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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57445728 No.57445728 [Reply] [Original]

Turn in my resignation and boss is begging me to stay now…

Why do they do this?

>> No.57445739

Demand a huge pay raise and bonus

>> No.57445747

Stop shitting that shitty redd/int/ meme all over the board you racemixing obsessed shitskin

>> No.57445761

Just leave. They promise pay raise but string you along and hire someone else then fire you.

>> No.57445868

how can I get a qt asian gf like this?

>> No.57445874

this, but it needs to be immediate i.e. right now or they will do this: >>57445761

>> No.57445883

If you're white it's your duty to marry and have kids with a white woman or kill yourself

>> No.57445922

I'm white but I'm not very attracted to White woman and objectively speaking asian woman are superior, they look better, they are more feminine and they love white men like me.

>> No.57446812

Work for them as a contractor but still take the other job. If you tell them you’re leaving but they convince you to stay, they’ll still get rid of you when they can

>> No.57446834

Im about to quit as well without another job in line and only 2.5k in crypto that i dont really want to touch. how fucked am i bros?

>> No.57446841

Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face

>> No.57446853

>Why do they do this?
So they have time to train your replacement when they inevitably fire you now that they know you have already thought about leaving.

>> No.57447012

listen to both of these, but recgonize the power of contracts against corps
have them fire you (there are benefits to this such as being allowed to pull your employer 401k into crypto via a self custody solution, or atleast a standard one through schwab so you aren't stuck to the employer provider choices)
and make them provide you a new employment contract that states that if they fire you then you get a certain severance.
For example 6 months severance and a month is taken off of that for every 4 months you remain at the company till the severance goes down to 2 months then it stays there.
if they really want you they'll do it
otherwise fuck em

>> No.57447054

White women have been ruined by social media