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57530457 No.57530457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

HOLY fuck… why the hell do women divorce so much then?!?!?!

>> No.57530467

The man is parted from 50% of his wealth, and the woman pisses away her newfound 50% immediately. Ergo, ~75% gone.

>> No.57530476

Get divorced:
>Double income to single income
>renting alone, maybe even have several children as well so can't cheap out too much as you're probably going to have partial or split custody.
It's fucked from a financial view. It's like going from having a roommate to not having a roommate, of course you're both worse off. Better be poorer than stuck in a shitty marriage though.

>> No.57530477

this is only talking about men, or women are too retarded for mortgage payments of the house they stole from men, so both lose everything.

>> No.57530487

> a person
That person losing it is male. Most many such cases.
Women were giving a free pass to extort men. This is called 'empowerment'.

>> No.57530523
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>> No.57530529
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Not everything is about money. After the man thinks he has you "in the bag" and gives you less and less attention and all the excitment is leaving the relationship, leaving and finding a new spicier relationship (or a few) is worth the money. You only live once after all.

>> No.57530593

most men are better off marrying a primitive girl from a rural side or mountainous region who's never been exposed to the internet and its cancerous consequences
you will a get a submissive obedient wife with a strong work ethic instead of modern STD roasties

>> No.57530603

>Just fuck off instead of fixing it
The whole problem with modern relationships

>> No.57530609

> in good times and bad times
> until death do us part
Getting married to a woman is a suicide commando these days. Not enough attention? Women leave their men for receiving too much attention as well. Women leave men for every slight fluke of being unhappy and blaming this on their man. It used to be that divorce was something shameful, rarely done, and not really acceptable for reasons that aren't absolutely severe.
Now they just do it when they feel like it. The 'empowered' woman is the death of everything decent and normal.

>> No.57530620

I want to sex those holes with my dick! If you catch my drift!

>> No.57530652

It’s pretty crazy women even have an expectation for marriage anymore and yet it’s crazier that men oblige them. Marriage is completely meaningless in our society. It’s just dating with more expensive exits for the man anymore. Women have zero obligations in the arrangement and complete financial security at the expense of the man if they can manage to find one they can guilt into it which is really how the majority of marriages take place. A woman guilting a guy into thinking he’s a bad guy if he doesn’t go along with it.

>> No.57530666


Well, marriage rates have plummeted for a reason. We had 2 generations of men getting mega fucked by divorces and then guys got wise to it. There is no religious obligation anymore. There is no social/financial incentive. No point.

>> No.57530692
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You just can't fight math.

>> No.57530708
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Marriage makes no sense, why spend rest of your life with a person after the excitement is clearly gone from the relationship? As i said you only have one life, why spend it not enjoying it to the fullest?

There is no fixing it. After the "cool down" happens, it will always, forever be a drag compared to just finding some new hotness and fun in your life. The man already showed you his true colours, he thinks he had cornered you and no longer needs to care about making himself desirable to you. It's simply disrespectful.

>> No.57530719


Do you really think it's more common for the man to let himself go after getting hitched, than the woman? Not that I've noticed. Dead bedrooms are usually the woman's fault as well. I'll grant you men tend to cheat more often, oftentimes for the reasons I just mentioned.

>> No.57530735

don't marry unless she's a trad woman and you can confirm her parents values
imagine today marrying a rostie ... fine be with a rostie if you want to but you don't need to marry, she's already damaged

>> No.57530738

They're looking at the averages of both sexes if they're using "people." God, this is why you're all poor.

>> No.57530768
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>Not everything is about money.
>You only live once after all.
>you only have one life, why spend it not enjoying it to the fullest?
you're obviously young

a woman's primary worth is her ability to create children, once she starts to hit the wall around 30, her worth plummets like a used car

conversely, a woman who has had many children finds deep meaning for the rest of her life regardless of physical condition

find me some women post 40 who never had children and still "live life to the fullest", because every study for decades now show those people are miserable beyond belief

>t. have 5 children and a wife I respect and love

>> No.57530781

This. End the damn thread now. Nothing is more cucked than a man cucking himself in modern marriage by marrying an entitled used goods roastie with inflated ego

>> No.57530783

I'm not poor. And they use 'a person' when they don't want to specify because it would make things obvious against what you're supposed to believe. The same way they don't put the nationality of criminals in European newspapers unless it is a countryman. When it is an immigrant (the majority of these cases by now) they just put 'a person'.

>> No.57530787

NTA. I've posted my face here and on the beautiful people website. I scored an 8 and 8.7 respectively. I was underweight when I met my husband. 107lbs. I'm 120lbs after having two kids. He ignores my existence outside of basic interactions. That's just marriage.

>> No.57530796

that's like 1% of the population

>> No.57530815
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And you clearly don't have a lot of experience of women outside your marriage. If a woman is good looking, indeed she will be good looking into her 40s as long as she takes of herself. Good looking women don't just stop being good looking when they turn 30 or have children. They just get better at sex with experience and the confidence that comes with growing older. Sure, have children, but i was talking about staying in a marriage and with the same person, you can have children without those.

>> No.57530817


Given this comment I highly doubt your lives are representative of the normal lol. There is a high chance that you're personally insufferable and he just doesn't want to be around you. If not I don't know what to say, it's more common for the woman to let herself go but a man is capable of checking out too, sure.

>> No.57530829

have you met a women good with money?

>> No.57530836

>He ignores my existence outside of basic interactions.
Exactly. That's just what happens, it's human nature. Only a sand nigger tier incel would want to force other people to suffer in something like this just because he is afraid of his own shit genes or laziness.

>> No.57530877


>> No.57530898
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Most women regress to an average, men tend to be outliers.

>> No.57531170

>There is a high chance that you're personally insufferable and he just doesn't want to be around you
Then why marry? I can't wrap my head around why men cement themselves to someone they hate.

>> No.57531201

Being a roastie is more important than money

>> No.57531204

Nobody cares how pretty you are if you’re an entitled bitch with a bad attitude

>> No.57531216

it is orders of magnitude harder for men to get pussy than it is for women to get dick

>> No.57531410

Wanting her husband to give her attention is being entitled? Lmao, and this is coming from men who feel they are entitled for a 10/10 virgin trad wife while they shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.57531460

>a person
they mean a man

>> No.57531477

those are some average looking broads

>> No.57531535


You're asking the right question. There is almost no incentive for marriage anymore. Imo, children are a stronger bond than the piece of shit paper that is the state marriage contract. Either you like being a couple or you don't. Maybe you guys should explore an open relationship until the children are out of the house.

>> No.57531639

>it's the man's fault

>> No.57531659

Yeah desu I mean that's really the bare minimum, makes you wonder where it went wrong.

>> No.57531668

Having children outside of marriage is a fucking nightmare for a whole host of reasons. Ask anyone currently serving a life sentence what their parents were like.

The single poorest demographic in the United States is elderly people who never married or had children.

You're just a 20-something who thinks he's discovered something novel because you fucked some fresh college pussy and you think that will go on forever. Yeah like that isn't a tale that's been told a million times over since writing was invented. Sure. Do whatever you want. Like anyone will give a shit about some lonely old fart who has some stories about his glory days when that's all you have: stories.

>> No.57531708

You're implying that the "excitement" is
A) The primary reason for being in a relationship (although based on your other comments, it isn't excitement as much as it is you being neglected sadly), and
B) That you're somehow bound to your husband with no exit.
Why don't you just get a divorce? You only have one life, right? And clearly the primary purpose of life is senseless enjoyment, yes? I don't get why you simply don't take your own logic to it's conclusion and get separated.

>> No.57531739


This is a spurious correlation. Better people tend to get married, it isn't the marriage contract itself that is a magic potion. Moral, commitment minded people are more likely to seek marriage. Productive, prudent people tend to seek marriage. That's just traditional.

Funnily enough, the tax breaks for a non married household are arguably better now.

>> No.57531748

>Funnily enough, the tax breaks for a non married household are arguably better now.
Could you elaborate upon this? I wasn't aware

>> No.57531753

Because women can just leech off another guy.

>> No.57531779


This is literally boomer speak, my bro works at a top law firm, his wife is also a top notch attorney with ivy league education. They never got married, have 3 kids together and make 800-1 mm a year combined

>> No.57531787


There are lots of benefits/services that your female partner can qualify for as "a single mom" even if your combined income is still decent. Head of household filing status for the primary provider, and then single filing for the other has a combined $32k standard deduction, where married filing jointly is just $24k.

Basically, every welfare/tax break you can think of was geared towards helping single moms, and if you don't tie the knot you can pretend she's still a poor single mom even as you're both happily together in a normal middle class household.