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57505487 No.57505487 [Reply] [Original]

Is home ownership a meme? Are renters the real chads?

>> No.57505492

>Nebraska RE is not a great investment


>> No.57505519
File: 107 KB, 828x977, 1702236156085337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta do it.

>> No.57505538

when was this said and how does it work when adjusted for inflation today?

>> No.57505540
File: 3.34 MB, 600x426, warrenbuffetthouse-3d[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His house is worth $1.3 million, not $260k. It's a 5 bed, 2.5 bath, 6,280 sqft house on 0.75 acre lot.


>> No.57505544

surely he rebuilt it over the years, right? how the fuck do you get that for 31k.

>> No.57505547

I think it’s around 340k today

>> No.57505556
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, oqPSezaGLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that house is 100% worth 13 mil i know a thing or two about real estate bro my uncle got a 200k house last year i actually had a 500k condo in my area but i had to sell it because i was strapped for cash now i live in my friends closet and he lets me use his wifi for 20$ a month and i let him have his closet back when he needs his clothes we even sleep together sometimes to save money that's the power of friendship bro

>> No.57505557

>surely he rebuilt it over the years, right?
No dumbass.
>how the fuck do you get that for 31k.
Because he bought it in fucking Nebraska in 1958.

>> No.57505577

Warren Buffet is the ultimate nerd
He was a billionaire and he didnt even tell his own children, they thought he was a "securities expert"

>> No.57505580
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, y1AiwlKAgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's retarded why would someone pay that price for that house in omaha i wouldn't live in nebraska for free i bet there isn't even anywhere to get a good vegan bowl of avocado toast

>> No.57505932

Wow, that changes the entire meaning of the quote now!

>> No.57505943

Yes it does.

>> No.57506025

Why do people worship these parasitical boomers?

>> No.57506033

They’re indian

>> No.57506053
File: 1.94 MB, 1024x1024, qrOFw0V2Vj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a website filled with autists they are not capable of writing actual code it's all memes and bullshit i have a huge cock

>> No.57506065

>wealthy Jew says, “…in hindsight home ownership is pointless,!you should rent instead and you could be richer than me!”

No thanks. I will buy my house cash and in full. Im antisemitic and thus I don’t like having debt. “OMGGGGGG YOU COULD USED THAT SAVED UP CASH AND INVEST INSTEAD TO BET YOUR MORTAGE YOU FUCKING GOY!!!” Stock market always goes up!

>> No.57506317

my country prevents new houses being built and ships in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year to drive down rental vacancies

>> No.57507940

>Is home ownership a meme? Are renters the real chads?
Only if you have money but chose to rent so you can get a greater return elsewhere. If like most renters you're only renting because you can't afford to buy a house then no.

>> No.57507970

should I into marriage or just rent the odd hooker Warren?

>> No.57507984
File: 932 KB, 1024x1024, cxKLroFW6Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean you should totally get married bro love is totally what makes life special and meaningful love isn't cringe or gay or anything like that you know what i just wanted to brag for a bit in the privacy of this thread to you since we're friends but i'll just say it here i actually have a really big cock

>> No.57508015

The real Chads those that live rent free with relatives.

>> No.57508048

Home ownership is an asset if it provides you opportunities you can leverage for more money, a liability otherwise. I doubled my income since buying my place and now owe less than half a year's salary on it.

>> No.57508072

Yes I'm sure the rich man who is the only one to somehow get a special government deal where he can defer tax forever will surely give me good advice and that I should definitely not own any assets.
He said it sometime in the 1990s, which 100k then would be worth around 233k today.
People's perception of the value of a dollar is largely formed when they're in their teens and early 20s though, that's why whenever your parents saw the price of things they'd go "wow $2 I remember when it was $0.25 what a ripoff" even when that's been the regular price for years.
If we go by that, he was born in 1924, then he would be 25 in 1949. After inflation, 100k in 1949 is 1.28 million today.
So the first 1.28 million is a bitch, which I largely agree with. At that point your wealth can pay for a decent living expenses.
I'm past 300k and it was a bitch but I don't feel like anything has changed since I had 10k in savings, but if I hit 1.3m I'll certainly feel comfortable to stop waging and focus on more important things.

>> No.57508745
File: 240 KB, 1280x800, 82758531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, yeah, if you're actually doing that with all your money instead of just paying rent and blowing your wad on a fucking xbox and doordash.

>> No.57508786


Even with a 2.8% mortgage my housing costs altogether have been more than I would’ve paid renting for 4 years. My net worth would be slightly higher at present moment if I had rented & invested the diff

However I love my home, it’s in a great walkable neighborhood (I walk to work everyday) and bc I own it I felt comfortable buying better quality furniture and really investing time into making it feel like my space. I met my gf within a year of moving here and she loved it too, so I think it helped support relationship goals

I don’t think I’d trade the experience of being here for a higher net worth number. I’m content

>> No.57508848

>jewish man talking about subverting government
>more news at 8

>> No.57508926

What the fuck :D

>> No.57508932

Shoutenings to commie zoomer :D LIKE BOOMERS WHAAAAT?

>> No.57510030

both have downsides

>> No.57511031

Extremely low IQ

>> No.57511325

my thirdie economy is so fucked up that even with a really shitty loan my mortgage is cheaper than renting the same house
mortgage is 1k a month for like 11 years
renting is 1.5k minimum, mainly because foreigners and retirees love renting

>> No.57513065

I understand your reasoning. 1.28 million outside the US is pretty much impossible as far as I know. Best case for europoors like me then it's probably something around the amount of €300k or so, which still takes a fucking lot of waging and time for compound interests to work

>> No.57513085

That's a fucking car today you assholes.

>> No.57513171

>Best case for europoors like me then it's probably something around the amount of €300k or so
Over a lifetime of working? That sounds really bad.
300k euro is about where my net worth is as a leaf in my early 30s.
I make the equivalent of 64k euro/year, and I would have started at 50k euro/year when I graduated university, and my rent would be about 1100/mo in euros as well.
I have a high savings rate and investments have done well so I'm definitely above most peers my age, but I thought it was bad here because starter houses are around the equivalent of 550k euro anywhere near my work, but are things really that comparatively bad there?

>> No.57513416

No, not over a lifetime of working, I meant €300k as a first stepping stone, comparing it to "the first 100k".
The average wage in my country is about €20k/year after taxes, some other european countries do better, some even worse.
Even pretending you spend no money at all, that's still 15 years of working to get to €300k. Of course that's without investing. Let alone reaching $1.28 million or anything close to that, probably won't earn near that in a lifetime. I suppose the "100k" Munger proposed has to differ from country to country based on the cost of living. Some countries have shit pay compared to the rest of the world, and the only way to earn more seems to be to go living abroad.

>> No.57513447

now it's the first 2 million is a bitch

>> No.57513477

Is this ai art and words from a bot shitting up every thread?