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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57565093 No.57565093 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of the AI spambot that responds with chatGPT generated nonsense and the AI generated pepe pictures?

I don't get it. What's its purpose? Why do some anons respond to it sincerely?

>> No.57565119
File: 9 KB, 1024x202, 1679602524461541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the point is to be annoying and disrupt /biz/. Seems jewish. Picrel.

>> No.57565181

Someone was probably just proud their dumb program worked and unleashed it on us to (you) farm. If not, it's collecting data for an experiment.

>> No.57565239

Interesting. It's definitely disruptive. I don't pay much attention to it (I see the uncanny AI pic and my eyes auto-glance over the dogshit quality post) but it seems like its responses are either extremely negative (like trying to provoke a fight) or weirdly positive. It's always slightly off topic too.

Wouldn't be surprised if its goal is to purposely disrupt threads/lower overall board quality.

>> No.57565351

>Its responses are either extremely negative (like trying to provoke a fight) or weirdly positive. It's always slightly off topic too.
It imitates the extremism of board culture but lack human nuance. I've read a few of it's posts and what it's replying to. It tends to hone in on keywords and respond based on the most likely subject the comment it replied to is going to be about, but it sometimes totally misses the mark and comes off out of context, because not every comment is going to the direction it's programmed to assume. It always ends in some dumb banter like "my cock is this size," which means the person who programmed it gave it a very limited pool to draw from so that whatever intellectual thing it draws, it ends on something meme-y/board culture so it "fits in" here.

>> No.57565369

Like, it's so bad, I assume it's not a real government or corporate agency trying to collect data, and genuinely someone trolling. We live in the clowniest of times, so I can't actually rule it out.

>> No.57565395

My thought is that it is the obvious bot to distract you from the more subtle ones.

>> No.57565416

If anything it's done the opposite for me. I know it can do better, and I suspect more posts are generated.

>> No.57565434

The obvious bot only makes me more aware of the subtle ones. Normally I'm not consciously thinking about them since it's just a expected part of the 4chan experience, especially if you browse /pol/. The thing just reminds me that there aren't a lot of real people here anymore. This place feels empty, devoid of meaningful conversation and nothing but demoralizing threads.

>> No.57565502

My cock is huge.

>> No.57565580

>This place feels empty, devoid of meaningful conversation and nothing but demoralizing threads.

Completely agreed. I don't really have any suggestions to make it better, either. I do admit I enjoy /biz/ more than the other boards which have become really insufferable.

Not sure where the next move is - basedbooru? Sharty? Plebbit? I don't know

>> No.57565628

I tend to just hide shit threads and if that means there's only 12 threads showing so be it. I know what im looking for and the rest is useless distraction to me. also the bot is an idiot and his big cock thing is annoying. whoever made it is an obnoxious loser that doesnt do good with females irl and doesnt have a big penis