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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57476103 No.57476103 [Reply] [Original]

Please wait a while before making a thread

>> No.57476162
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To have

>> No.57476286

So is 4chan dying?

>> No.57476322

>implying it’s not already dead
Less and less new threads created daily ever in history; jannies nuking more and more threads ever in history; jannies banning people more and more ever in history; the least amount of traffic due to these reasons ever in history. Yeah. Pretty sure we’re dead thanks to jannies. Funny what happens when a community is overpoliced.

>> No.57478461

4chan dying would be a good thing. Imagine 99% of the normalfaggots/shills/plebbitors gone. Imagine if /pol/ gets so dead that it takes many hours for a thread to die if nobody posts in it, instead of like 10 minutes. That would fix /pol/. All boards would be better as nearly-dead boards 99% free from undesirables. The quality would increase dramatically. The signal to noise ratio would go up. Now on /pol/ for example it's 99.5% noise and 0.5% signal.