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File: 98 KB, 904x1024, 1703908172306178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57528744 No.57528744 [Reply] [Original]

I won the lottery and I celebrated by making out with my cute cousin. It was the happiest I ever been.

Then I woke up.

>> No.57528829

Type this into dream interpreter AI but I’m pretty sure it just means your a pervert

>> No.57528844
File: 827 KB, 1024x1024, kKXp4GI4kF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember this is all between us right

>> No.57528847

thats a nice dream. i dreamt about some terrible apocalyptic shit

>> No.57528855

Call your friends let's get drunk.
Call your friends let's get drunk.
Call your friends let's get drunk.
Call your friends let's get drunk.

>> No.57528861
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>nice dream yeah like who doesn't dream about terrible apocalyptic shit you total f***ing p*ssy i bet you can't even talk to a girl with that shitty attitude you p*ssy i bet your mom never loved you as a kid

>> No.57528864

I had recurring dreams about finding a cockroach in my apartment over many days in the past week. Today I found a large cockroach in my sink.

>> No.57528873
File: 1.82 MB, 1024x1024, eSxy4FWg8p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dream yeah like who doesn't dream about terrible apocalyptic shit you total f***ing p*ssy i bet you can't even talk to a girl with that shitty attitude you p*ssy i bet your mom never loved you as a kid but i have a huge f***ing c***

>> No.57528908
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I have insane, detailed dreams all of the time and I've never once read any dream interpretation whatsoever that could even remotely come close to explaining any of the shit that goes on in my mind. It's all just Astrology-level bullshit. And it's always the basic bullshit. If your teeth fall out it means X, if you fall off a cliff it means Y, if you kiss your crush it means Z. Okay, now explain why I had a dream about flying to a dilapidated drug house in the middle of the desert with a jet-pack and scuba-like armor, then got into a laser gun fight with a bunch of Mad-Max looking gang members, then stole a hover-car pink Cadillac and flew off from the house.

>> No.57528916
File: 214 KB, 1024x1024, k61Pn6QSqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you sound like such a pussy bro i bet you have small dick energy because you get scared of things so easily why are you still afraid of the dark what's next you're gonna tell me that you're afraid of heights too

>> No.57528924 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x1024, thk9qDSidN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah man you're right being scared of the darkness is so pussy energy i bet you still go to your mommy when yo get scared i'm sure you have a tiny ass cock bro because you're always scared of everything i'm sure you're the kind of dude that would cry if you saw a cockroach

>> No.57528926

can you please explain a dream you had in detail? (other than what you provided)

>> No.57528929

it means you're a dumb geek

>> No.57528932


No, because I don't feel like typing for 30 minutes.

>> No.57528936
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x1024, yzpmVArEFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure man i'll tell you about a dream i had recently i was flying around in this strange world with giant floating islands it was kind of like a video game or something with lots of platforms and stuff it was really cool i was jumping from one platform to another dodging missiles and explosions and it was kinda like an intense action movie but then i woke up and realized it was just a dream i don't know what it means but it was pretty cool

>> No.57528937
File: 19 KB, 600x503, 1700884554222985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a wet dream once where my cute cousin was grinding on my dick
Shit was so cash

>> No.57528978

yall need jesus

>> No.57528982

Imagine the smell. Bo, bus vinyl, and girl farts which are even stinkier. Yuck

>> No.57528985

gonna need you to stop spamming these stupid poorly done ai art pics and always talking about your micro cock and larping its huge. you're one of the most annoying obnoxious posters on /biz/ with your constant pic spamming. They arent even good pics just ai slop of the frog in dumb situations and environments. make some non shit ai art scrub

>> No.57529026
File: 326 KB, 1179x1622, yourang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to get involved

>> No.57529038


It says it doesn't mean I actually want to make out with my cousin in real life.

But its wrong. Very very wrong.

>> No.57529074

Not him but I can recall most of my dreams and I have dreamed of a nuclear war in at least a thousand cases. Some of the details fade out on the 10th second after waking up so all I have is a blurry recollection of the average. Basically it goes like this:

I am in the middle of some open field with a high degree of variance, think of prompting midjourney with the same prompt over and over again. Sometimes it is the amazon jungle with tall trees, another time it was some green field with a giant glacier sticking out in the distance, another time it was a cave in a mountain range spanning all across. It differs a lot but the theme is that I am at the center of a landscape object and the scenery is consistent.

Then, as I am sitting there, I hear a turboprop bomber. I look up and there's trails and I panic and run to the nearest cover. In some cases a house spawns right next to me (assumed to have been there but I just didn't see it), in another I was in Italy and it was a castle wall, in the mountain cases it's a cave like in the Terminator 3 ending scene. In the case of the house I start compulsively salvaging everything, from clothes to water bottles, and run to the basement, and then the nuke explodes and I get a rewarding sensation that I made it to the safe spot and the dream ends. The cave is the easiest because I just go back into the cave and there's monitors that display the globe getting utterly nuked from every side and I'm just sitting there happy that I'm one of the survivors. In some of the other cases I cannot find a shelter (like the Italy castle) and the blast wave reaches me and the dream cuts out right before it touches me. In some other examples like an apartment, the outcome is indeterminate so I get to also experience the post-apocalyptic world for a few minutes with the scene switching to me scavenging the empty city. Sometimes segueing into a zombie dream like the I Am Legend movie.

>> No.57529093

I literally had a dream where some fucker had bought billboards across the big cities around the world. And the ads on them were about LINU.

>> No.57529102

My take on this after having so many dreams about so many various scenarios, many of which nightmares with me running or hiding or fighting something, is that they're a simulation that my brain does to prepare me for all possible scenarios when I am awake. Sometimes I dream of being on top of a building and the roof tilting downwards and me sliding off of it, which I assume is supposed to imprint a fear of heights. The zombie and ghost dreams are probably an attempt to imprint a fear of the dark and of human shades in the dark, as if one could ambush and kill me. The nuke is obvious. The social ones are for social anxiety. And so on. I am convinced to a very high degree that this is why we evolved the ability to dream.

What is also interesting, however, is that I have caught myself designing my own nightmares under an alt persona. As in I literally put the items and houses and scenery manually in a semi-conscious state where I am not me, so as to create the perfect scenario for myself when I become me again. To give you a precise image of this, the most recent one where I caught myself (phone woke me up which allowed me to recall what happened right when it woke me up) was me sitting in the middle of the street in god mode and designing all houses around me using a hologram. The layout of the scene was right in front of me, a transparent blue-ish hologram, and I was moving the buildings around. I remember very vividly the graveyard and stone wall next to it which I assume was supposed to be a zombie nightmare. And what is weirder is that I can remember what the person, i.e me, thought like and felt like right then. It was this weird sensation of total stillness where none of your anxieties or human characteristics exist, like a cold robot, with the conscious desire to create the scariest environment and script possible. It's like I had become the true version of myself and knew what I was doing, and had to do it for some reason.

>> No.57529122

Niggers Tongue My Anus

>> No.57529133

>simulation that my brain does to prepare me for all possible scenarios
I just had a dream about having two dicks. Is this bullish?

>> No.57529139

is this just one guy talking to himself or are there just bots that post ai generated pictures and general vague discourse now? a lot of these arent even entertaining or insightful bait, just incoherent

>> No.57529152

you're a fag!

>> No.57529181

it means you are gay

>> No.57530343

Too much video games. And no real life.

>> No.57530402

She's so perfect bros.

>> No.57530474

>guaranteed to live through a nuclear strike
tell me where you live anon so I can make sure I'm not there kek

I've had this second part you describe happen as well, being in a semi-awake state and preparing the emotions and feelings for the upcoming dream for myself, not so much the details of the environment.

>> No.57530505

The worst dreams for me are the ones where I killed someone and I’m being investigated for the murder and I wake up still thinking the dream is real. I’m like what the fuck why did I do that. The relief after realizing it was just a dream is pretty awesome though. Of course now that I have children any dream about something happening to them is unbearable.

>> No.57530522
File: 31 KB, 641x530, 1676644464906914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I dreamt that I was an astronaut on the moon and discovered something and the government found out and tried to blow up my space shuttle so I couldn't go back to earth and let people know.
But I somehow grabbed onto a satellite and under my weight it descended slowly towards earth into the ocean.
I went on social sites to say the government had tried to assassinate me and it blew up because they had said I had simply gone missing on the moon. But then the government released fabricated evidence that I had killed my crewmates by accidentally blowing up the shuttle and was trying to escape judgement and most of the stupid normies believed it.

Then the perspective switched and I was someone going to the house of the astronaut (who had now disappeared) and I found three government agents there, two were bad and trying to destroy all evidence, the third was cool and grim looking (cowboy hat) and outranked them in authority, he was looking for something specific. There were other civilians who they were trying to keep out so that way I got in and overheard them finding a message from the astronaut that involved 'HiFi' (High Figh)
The Cowboy Agent took a black/white 3D photograph of everyone present who had overheard it, including me, and I ran away figuring I was on some list now.

Then outside the house I ran into what the astronaut had seen in the first place: a lizard with wings and a human-like face with yellow eyes and black hair. Female. I asked instinctively if she was a fallen angel and she said yes, I asked if real angels also existed and she said: 'Yes, but they cannot come to earth because they die here.'

After that it became a sort of fun nightmare scenario of this succubus trying to seduce me and take my body.

>> No.57530544

I had a dream I was able to convert video game money to real money so I was a rich man because I played yakuza 0…

>> No.57530546

it's some annoying bot coded by a bad coder, imo jannies should rangeban whoever made it

>> No.57530595


>> No.57530612


>doesn't play video games
>rarely watches movies
>has a social life

Projection is a bitch huh?


Ya, I've had dreams like that before too. Luckily they're very rare. I can only reminder like 2 or 3 over my entire life.

>> No.57530628

im trying to nofap OP and you posting teenage caucasian fuckmeat like this is really pissing me off

>> No.57530633

imagining her natural sweaty BO combined with whatever cheap lotion/perfume she has is really turning me on fuck