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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57498933 No.57498933 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe its because inflation was never the true cause for greedy price gouging.

>> No.57498949

You realize inflation is the rate of price increases right? If inflation were zero today, that would mean prices would just freeze at their current levels.

>> No.57498977

>Not realizing artificial inflation is a thing

>> No.57498994

Trump turned on the money printer

>> No.57499000

op obviously meant supply side constraints on the global economy raised prices which lead to "inflation" and now that supply has stabilized and the consumer demand was still high, wages increased and we didn't have a loss of jobs due to interest rate hikes, the likely cause of the inflation was and is greed.

>> No.57499006

I blame the jews

>> No.57499144

That or the expectation of inflation, which also causes inflation. Raise prices because you anticipate your supply chain getting fucked and you'll have to pay more to put your product out in the future, so you raise your prices now to try and mitigate the pain. Most of economics is just psychology

>> No.57499159

>competitor doesn't raise prices and takes half your market share

>> No.57499198

The rate of inflation has fallen not inflation itself, prices are still increasing by 2% (inflation rate), learn how to read an article you fucking dolt

>> No.57499240

Calling it greed is ridiculous. They always say it is 1/3 government and 2/3 consumer spending that makes the economy. That isn't true. How did consumers afford the housing prices? Two reasons: stock market gains and government checks. The company I worked for in Pennsylvania got millions in government grants that were forgiven The one boss retired and bought a really nice house in Florida. That right there is inflation. Greed? No people always buy houses and cars.

>> No.57499250

My XFUN parlays pay for it all so why should I give a fuck

>> No.57499257

>prices are still increasing by 2% (inflation rate)
go to the market and buy some groceries you retarded faggot.
the world proves you wrong

>> No.57499317

Biden can't allow the greedy price-gouging corporations to keep blaming him for their high prices and low wages. They're going to cost him the election.

>> No.57499351

>supply side constraints on the global economy raised prices
The money supply is vastly increased from pre-COVID so prices are going to be higher even after supply chains normalize.

>> No.57499441

It's obvious price gouging so I just steal 10-20% of my bill through the self checkout now.

In before people start calling me a nigger I don't care. Corporations have been waging war on citizens for decades now this is just an easy harmless way of fighting back.

>> No.57499449

Everything cost more not just groceries you midwit, thats what inflation is. Just because inflation rate decreases doesn't mean prices will go down, deflation needs to happen for prices to fall. Actually understand the things you are discussing instead of shitting on your keyboard.

>> No.57499473

yes greedy niggers need to make 100x on every sale.

>> No.57499498

The fed increases inflation every year intentionally, a) so your boss doesn't have to pay you more more in real terms and your pay rise of 1/2 the rate of inflation is actually a pay cut and b) to stop people putting money in the bank, and instead invest in shitty companies to prop up the stock market.

>> No.57499514

>implying the competitor isn't owned by the same parent corp

>> No.57499662
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nigger midwit retard you fell for obvious newfag bait lmao just stop posting

>> No.57500000
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>We are jacking up prices
How evil, why are you so greedy

>We are jacking up prices because of inflation
Oh, thats ok, completely understandable. Why yes I will be happy to pay your new exorbitant prices.

>> No.57500010

Digits of dumbassery
This board has fallen

>> No.57500179

I really hate to agree with this. But corporations have ruined most local markets. I remember when my small town had streets lined with small businesses. You’d go to school with the kid whose dad owned a frame market, or a greasy spoon, something. Then Kmart and Walmart both came crashing in, and chain restaurants and other big box followed. Everybody was dazzled by all of the big open spaces, bright lights, and cheap prices. Walmart was offering VERY decent wages. Secretaries and even school teachers quitting their jobs to put on a blue vest for their 30hr week full-time status, with generous overtime and stock options. Local businesses began disappearing like little lights going off, because they could not match the predatory prices or wages. Fast forward to today with a federal minimum wage of $7.25 that has not been raised since 2009. The streets are lined with corporate chains and check cashing shops. Dollar stores everywhere. You want a job in this town one of the best is Walmart, which starts at a little over minimum wage and is loathe to hire full time.

So, yeah. Go for it. Rip off the self checkouts.

>> No.57500190

retarded article
retarded post & get, I refuse to check em

>> No.57500215

retards are SEETHING

>> No.57500226

>Prices are only increasing 3% from the prior year instead of of 8%
OP is a retard

>> No.57500241
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>supply side constraints on the global economy raised prices
I can't believe there are so many retarded Kool aid drinking r*dditors on this fucking board

>> No.57500245

checked - magnificient post

>> No.57500247

we expanded the money supply by about a third. consumer prices increased by roughly that much in aggregate.
the person raising his prices is also a victim of inflation himself, as his costs went up, his employees want more pay, and so forth.
why the hell would you blame the people scrambling around to pick up all the money that was suddenly flooded into the economy? if you want to blame anyone, first blame the people that committed a terrorist attack on our money supply

>> No.57500251

This guy gets it. OP is a literal retard.

>> No.57500252

> greed
To5ally bro, i miss the days where capitalist werent greedy. You know what I'm talking about? They only started being greedy after covid. We were in a 10 year low greed cycle

>> No.57500265

>retards in charge of understanding a derivative
Inflation is the rate of change, not the value itself. 0% inflation still means high prices. And they'll never aim for deflation because that means you get a pay cut. Read a book.

>> No.57500386

This. Everything other reason is retarded cat shit.

>> No.57500423


Bootlickers BTFO

>> No.57500465

and Biden kept it on. You think either Alzheimer patient is gonna save you?

>> No.57500561
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>> No.57500590

>If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound. They won't even admit the knife is there.

- Malcolm X

>> No.57501032
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>> No.57501615

>If inflation were zero today, that would mean prices would just froze at their current levels.

Also, prices can decrease to. Imagine if gains in efficiency, production capacity, autmation and such led to decreased prices. That would be insane, just imagine 1c burgers, $1 TVs. Surely, that is impossible though.

>> No.57502146

based self checkouter I do the same + steal off employee discounts with my phone camera

>> No.57502174
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Because you need deflation. Also it's not just groceries that are expensive. The price of literally any fucking thing is 2x of what it was in 2019 and wages went up 10% if you were lucky.

>> No.57502184

>That would be insane, just imagine 1c burgers, $1 TVs. Surely, that is impossible though.
If you think prices are exclusively related to production cost then you might be disabled. There's a value they don't go below regardless of how much it costs to produce.

>> No.57502244

Paid content

>> No.57502593

Cringe and retard pilled.

>> No.57502663

Inflation is a measure of prices rising. Falling inflation just means they are rising slower. You need deflation (negative inflation) for prices to go down.
Didn't read any posts from any of the other faggots because I don't read troon posts.
All posts past this one is troon posting.

>> No.57502750

shareblue thread

>> No.57502919

This. Anyone disagreeing is American.

>> No.57502956

>Inflation is a measure of prices rising. Falling inflation just means they are rising slower. You need deflation (negative inflation) for prices to go down.
forget about it dude, people are too fucking stupid, rich people laugh all the way to the bank at all these dumb mother fuckers, what kind of journalist even writes this shit up, it means the low iq epidemic is more widespread than previously thought, America really is in decline if a fucking journalist doesn't know the meaning of monetary inflation

>> No.57502977

>grocery stores

>> No.57503000

> Falling inflation just means they are rising slower.
all discourse about inflation depends on people not understanding this. Most news is about lying by ommission and tricking the brain into thinking something else.

>> No.57503060


>> No.57503066

>population literally too retarded to understand what inflation is

>> No.57503075
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>> No.57503644

Inflation is the increase of money supply rising prices is the result of inflation

>> No.57503727

checked now head back to r/antiwork with the other autistic unskilled wagies

>> No.57503734

If they didn't inflate all of those gains away then the wagies would work less hard and might have time to reflect on the state of their lives and then become a nuisance to the elite.

>> No.57503853

How do you do this without setting off the alarms when you leave?

>> No.57504365

It's $4 for two recess cups now.

>> No.57504392

It's actually public sentiment. A bank run will do it.

>> No.57504415

I used to, but if you're in a nonwhite area they're already long gone. Still grocery stores make 1-2% profit or something so out of respect I don't. The reason it's expensive is because Monsanto supplies all the seeds. The big 3 control meat prices too.

>> No.57504480


The money printer has been printing trillions every year since 2001.

Boomers are just upgrading their houses again, so in order to keep their income growing the markets have to inflate prices.

My mom bought 3 houses in the past 20 years, each one more expensive than the last.


It's a mix of greed and non-productiveness.

Go to any thrift store and notice what? It's full of women's clothing as a majority. Why? Because the trend of a woman's lifestyle is to buy clothes, wear them a few times, throw them out. buy more clothes. 2 week cycles.

Go around a city or suburban area and ask yourself... what do these people produce?

Almost nothing but feces down a toilet.

>> No.57505126

maybe because inflation increases prices? why does this explaining any further?

>> No.57505280

too based for this world
Falling faith in the currency and bank runs increase the currently circulating supply and currency velocity as people try to get their shit out and spend it ASAP. This is different from inflation because they're just moving what already exists, not increasing the actual overall supply of currency.

>> No.57505296
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>Inflation has fallen

>> No.57505515

You mean when money printers are on full blast without anything tangible backing the money? Yes, all inflation is technically artificial. As long as there is an inflation rate, prices will rise. Inflation falling means lower rate of price raises.

>> No.57506378

Supply, demand. Stop buying and price will come down.