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57517131 No.57517131 [Reply] [Original]

>without a fully funded 10 year emergency fund?!

>> No.57517140

ironically, Boogie was 100% correct on his Ethereum take of just hodling it since was down anyway and it correctly couldnt go much lower, but reddit midwits like OP think all crypto 100% of the time is on a precipice crash to $0, with no nuance between something like ETH and something like beancash

>> No.57517150
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I think plenty of people made money on Tulips

>> No.57517153

Asians have the risk taking ability of European women, its what permanently holds them back despite being intelligent.

>> No.57517165

remember when he seethed at the blonde prostitute roastie for not selling her btc at 20k

>> No.57517182

>and it correctly couldnt go much lower
The thesis behind it "not going tits up" is what, exactly?
>inb4 just look at the graph
kys cryptoscum
t. Stock Market Lord

>> No.57517465

Kek I watch this guy and be saving a ton of money since. On track to having a six month emergency fund funded along with a maxed IRA and putting 18% into a 401k. Once the emergency fund is done I’m gonna bump my monthly fun cash from 200 to 500 so I can buy more UFC autographed cards and pop singer autographs

>> No.57517557

Tulips has always been the dumbest comparison. Tulips are perishable, it's like if your crypto had a pre-programmed expiration date after which it became unusable forever. Not to mention how tulips have an infinite supply and can be grown endlessly. Tulip production can be arbitrarily scaled to meet demand. Bitcoin and ETH production remain the same regardless of demand

>> No.57517575

>Not to mention how tulips have an infinite supply and can be grown endlessly
>copy pastes a new coin in to existence

>> No.57517588

That doesn't work, people end to stick with the first mover due to inertia and network effects. It only works when the new network offers something valuable and unique to draw people away from the old one.

>> No.57517592

You cannot copy/paste BTC, don't be an airhead. I do want to make it known, that BTC is the *only* valuable crypto. Everything else is a premined scam
>inb4 ree bitcoin maxi
I actually own none, and instead prefer PMs.

>> No.57517600
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no coiner thread

>> No.57517602

>You cannot copy/paste BTC
Of course, but you don't need to. You can infinitely create as many coins as you want. There is no finite supply of crypto no matter how desperate you are to paint BTC as the only crypto to salvage your argument.

You can't copy and paste gold in to existence, but you can copy and paste infinite numbers of crypto currencies.

>> No.57517610

A new Twitter clone is created every week... and still none of them have any users lol

>> No.57517611

You need to know how economy works before you FUD newfag

>> No.57517616

>Just make another scamcoin, bro
You *DO* know why BTC is important, right?? I don't need to explain why, but it's pretty important to know...

>> No.57517623

It's not my fault you fell for the digital tulips scam, and I'm not even saying you won't be able to make money selling your coins on to greater fools. But there's a reason why coiners are desperate to create the allusion towards real gold

>> No.57517625

all the cryptofags on that channel have also been astrologyfags who deserve all the hate

>> No.57517631

who is this guy?

>> No.57517637

Bitcoin is a better store of value than gold because it has a hard capped supply and you can't dig deeper to find more of it. None of the copycats will ever be Bitcoin. Sorry you are too much of a midwit to understand this

>> No.57517646
File: 48 KB, 1024x683, CH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caleb Hammer, he does audits of people's personal finances and helps them get a plan to get back to financial stability
Mostly he shows people who 'have no money' how much they spend on bullshit like eating out every day
>actually thinks people can copy+paste more gold on to the earth like a crypto currency

>> No.57517687

some faggot youtuber that yells at dumbfucks for spending 50% of their income on mcdonalds and getting 35% credit cards maxed out

>> No.57517733

I can smell her breath from here.

>> No.57517869

Is Caleb a Jew trying to hide behind a "usury is bad!" schtick?

>> No.57517893

buy an ad and some accutane

>> No.57517924

Caleb is a sanctimonious zoomer fag who seems to be insufferable to be around. Based Dave is much better.

>> No.57517926

i think its proven the supercycle theory at this point.

all the normies will jump on the next super cycle with one more pump into the high 50k range

>> No.57517932

day of the pump

>t. Jarbos brother

>> No.57518283
File: 118 KB, 354x609, 1702326827904675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin-clone isn't bitcoin.
>b-but they do the same thing!!1
Functional demand is DETRIMENTAL to a Money (store of value), price is a product of aggregate demand, a money having functional use means part of the price (proportional to it's functional demand) will be from functional demand, forcing buyers of Store of Value to pay a functional premium and subjecting them to the risk the functional demand will fall, causing real terms fall in money value independent of demand for Store of Value. This can be seen in platinum, while it's physical properties make it a strong money on paper, it's high functional demand renders it unusable as price becomes dominated by functional demand, not Store of Value demand.

Gold is the best natural money precisely because it has little functional demand, less than 10% of annual gold mining production goes towards functional use, BTC improves on this by having no functional use outside of Money (Store of Value).

A BTC clone has the same functional use as BTC, but functional use is not where the value is held.

>> No.57518314

>A BTC clone has the same functional use as BTC, but functional use is not where the value is held.
Therefore, BTC is not finite due to the ability to clone it infinitely, and it has no functional use outside of selling it to someone else for hopefully more than you paid. At least Tulips looked pretty, BTC is nothing

>> No.57518325

Hey no spoonfeeding

>> No.57518463

The value is the network of use as SoV, same as gold, a clone of BTC is not BTC, anymore than silver is 12.5% gold

>> No.57518491

I want to know your IQ.

>> No.57518530

Why do people reply to these (You) farms where the OP completely ignores what you say and just mass replies with some stupid shit?

>> No.57519810

> a clone of BTC is not BTC
Yes it is, silver is silver and you can't even clone that. The value of 'the network' is what your ISP sells you, that you can use that network to sell digital tulips is another thing

>> No.57519843

This show desperately needs an overlay/recap towards the end of the video of income in/out. This guy has the stereotypical onions voice so I naturally tune him out if I try to listen while driving, by the end I'm not sure how much people spending to earning ratio is.
TLDR this is just a millennial version of Dave Ramsey and I'm not sure why he's taking off.

>> No.57519887

nice larp fag, i saw that xfiles episode where chinks were gambling their body parts for money

>> No.57520125

you can only have 1 SHA-256 proof of work blockchain that has sufficient security to have substantial value. Any new ones will be attacked easily by asics before becoming big enough to compete with btc

>> No.57520712

It makes normies feel better about their own finance

>> No.57520875
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This guy in my eyes is worse than Dave the king boomer. He sells useless merch to his fans who are likely struggling financially. The sheer amount of sponsorships and ads. I saw one video where he was about to yell at a guest but he clarifies he paid for his 80 dollar (now 150 dollar) online courses. His tune quickly changed and said 'that's a investment'. The advice seems to be basic shit you can look up on youtube for free. Disgusting jew grift disguised as being helpful.

>> No.57520883

That dude is a faggot. I can’t wait to make more than him off shit coin. He’s worth 200k btw.

>> No.57520946

>he qualifies for an IRA
low income detected

>> No.57520965

Tulip mania lasted one year, not fifteen you dumb faggot.

>> No.57521003

Jordan Peterson.

>> No.57521014

>Money Guys>>>Dave Ramsey>>>>>Caleb Hammer

>> No.57521039

You faggots go all on 10x leverage, lose everything and then come back begging. The average bizchud is 100000000000x worse than a redditor could ever be.

>> No.57521081

My man, let me tell you why you are right, because a little saving today will build that great big beautiful tomorrow and your future self will be giving you a big ol sloppy blow job as a thanks for what you are doing now. Soon your money will make more then your sister on her back, with her hands, or with her mouth.

Money guy team, OUT!

Fuckin love those guys

>> No.57521162
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>> No.57521513

Bo Hanson is a fucking Chad.
>College athlete
>Self described serial monogamist
>Stay at home wife
>Multiple children
>Millionaire business owner
>Youth pastor
Money Guys are the top tier personal finance podcast.
FOO>>>>>Baby Steps

>> No.57521527

>The thesis behind it "not going tits up" is what, exactly?
Jews profiting off it. That's all you need to know. Ride their coat tails, get what you can.

>> No.57521608

I never understand why normies are so conservative.
>Oh no I could lose my $10k lunch money in stocks!!! I better invest in CDs and guarantee I lose real value
>Continues to wage a dead end wagie career
If you have less than 7 figures then your #1 priority should be getting to 7 figures quickly, not spending hours worrying about losing fucking pennies and min maxing so you get an extra $1 or something interest but you had to work like 10 hours being CEO of poorfags moving peanuts between your fisher price bank investments like HYSAs and CDs.

>> No.57521634
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normies who worry about losing their lunch money like that must be too poor to think straight if they can't even see the big picture they need to be more like me big picture risk taker don't think about those pennies think about the big bucks you can make on the riskier investments the risk is the reward and a dead end wagie career ain't it that's why you gotta be like me big dicked chad

>> No.57521650


>> No.57521843
File: 27 KB, 1080x607, 1451adcb-0d57-468d-bc4f-ce27cfcdd5c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I max Roth IRA and do 401k up to employer match and that’s it for normie investing. Rest goes all into crypto. Ever since I got 1BTC everything goes into low and mid cap. I want to be a 7 figure bum. 7 figures ain’t shit anymore.

>> No.57522422

Crazy listening to episodes 5 years ago. They say the same shit but Bo was timid, had a stutter, and stopped talking everytime Brian talked. He grew up quite a bit and while they still have friendly banter he’s much more of a man