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57515832 No.57515832 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying, but it's all in vain, the shithole I'm living in has a clown for a prez that devalued our meme currency that the average salary has become 100$/month, even the pennies I succeed in saving as USDT does nothing, it's an endless rat race, my salary has risen significantly, yet it's all in a devalued currency that I'm back to 0 again

>> No.57515858

Just accept you will be poor forever and live with it.

>> No.57515883

Start investing all your money into TQQQ

In 10 years when you are a millionaire, come back here and ask for TQQQ-anon, and we will have a drink to celebrate

>> No.57515888


> the president's fault
> the dollar's fault

No, it's your fault for caring about people who don't care about you.

> but i just want to fit in

Yea, fit in to a society of people going straight to hell, that can't be miserable can it?

>> No.57515908

Try learning a skill you can do remotely and working for US corporations as a freelancer.

Ideally you want to pick something that provides long-term contracts instead of short term, which is brutal and high competition.

A good example of a skill is PPC management. Right now my brother's company pays this foreigner $500/month to manage a PPC account for a ~$2m product line on Amazon. They can't automate it because software isn't as good as a real person. But I'm pretty sure the guy spends like 2 hours per week or less managing it. The only hard part is setting it up to begin with.

>> No.57515911

similar boat dude. I am white, unskilled and haven't work consistently in two years. I am now doing degenerate grindy side hustles likenuber eats to make money for rent. One thing I am hopeful for is making actual money off Helium Mobile using my phone and $250 indoor hotspot to mine Mobile. https://my.hellohelium.com/ref/VDSZUTH

>> No.57515938

let me explain this to you anon, the system is literally just a bunch of people who are looking to scam, enslave, prostitute and milk.

Just fade away anon, stop trying to fit into society, forget about having a family, the government is the husband and the daddy of all women.

You are competing with something that you cannot compete against.... you can only fade away and know that life isn't forever and accept jesus christ as your savior.

the rest of the people who want to keep up with the pop cultures will be seething and bashing your faces into a wall repeatedly as their last memories on earth before they go to hell.

>> No.57516002

My room looks just like pic related

>> No.57516014
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lmao just be born in a proper country

>> No.57516034



If you were born in a shit hole you literally have no chance to do well because everyone around you is a scammer.

>> No.57516111
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get the fuck out of here demoralisation shill

>> No.57516523

I'm afraid if I accepted it I won't be able to afford even food for just survival
Thanks anon, will look into it, opened IBKR account but doesn't even have the funds to transfer and the banks here blocked any USD transfer outside the country
WTF are you even talking about? this is about survival not "fitting in", it's ogre here anon
is this media buying? I'll look into it, thanks anon; I recently started video editing, hopefully something fruitful comes out of it
I don't want to be a dead end, I want a family anon
open the shades, let the sun in
you know, you are right, it's really demoralizing when I see ppl in other countries with better economy living good with minimum effort, meanwhile I'm here sweating myself to death just to survive, even food has been hard to afford with doubt and triple prices; but what shall I do? even legal immigration is hard, those fuckers letting ex ISIS fighters in, but when I apply and I check all their demand, they ask for bank statement with at least $120k, like fuck you, if I had that money I wouldn't think of immigration, I did everything they asked for, STEM grad, IELTS score, work experience, all while a fucking worthless leeches are welcomed illegally and given free gibs with even having any language, fuck you anon for being born in better country
let him be, maybe it gives him happiness

>> No.57516731

why u mad tho?

being born at all is highly unlikely and you're complaining you won that lotto. then you won another lotto being born now and not in 200-20,000 years ago.

i wish i had better circumstances and some kind of advantage too but i don't. instead of feeling sorry for myself i work with what i've got and make the best of it. rich poor, good looking ugly, smart stupid life is what you make of it.

>> No.57516769

What shithole do you live in?

>> No.57516790
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listen friendo it sounds like you're having a hard time but trust me you would hate it in this shithole country too everyone's just as miserable here if not more so we can't all be living the good life like me with my massive cock but what can you do the best thing to do is just make do with what you've got and keep a positive attitude

>> No.57516882

Just buy chainlink dumbass and shut the fuck up

>> No.57516918

Anon, I recommend one book. Millionaire Fastlane by MJ deMarco.
Perhaps worth reading his other books also. You can find the pdf online rather easily for free.
From there find a skill that you can bootstrap your way into a better income. Coding is one way so long as you start your own business. But practical hard skills are worth while too.

Worth reading the footnotes for Blue Ocean Market as well. (don't waste your time on the whole book footnotes are all you need).
Sadly if only making $100/month, you're not in a position to make it with crypto or anything like that. Your only option is bootstrapping your way to success and out of it.