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57466585 No.57466585 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is bearish on China, is this time to finally be bullish?

>> No.57466620

would you bet on a small cock becoming big?

>> No.57466644
File: 14 KB, 380x330, Reginald shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that I can gather is making China basically look like a larger, poorer Japan circa 1995. Real estate going down, manufacturing declining, deflation, demographics, all of it. I'm not actually bearing on them except in relative terms to the overall global economy, and I'm not bullish either. I think they're going to basically do the same multi-decade stagnation Japan's gone through.

>> No.57466678

The CCP wants to modernize china so badly except look at neighboring countries especially eastern Russia and North Korea. Their 100 year humiliation is the reason they’re going hard in the paint.

The only value china has is to cut costs for manufacturing. That can easily be replaced with Mexican and South American labor easily. The only significant issue is that doing so will cause major inflation for the US dollar which isn’t a bad thing necessarily, you’ll just see million dollar homes being the normal with 150k vehicles. That wouldn’t matter if salaries were to match those kinds of costs. The cost of living is a worldwide issue.

>> No.57466827

How is that bad? The average Japanese literally lives 10x better than average "rich" American or European. Clean, safer, more elegant cities.

>> No.57466896

It's not bad for Japan because Japan reached living standards that were basically beyond any Western country before they stagnated, I'm not saying that it was bad for them at all and I didn't even remotely suggest that. Disappointing but not bad outright. It's bad for China because China's still much poorer than any developed country and they're probably just going to be sort of stuck there now.

>> No.57467023

>The average Japanese literally lives 10x better than average "rich" American or European
lmao do weebs actually believe this?

>> No.57467089
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What happens if you multiply the productivity of skilled IT people in the world with AI? HMMMM
You have no idea how much chinese shit I've stolen off of their githubs. I might as well learn mandarin by now to easier understand their readme's. They are giga productive.

Yes surely you should short them.

>> No.57467312

China has entered first sell off on the meme chart.

>> No.57467382

Lmao, rich americans and rich europeans live better lives than everyone else
keep coping

>> No.57467396

Minus the fact that if you are a jap you will likely be born brown and without blue eyes blonde hair, but America is hell on earth. Imagine going to Japan where you can get on a train and go to a spring spa where people are normal and there is somewhere to bathe. Unlike the USA which doesn't know how to run a train on time.

>> No.57467412

Yes, absolutely. Have you seen the absolutely spotless and amazing cities? There's no fucking way anyone in the USA making 100k can afford to live in that tier of quality.
This is why I said "rich" (as in, middle class people that delude themselves into thinking their lifestyles are actually good because they are in a "rich" country), and not rich.

>> No.57467511

Japan has good demographics unlike America so it's safe and clean. Their currency is not so good and to be fair it might be central banking manipulation due to posing as a threat to America economically. A lot of the Ukraine war was also to weaken the EU as they were becoming competitive.

>> No.57467811

>How is that bad? The average Japanese literally lives 10x better than average "rich" American or European.
Like 10% of young Japanese males are NEET gigaincels. The other Japs meanwhile work soul crushing hours for relatively little pay and live in tiny apartments. It's hell for everyone, except for folks who've already made it anyways. Euros are similarly poor, but at least they don't have to work as much. Americans are just as overworked, but at least they make more money. Japan is the worst of America and Europe combined

>> No.57467994

Is this thread about China seriously getting derailed into an America vs. Japan thread because some completely missed the point of what another anon was saying when he compared China's economy to Japan's? Like come on guys.

>> No.57468026

Option B: call amerilards' bluff and pull a Ukraine

>> No.57468066

Weebs are completely detached from reality. They think life as a japanese student is some shit straight out of Naruto.

>> No.57468113
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A century of pumping will became a century of dumping

Get ready because Chinance will be raped even more, luckily I only do cross-chain swap in Rango and I don't need any Chinese Communist Party monitoring my trades

>> No.57468389

why are they bearish? mudslimes joined brics already. shouldnt everyone be rooting for the fall of the west?

>> No.57468424
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what a corny unfunny fuckingg post. embarrassing. lurk harder before participating next time, thanks.

but have you seen their cities at night, though?

>> No.57468436

What the fuck. I thought chinks reproduced like rabbits in heat. What happened there...

>> No.57468438

"Chinance" is not even associated to China you stupid nigger.

>> No.57468450

xi doesn't really care about your 5k dollar "move" on bitcoin during the halve lmfao come down from that cloud brother

you should be using kraken for cryptoshit anyways

>> No.57468473

China lost with their dumb zero covid policy. The west sucks and I wish total vax death for whites, but it’s still better than zero covid shit.

>> No.57468504

So we should eradicate at least half the population then. Noted.

>> No.57468510

>Euros are similarly poor, but at least they don't have to work as much.

Germany works more hours than Japan. Britain works as much as Japan. Not every European country is Italy or Spain

>> No.57468519

Have you ever heard about closed off neighborhoods for rich people. Now THOSE are spotless. They got everything they need nearby, in almost equally as spotless businesses and franchises. Fucking retard. Of course vanilla New York is a dumpster compared to its wealthier sections.

>> No.57468521

are you retarded? do you think that because they left china they cut off all contact with the mainland?

>> No.57468528


>> No.57468546

Japan got rich, china didn't.
The average chink will never get rich now, but the average nip is

>> No.57468548
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that smells like a bullrun

>> No.57468550

That hasn't been the case since the 70s dude, you're like 50 years behind the curve. China's total fertility rate hit 1 last year even assuming official numbers are 100% accurate.

>> No.57468571

Yesus christ absolute state of /biz/

>> No.57468589
File: 561 KB, 708x697, IMG_0461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo is rich but elsewhere Japan infrastructure getting bad. I’ve seen Osaka infrastructure dying, lost my v card to a 23 yr old prostitute there.

Still this may mean cute asian girls like this will be available to chad americans again.

>> No.57468608

>china somehow destroyed themselves with their own biological weapon
Mao would be so proud

>> No.57469005

Imagine having to make 500k to live in a gated neighborhood far away from a COOL DOPE FUCKING CITY WITH COOL PEOPLE, and still defend yourself against REAL first world countries, you absolute cuckold.

>> No.57469048

500k is a low price to pay in order to stay away from low income retards

>> No.57469053

Choina is definitely going japan 2.0 but worse. Last time they tried industrialization they butchered 30M+, commies are the most retarded lifeform on Earth. Probably they'll butcher old people and live on without taking care of them. No one cares about chinks literally walking wagie organic robot.

>> No.57469079

>Probably they'll butcher old people and live on without taking care of them
Ok but actually this is kind of based

>> No.57469276

Another solution (the most probable) is to strip women rights and demand chinks to impregnate as much women as they can. Maybe reduce social credits for single young women, ban them from work. Literally make them kill themselves if they won't produce a child.
That is more probable since old people are the majority and ruling. Need more slaves.

>> No.57469470

exactly what? actually a really good analogy ... are you implying china is a grower not a shower?

>> No.57469535

No. Lots of people have been bearish China for several years, myself included. I've been called a shill, a glownigger and a faggot endless times just for stating the obvious case that China is fucked in so many ways.
This is only the beginning.

>> No.57469550

I’m thinking like you OP. It’s just hard because I’m not educated enough on China, but right now buying the cqqq seems like such a good fucking bet.

>has been going down consistently since 2021
>actually cheap at this point
>you get exposure to AI cheaply
>the company behind tik tok proved to me that China is capable of significant and important AI breakthroughs, as their algorithm is better than what American tech companies use
>all these companies have a lot of cash and low debt

I believe that the thought is that the CCP has been acting to “reign in” big tech in China. They have an actively hostile government that doesn’t want them getting too big an powerful. That’s why people have just been selling the stocks nonstop for years.

At some point they are too cheap though. Especially if the CCP changes its mind and realizes the most important thing geopolitically right now is to catch up or beat Americans in the race for AI. They could do a 180 at any time because it’s essentially 1 man rule over there.

I’m not trying to catch the falling knife and seeing as how it’s just been falling for years I might actually wait to see it start going up. In the meantime I just want to get closer to ground truth in China, shit is so hard to figure out what’s real and what’s western cope.

>> No.57469553

Japan will be diversified soon so any benefits they have over the west in terms of living standards will be soon gone

>> No.57469655

I just don’t see how they are fucked. Still the worlds manufacturer, still growing, still have meaningful investments to increase productivity, still have low taxes, etc etc. I don’t know how anyone can look at the world and say China is more fucked than the U.S.

Personally my theory is that Chinese shit is going down because the risk of war over Taiwan, and the chink government could just say “shares held by non Chinese are now null and void” and your loss is 100%. That’s the only thing that makes any sense to me

>> No.57469723

This is better than immigration. I wish our leaders had the courage to do this

>> No.57469876

I read some of the article and it’s just completely crazy to me that deflation is seen as a big problem. As if the government couldn’t in a single day helicopter money to everyone and get rid of deflation. Maybe they like goods getting cheaper. If a small amount of inflation is good I’m not convinced that a small amount of deflation is bad and would cause people go suddenly start hoarding cash.

It sounds like propaganda to me

>> No.57469895

You have to start thinking like a jewish parasite.

>> No.57469978

>They could do a 180 at any time because it’s essentially 1 man rule over there.
That's the problem though. Or even if it wasn't a 1 man rule, actually.
The problem is how the CCP sees big companies as a threat to their power. And they'll do anything and everything to reign over them. It's not a good environment for investment. There's a reason China's GDP is so high yet its market cap is ridiculously low. Only the West is worth pouring your money in. Because ownership means something. Because there are laws, there are rules. Because we simply are a better society, plain and simple.

>> No.57470005

>Because we simply are a better society, plain and simple.
Which is why we close people's bank accounts for making tweets that criticize jews. So fucking based.

>> No.57470051

Because the average chinese still makes a 4th of a westerner if they're in the middle class. Theres still tons of rural poor people there too.

>> No.57470069

I remember peak of Covid - I said on this website; this is peak china right now. All downhill from there. The main response I got was "cope".

>> No.57470132

because china is a total third world shithole while japan achieved better living standards than europe

also china has never innovated, while japan built its economy entirely on innovation in the sectors they dominated, namely cars and electronics
china produces plastic garbage that can be produced by any other third world shithole, they couldnt even produce ballpoint pens until like a decade ago
and all tech that comes out of china is stolen
japan can stay relevant in cars and electronics, albeit not nearly to the same extent, and there are some very niche markets such as precision optics that japan is still unmatched in
meanwhile china has to compete against literally every other 3rd world shithole and at any moment american companies can just choose another country in which to manufacture their cheap junk (like apple switching some manufacturing capacity to india over china)

china also has no cultural production, while japan soft power via cultural exports is at the highest its ever been
china will never be a cultural powerhouse the way japan is

japanese companies also hoard tons of cash and have collectively trillions of dollars in cash, they play the long game and if things get slow they can always expand via m&a
I doubt chinese companies are as financially sound or forward looking

>> No.57470174

The reason everyone is bearish is because the west is scared of china dicking them down and their inability to do nothing about it.
> holy shit they're dying, went from 13% annual growth to 6%
Any western country would kill for that

>> No.57470192

You’re not paying that. You’re paying millions, so you need a $500k salary. It’s cool, everyone knows you’re the stupid poor person we’re all trying to get away from.

>> No.57470202

Muh cultural power

Who gives a fuck this is pure cope. Also I have been hearing shit about Chinese “cultivation” some recently. I don’t really understand what it means but is some kind of genra of story they have a lot of video games with it

>> No.57471809
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>Japan has good demographics

>> No.57471863

Literally only because of cars.

>> No.57471870

I feel like this is projection after all japan is 98 percent japanese. Can you say the same white man?

>> No.57471921

actually, Germans work least hours of all of these, and Japs most. But still not as many hours as Burgers.

>> No.57471944

>Muh cultural power
>Who gives a fuck this is pure cope.
you are posting this on an anime imageboard

>> No.57471957

actually go to japan and see for yourself, the average japanese has a COL way above westoids

>> No.57471983

And for all that cultural power, I wouldnt lift a finger to help japan

>> No.57471988

America need a strong enemy to deal with internal problem. China is a good candidate and China decline will not be slowly.

>> No.57472015

my wife makes that bet every night and cashes out every time

>> No.57472042

literally burger propaganda designed to cope and seethe with the empire collapsing

>> No.57472094

You can't compare the two. Japan is an american vassal state and willingly destroyed its own economy when ordered to by the US, think the Japanese government forcing its corporations to buy US goods (RAM sales for example, Japan was forced to have 20% of all chip sales to be American), to hand over trade secrets to US companies (semiconductors with Toshiba), and the final nail in the coffin was the Plaza Accords where the Japanese government finally killed off what little competitiveness it had left by overvaluing the Yen.

China is doing the opposite, it is fighting with all its might and will win.

>> No.57473697

kek chinies