the tokens he shilled rugs

>> No.57579984

>$1 is highly unlikely in short term. but a nice 10x is within realm of possibility.
A 10x would be quite nice indeed. I was considering buying due to this info:

>470k retail customers
>125 institutional customers
>1.7 million retail customers
>100 institutional customers (maybe 300 by 2022?)
>I think given that Fideum has about a 3rd of the customers Celcius had, a 3rd of Celcius' market cap at ATH ($3.3 billion) would be realistic.
>That'd put Fideum at $1.1 billion market cap this cycle, that's $0.27 per token and that's if they don't keep growing.

The math checks out for me. Appreciate the info anon

>Then he got rich and wanted to get his fat (albeit small) dick wet
I thought our chubby boy was gay, hence the “gay” after “sir”? Maybe I was mistaken after all. As for fideum, wasn’t the company originally all men? Don’t know the whole backstory t b h, I came here to be spoonfed but the team is too lazy to do it. I am the holder, I’m always right and they should know it.

>> No.57579995

idk nigga im not a magician, sometime within the next 2 years.

>> No.57580003

I've been holding for a few weeks now with the conservative expectation of a 9-10x in a year. It's small enough MC and seemingly well positioned (regulatory wise) that I don't see how anyone could think that's unrealistic.

From a more bullish/boomer/doomer perspective, I could see a situation in the next few years where US government relief funds are distributed to citizens via crypto to USD swaps, under the premise of preventing fraud and possibly because of damaged infrastructure (like regional banks held hostage by ransomware or similar, not necessarily physical damage). A company like this would be in a great position to help fill those contracts. I think it's a great medium term hold.

>> No.57580017

desu how badly can it implode? it's got mastercard's logo all over it, not to say that it can't implode but back below 70m mcap?? surely not. just take profits on the way up if you're concerned
thank you btw OP for trying to foster actual discussion in this thread, it's nice to see for once

>> No.57580027

I want to bee-leave but one of the cofounders supposedly didn’t pay back a 38 bitcoin loan back in 2015

The post is from 2015 so I don’t think it’s just fud for fideum. Do you see it as a red flag? I can see it two ways, first, one of the cofounders has been into crypto for almost a decade. On the other hand, he supposedly didn’t pay back a $15k loan, which is kinda fishy.

That said, I know the ceo Ana has worked for aave and previously worked for high level governmental entities catching criminals.

I think it’s like one of those movies where there’s a good guy and a bad guy and they complement each other, kinda like rush hour with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker.

In this case, Ana would be Jackie Chan and Darren would be Chris Tucker.


Has he shilled many rugs in the past?

>> No.57580038

One of the co founders is sociopathic and you think it's bearish? Good guys don't make it in crypto.

>> No.57580049

Funding token. Whether it pumps or not only depends on how many retards they can trick into buying, but the token itself quite literally does nothing other than fund the project. Tomorrow they could decide you only need USD on the platform for all special features, which frankly would be the correct move to see adoption. The fact that they’re forcing a token is a huge red flag. Says they’re either an inexperienced team with no real knowledge of how to get users, or, and way more likely, that they’re comfortable scamming people and have more interest in securing funds than building a good platform with users on it.

>> No.57580062

It's the crypto.com model and it worked out very well in the past with high crypto card cashback

do u realize 99% of tokens in crypto are useless? if u went by this criteria you wouldn't buy any alts.

>> No.57580079
File: 104 KB, 1254x1062, Screenshot 2024-02-12 154548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8% cashback on a $7000 monthly limit if u stake 50k worth of $fi

>> No.57580087

Oh, you can have 3 cards so you have a monthly limit of like $21k spending with 8% cashback? seems worth if u spend a lot of monthly.

>> No.57580126

Hmm ok… thoughts on this btw? >>57580027

Do you think the ceo Ana is more like a Jackie Chan in rush hour, or more like a Danny Glover in lethal weapon? This is important, my life savings are riding on your answer to this

>One of the co founders is sociopathic and you think it's bearish? Good guys don't make it in crypto.
Ok fair, it does take a certain kind of compulsive liar to pump a token when you know the price of it is based on nothingness

Do I need to remind you about FTX?

>> No.57580138

she uma thurmer in kill bill bro

>> No.57580158



>> No.57580175

Also, can you please tell the influencers shilling fideum to stop being so gay? They’re extremely cringe, almost as if they’re employed by fideum or something, which is ok, but don’t give feed me a turd and then tell me it’s wagyu meat. If they’re employees they should be open about it.

Thank you for your contributions to this comfy thread.

>> No.57580182

>Has he shilled many rugs in the past?
i'm kind of memeing lol. no actual rugs that i know of, just one of the microcaps he shilled, P3D, froze trading for a while because of a hack, straight up $0 volume for i think atleast a few days, could barely find any info on it and crypto boomer said nothing throughout all of it despite a few people asking him wtf happened in the replies
shit i might need to up my 47k stack to 50k for this lol

>> No.57580188

its just regular twitter shills shilling to brain dead idiots, unironically u want these type of braindead cattle hodlers cause they will hold to 100x then back to 0.

>> No.57580239

>the best defense I have for my scam coin is to call everything else a scam even when that’s not true
Cool story. I feel bad for the people you will trick, but I guess this is just financial Darwinism. Still, I hope people like you get karmically anally raped.

>> No.57580303

>I see a lot of chainlink OGs holding it

Chainlink OGs are all in Link. The ones you are referring to are probably exlinkies who got bored of Link and went to something else and now got priced out of their original stacks.

>> No.57580329

ignorant idiot, everything in finance is a scam and somebody is always exploiting u. u should be focused on not being on the tail end where u have nobody to exploit.

>> No.57580356

Lmao I remember looking into p3d and the wallet had some kind of low res spinning polygon. Ps1 graphics kinda shit to fool you into thinking it was futuristic. I noped the fuck out of the website after that haha

It’ll probably pump, but I just didn’t like the vibe.

Fair point, but at least tell them to stop banning people left and right in the telegram. People are being radicalized into full time fudders due to this.

What’s in your portfolio?

>Chainlink OGs are all in Link
Doesn’t seem to be the case by what I’ve seen here and on twitter. Lots of link OGs bought Kaspa and injective last year.

>> No.57580365

>u. u

>> No.57580476

Me? I’m a multi millionaire, so I’m in guaranteed long term shit. Stocks, BTC, LINK are my main three holds. If I was buying today trying to make it I’d look for well developed L1’s and L2’s that are about to launch and scoop up as much as I could of those that launch to $1b or less. They all will 10-20x safely in a bull run, so if you can scrape $20k together you’ll get a nice head start on life.

I would not be buying degen dartboard scams like fideum. Those are casino odds. 1/1000 will have some kind of strange mega pump you need to time perfectly on selling or be left forever bag holding. The way I made it was smart choices investing in long term sustainable products and companies. Took a little under 10 years to go from 10k to millions. Traded shitcoins like fideum along the way at some point for fun but never made any real money on them. Made like $40k timing GRT right. All the real money comes from sound investments. Crypto has plenty of opportunity left. You can either chase scams and probably get fucked or you can have a little patience and basically guarantee yourself wealth. $10k in LINK today even will get you a million down the road no doubt.

>> No.57580550

>larp larp larp larp

>> No.57580583

Thanks for chiming in anon.

>The way I made it was smart choices investing in long term sustainable products and companies.

What coins did you make it with and how much did you start with? Also, why do you think a fully compliant exchange like fidium is not a sustainable company?

>> No.57580700

Huh, guess it was a larp after all

>> No.57580754

4chan is full of larps with delusional fantasies, dont believe anybody unless they post on chain signed wallet

>> No.57580961

Ok I’ll throw my life savings into fideum. If it doesn’t go to $1 I’ll kyc myself and you will feel bad about it. The correct answer is Jackie Chan btw.

Thank you anons, I love you all faggots. You’re my shelter from all the gayness that is today’s world.

See you around, wagmi niggers

>> No.57581590

what exchange and wallet do you guys use for altcoins btw?

>> No.57581749

enjoy the ride (up)