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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57460875 No.57460875 [Reply] [Original]

from missing another deadline. Tick tock linkies…

>> No.57460885

Man this board is going to go bezerk when the remaining cult realizes there are no actual products

>> No.57460889

your gay lol xD

>> No.57460895
File: 489 KB, 766x1053, IMG_1351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A time traveler in another thread said he’s destined to die of a heart attack later this year and the price will forever be stuck below $5

>> No.57460905

There are no "linkies" on this board, only reverse-fud shills like you and retard twitter tourists like the regular shills. Link spammers have absolutely plagued this board for longer than I can even remember

>> No.57460914


>> No.57460987

The team brought this fud upon themselves

>> No.57461098


>> No.57461364

>fudcuck advertising / begging for attention for his literal who twitter account
might as well just post a sharpie in your pooper and beg for linkies on here
there would be more dignity in that unironically

>> No.57461378

If Sergey keeled over dead from myocarditis due his vax maxxing, LINK price would actually go up. CLL could finally get some competent leadership.

>> No.57461393

kill yourself, ESL fud spamming cockroach

>> No.57461481

Just sell and go all in LPL get pool pilled by based chuddie kiddos. Lpl maxi kings are gods amongst men

>> No.57461505

well, if you wanted me to sell LINK, I did it. luckily the price was nice today

>> No.57461508

>using both quotes and meme arrows
Go back

>> No.57461656
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>> No.57461663
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>> No.57461765



It’s not 2017 anymore dog…fake partnerships dont help you (see the chart)

Ill be counting down the days until your fake product gets delayed again

>> No.57461773

Lmfao tell me you didnt buy a ticket to another nerd buzzword festival

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57461779

It’s not fake partnerships. It’s a well timed conference with many established partners. Wouldn’t be surprised if we get ccip at or around this event.

>> No.57461787

Said by Anon - """Anonymous (ID: Zm70Kb2W) 01/30/24(Tue)23:27:44 No.57461508▶>>57461765
>using both quotes and meme arrows"""


Look at what this faggot said.

>> No.57461794

Nah not buying a damn ticket

>> No.57461880

If you want to see something really funny, check out the small handful of accounts that consistently like Adem Kayser and co's posts.
They them seem to be created in september / december 2023 and their sole purpose seems to be padding out those numbers. Its like the discord FUD trannies get so little engagement that they literally make sockpuppet accounts to like their own posts.
Who knows how long they've been doing shit like this for and the pool STILL filled up in under 6 hours.

>> No.57462485

kek, remember 'staking will never happen'? would be funny to do a video of all the developments that would 'never happen' that subsequently 'happened'

>> No.57464373

absolutely living in your head rent free. Look at this cuckold sleuth obsessed with the people mocking him all the while pretending not to care. The cult members have never understood cognitive dissonance

>> No.57464381

you realize it's still not out? You're being paid via release of the team's coins therefore getting diluted on the underlying. The equivalent of a company paying you a dividend while increasing outstanding shares 1:1.

>> No.57464393

Updating the countdown --- only 60 days left until the goalpost move.

>s s s sometime this year
>le epic security

>> No.57466524

Nigger. Do you know how many past conferences ccip was "rumored" to be released?
Its a meme at this point

>> No.57466548

this really makes the erectile dysfunctionn kekfuddie squirm

>> No.57466569


>> No.57466613

kys adem

>> No.57466733

I earn 3k link per year from staking rewards am I gonna make it this year?

>> No.57466941

on just your staking stack, you're down ~$2.6M since '21... all because you joined a cult. Ouch!

>> No.57466947

Update - 59.5 days until the deadline is missed

>> No.57467236

You can just tell this guy is successful, can't you? Lol this is kinda like carcrash tv, witnessing this saltiness. I'd pay good money to read a breakdown on what happened to him. He must have lost a shitload kek

>> No.57469848

Lmao he's doing to crypto what hillary and obama and etc. were doing to colleges in the 2010s. Just speaking in front of a bunch of people and getting paid exorbitant sums of money by (((the club))). They made college prices go up for everyone, I wonder what kind of damage sirgay is doing to crypto as a whole

>> No.57470849

The chart

>> No.57471373

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking retard.