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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57485471 No.57485471 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is happening in China? It keeps collapsing despite money printing.

>> No.57485485

>It keeps collapsing

Yeah, sure thing. Now fuck off you fucking tranny glownigger.

>> No.57485510
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gotta love biz

>> No.57485595

China doesn’t really have a functioning stock market like much of the west does. As such, billions of Chinese piled into their domestic real estate market to store their wealth. Increasingly over-levered people drove the market up to unsustainable levels, and with millions of new units hitting the supply daily (as they’re delivered) the property bubble started to collapse.

There’s opportunity here though. Many of those investors are looking overseas now (see: canada, london, sinagpore, KL, etc). There are many ways to profit off of this.

Moral of the story buy landed property in peninsular Malaysia. You’ll do well.

>> No.57485647

Is the "collapse" in the room with us right now?

>> No.57485712

State capitalism is subject to the boom-bust cycle just like market capitalism

>> No.57485729

They're having their lost decade moment, china won't collapse they'll just become a poorer version of japan

>> No.57485743

It's literally happening right now. Are you blind?

>> No.57485758

Which part of China is "collapsing" right now?

>> No.57485768

The economic part

>> No.57485785
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>> No.57485821

Even their country looks like a micro penis.