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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57457528 No.57457528 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get to 1.5M this year?

>> No.57457561
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I don't know what I should be buying right now guys

>> No.57457589

Get some LINK and TAO

>> No.57457591

Sure hope so!

>> No.57457628

What's tao? I cashed out my 2017 link already, not getting back in

>> No.57457775
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Wholecoiner. Based.

>> No.57457821

swap out the BNB for LINU, I'm not even joking

>> No.57458063

AI on the blockchain. Get with the times anon

>> No.57458156

Buy amd puts

>> No.57458493

Pump doge with your millions, richfags

>> No.57458805

Damn... How does it feel holding all that eth instead of btc and missing the whole first half of the bull run?

>> No.57459055

A very based portfolio you got anon. Just dump LINK to cop SUPRA at TGE and it'll be complete

>> No.57459062

I may Honestly. Can you Linu pill me?

>> No.57459069
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Put all on black and you get do it within seconds

>> No.57459721

that's pretty good. my financial advice is to buy rose with the rest of your usdc stack. good luck, bro.

>> No.57459757
File: 257 KB, 1080x1832, Peakbullrun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice eth stack
What can I expect peak bull run bros

>> No.57459774

How does $4k sound?

>> No.57459851
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You're making it past the halving with more than 1M for sure, maybe even hitting 2 M if you're lucky enough. I don't reach 400k but i've started shitcoin copytrading using dexscreener plus a bot i programmed myself to sell and its doing wonders, hoping to get to 800K this year. Not sending my folio since it would be 4 pages of noname shitcoins my bot bought and the only one relevant right now is JEWP. Good thread OP

>> No.57459864

No you don't have enough. Go back to 2019 and try again.

>> No.57459892

> plus a bot i programmed myself to sell and its doing wonders
How did you set it up anon? Im currently a NEET and thinking about giving the code meme a try

>> No.57460043

Can anyone unironically help a brother out?
>T. Living in hyperinflation
Fuck keynesians


I gathered around 200$ from /biz and /pol bros so far

>> No.57460072

yeah op what >>57459851 said. ygmi.
also >>57459851 kek and good for you bud.

play with shitcoins you boomers.

>> No.57460132

>I cashed out my 2017 link already
>$63k portfolio
big cringe

>> No.57460496

I bought a house and have a wife an kids friend

>> No.57460528
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Probably RNDR too


>> No.57461066

I wish I put it all in SOL honestly

>> No.57461594
File: 3.32 MB, 2261x1501, magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR on ICP. The price action was because of SBF releasing a leveraged ICP token on FTX 7 days before launch, as well as a coordinated smear campaign in the media.


Largest R&D team in crypto filled with more cryptographers than any other crypto project. Crypto cloud is true web 3, everything else is built on AWS but store coins/nfts on chain.. not true web3.

>> No.57461610
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oops, wrong magic file

>> No.57461615
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>> No.57461635 [DELETED] 


Liquidity locked and burned - its gonna run

>> No.57461647

If you throw a couple grand at LINU and TUCKER you will likely make a hefty sum.

>> No.57461683

I increased my portfolio by 30% with LINU alone

>> No.57461702

why do you enjoy buying tops so much

>> No.57461782
File: 117 KB, 391x1017, always failing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got advice how to uncuck myself from being a fomo faggot and now trying to apply myself too late?

need you bros

>> No.57461807
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Make a choice and stick with it bro, I'm basically BTC 20%/SOL+eco coins at 80%. fuck the world if this loses me money at the end of the next bullrun.

>> No.57461818

You hold more different coins than me and my portfolio is like 50x yours

Why so many shit alts that will never pump again? Eos, LTC, xrp, and one are all finished.

>> No.57461846

thanks bro can only try

>> No.57461852

right i dont know bro, i keep thinking 'if i sell its gonna go up, may as well hold' like a fag

how you even know they will never pump again

>> No.57461864
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For sure, bro, focus more, scatter less, it's best.

>> No.57462385

Diversify bro

>> No.57462910

based /biz/folio
gonna make it with AVI

>> No.57462933 [DELETED] 

Lost my job 2 months ago. Struggling to pay for rent, foods and most importantly my university re-admission fees. Among all of these I really need to continue my education. Cause for rent and foods I can fight somehow but I am not being able to manage anything to continue my graduation.

I need 1300 usd for re-admission. Any of you may help me with it? Will be really career savings. I really don't want to lose my entire educational background. A little help will be life savings. Can someone help?

>> No.57462943 [DELETED] 

I wish I could only 1300 usd, i would able to complete my graduation now. Sometimes life become so hard to struggle. I wish something magical would happened, i could get 1300 usd to complete my education, no one would happier than me in this entire world : )

>> No.57463032 [DELETED] 

Can you slide me 1300 usd to complete my graduation? :(

>> No.57463083

This is a boomer portfolio. You should be aiming for 10m plus with that much at your disposal.

>> No.57463683

post folio

>> No.57463723

What is that app? I am desperate for a proper phone app
Cmc doesnt work properly and coingecko is trash

>> No.57463726

Get rid of all that SOL, m8

>> No.57463750

Yes but not this year. I would consider selling some of your portfolio to something like sei. Some like sui but I don't think it's that interesting project compared to sei. It currently has a good momentum and tvl ok so you can probably make money with it tho.

>> No.57463755
File: 2 KB, 231x94, kns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing a bag of KNS

>> No.57465200

yeah but yo need to add more newly launched tokens that's about to go green

>> No.57465248

>What is that app? I am desperate for a proper phone app
>Cmc doesnt work properly and coingecko is trash
It's garloidfolio. Think it's only available on android but you can check

>> No.57465296 [DELETED] 

Yeah but you still need RIPCHM to be more successful OP. Don't sleep on it because BONK holders can tell how juicy RIPCHM gonna be.

>> No.57465397
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Smart move OP, but FAT is one of the tokens token to the portfolio before the bullrun and it's fucking live on Uniswap newfag. Buy and hodl

>> No.57465417

You need more of Solana Memecoin, especially RIPCHM to be more successful OP. Don't sleep on it, only BONK holders can tell how juicy RIPCHM gonna be.

>> No.57465760

not OP but similar boat as him. feels fucking awful.

>> No.57466213

how much would you dedicate to LINU? I have about $80k worth of INJ and already own 1T of linu. Should I just sell more INJ for linu if I want to make it? or should I just chill out or even it out with some other sub 50m mc projects?

>> No.57466384

My capital is much lower than yours so I need high risk coins. LINU is the same. You have a 1T stack so that’s already about there for a make it stack, if it gets to 500m this year which honestly is totally possible with it’s momentum and community then you’d be sitting on 900k with it.

If you had a 2T stack that’s 1.8 million at 500M. Once it hits 1 billy (yes optimistic) 1T-2T stack would be between 1.8 mil to 3.6 mil.

>> No.57466403

as a mighty wholecoiner, you can afford to take risks on some low cap longshots. i don't really want to tell you which ones i'm buying since this place is a shitty botfest and you wouldn't listen anyways

>> No.57466425

Etoro delta isn't working for me

>> No.57466427

Yeah, I'll prob add another 1T, but idk if I should stick so much in INJ or just spread it around a few other small caps, maybe within AI. If any anons can give recs, please let me know

>> No.57466923

>how you even know they will never pump again
Because there is not development activity, no narrative, no buzz.

- LTC: the founder sold out in the last bull run.
- EOS: they had the biggest ICO ever and did shit all with the money.
- XRP: might get another small pump riding the court decisions, but apart from that? There is literally zero use
- QNT: holding that too, but I doubt they will ever find customers. Selling soon.
- ONE: Was all the rage in 2019. Dead.
- HBAR: never caught a real pump, no one talks about it.
- MATIC: had a huge pump last time, won't do much
- ADA: the lolcow of crypto. Muh academic papers. Shitty tech and zero adoption.

>> No.57467120

Pretty comfy, except Link.
I would spend some cash on a couple of memecoins. Kadena made me into the 6 digit last bullrun ( not shilling for this shitcoin, I rode it and sold it slowly when it reached like 80x of my initial investment).

>> No.57467606

I'd go for all except LINK, seeing how mfs are trooping in on Kimberlite to secure some juicy titty stakes in the world's first diamond-powered web3 ecosystem on kimbertoken.io has caught my attention. I'm diving on it.

>> No.57468036

There are lots of new tokens that won't survive the bullrun, why not Dive in on MXMDAO on bitmart, the gem is on a mission to transform RWA tokenization, providing the new generation of holders with Governance influence and Staking rewards.