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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57415625 No.57415625 [Reply] [Original]

>Jannies hate it because they are not comfy
>Bizzies hate it because they have no arguments and every fud has been demolished
Im so fucking tucked in and comfy

>> No.57415639

> CEX listings on the way
> CMC listing on the way
> listed on multiple dexs with huge amount of liquidity
> dev has burned over 75k usd worth of tokens
> completely transparent and has multiple articles and a whitepaper explaining every single detail
> community events weekly
> partnerships with artists, marketing specialists, and more
> bot utilizing ai will be coming out soon

yes this is very comfy

>> No.57415653
File: 119 KB, 800x800, 7056ae02-9494-4637-b25e-5679c27a7b4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to mention that we have the best meme power in this crypto space.
So innovative compared to those already-built up dogs and pepes.

There wasn't so many yobacomfy memes. Now we got a ton.. A real comfy movement is starting rn.

>> No.57415663 [DELETED] 

https://birdeye.so/token/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq?chain=solana Now accumulating near price discovery

>> No.57415684


>> No.57415711

Jannies might anally gape me but names comfy

>> No.57415739

Thanks, I'll look into that lead

>> No.57415750

Godspeed anon. Stay comfy

>> No.57415785

join us

>> No.57416824
File: 107 KB, 788x640, ea356f_b48c93371a9f41a58668998ff60ffc2f~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy chads stay comfy. SWFT today

>> No.57416966
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>mega whales dump
>we literally rug up
What did they mean by this

>> No.57417107

Based comfyposter

>> No.57417718
File: 217 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20240123_141100_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was nice of them to dump the price so low so I could increase my stack. Picked up 13m more comfies at the bottom.

>> No.57418205

Come be autistic with your fellow biztards, we are taking this shit to 250mil +

>> No.57418266
File: 151 KB, 600x1000, IMG_2982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No remember biz only buys when something moons and then cry on mongolian forum how they got “dumped on” we will let bizzies buy only at 10m

>> No.57418350

>mfw I put all my sol up trying to stop the dump after the first sell off.
I already have a nice bag, but that didn’t feel good

>> No.57418383

Were those 2 dumps snipers? we will soon be at ath in no time the brutal jeet suicide fest will be unreal kek. Anyhow stay comfy comfybro

>> No.57419061
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Comfychads WTFWT

>> No.57419466

Our weekend will feel SOCOMFY!!!

>> No.57419480

Checked. Those dubs conform maximum comfiness

>> No.57419504

I bought a small bag a couple weeks ago. We have to prevent whales from getting comfy, all they do is create massive candles in both direction and make the project seem like a 2-hr pump and dump scam.

The current slow pump is not organic, it's probably a whale or two pumping the price so that they can dump again.

>> No.57419680

It's mostly bots and people buying due to the SWFT AMA

>> No.57419698
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bots are totally ruining the swft ama it needs to be organic the bots are driving away our comfy chads

>> No.57419977

A lot of people joined the tg after the ama and then a few buys came in, that seems pretty organic to me no?

>> No.57420062

Chill schizo i can confirm i bought 3k at the complete bottom then buys followed and most of swingies started buying back in after fucking up. I would say its pretty comfy desu

>> No.57420932
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I'm comfy

>> No.57420945

Literally PEPEPAL round 2. Look at the vol. Look at the holder count. Look at how long it has been trading. Lol if you think it will go to 10m mc with all the original holders pumping and dumping on each other with no new capital coming in.

>> No.57420959

Also, you cannot get listed on a cex with a total of 12k in daily vol, lol. Wtf are you smoking? I swear that list you posted was the exact list posted in those pepepal threads a year ago, lmao.

>> No.57420964

>says peepal
Kek dilate my comfy stay pumpy faggot. Missed you fuddies desu

>> No.57420979
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that is a good bet you should use your money wisely

>> No.57420984

Token not needed. This is comfy thread rakesh. Back to the village you go

>> No.57421007

Saying something like "cex listing on the way" would make sense if your shitcoin was generating over 1m+ in daily volume. But saying that when your shitcoin in fact has atm 11k in daily volume is truly disingenuous, jeety, even.

>> No.57421020

Oh damn little bizzie you are very upset and angry at comfy token even to such an extent that you would spend minutes of your precious days preaching. Inshallah you (the jew) will not get my comfies. Dilate

>> No.57421040

Interesting that you haven't addressed any of my points and just deflected them all. Nice.

>> No.57421047

Np i like deflecting dare i say thrive on it. Ty for bumps but dont make jannie mad kay

>> No.57421571
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Comfy bumpfy

>> No.57421740
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And why would you compare it to something like Pepepal? I can already tell by the name and logo that they didn't have anything going on for them. This is disingeneous. Comfy is lining up to invite more than enough volume once marketing gets going.

>> No.57422247

This is /ourcoin/ now?

>> No.57422294

Well there were many “ourcoins” on biz so dont wanna jinx anything. But its going in the right direction. At least dev is not retarded and can actually run the project unlike 99% of sol shitters

>> No.57422335

Name one that has kicked off as well as this.

>> No.57422350 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 859x759, 3214214j213j213j21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm so fucking tucked in and comfy

i'm not falling for your kikecoin, retard, i'm comfy with blocklords already

>> No.57422364

This kike sir seems very uncomfy and irationally angry about a token on mongolian forum. Good morrning sir

>> No.57423488
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>> No.57424164

Dev is a hardworking guy who delivered everything that has promised, have great plans, every week there is something happening, this coin have like 75k of liquidity, every movement and tokenomics are completly cristal clear,

While so many other projects simply disappeared, this not only remained but continued to rise, apart from the dev this thing is starting to have really good memes I suppose there are some top memers involved, this is about to turn a month old, there are still great things to happen, it's just the beginning

>> No.57424546
File: 851 KB, 1200x675, 1705645210044410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They told me I could become anything I wanted, So I became COMFY! Thank you COMFY on Solana!
I only invested because biz told me not to! They said it's a shitcoin! But i did my research and i found out that the dev is based! COMFY is listed on Coingecko, SWIFT and will soon come to Coinmarketcap and centralized exchanges! But you can already buy it on Raydium, Orca or Creme.
And don't forget about the High APY for LP providers! The LPs are burned, contract renounced and the Telegram group has the comfiest people i have ever seen!

>> No.57425282

Never listen to biz

>> No.57425376

What's your reasoning that this shitcoin will ever moon? What's the idea?

>> No.57425393

Because biz is insanely seething and dilating. No but for real anon why do any other shitcoins moon or dont moon. Its called gambling but sometimes with a little bit better odds than the others

>> No.57426058
File: 49 KB, 1100x622, 1706359892248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capable dev and autistic biztards behind a normie-friendly meme

>> No.57426681

So it has decent PR, a professional rug team, and absolutely nothing beyond "hodl to mek munny".
I can just have SOL sit in my wallet to the same benefit.
There's no difference between a shitty memecoin and the x1000 longbet. They're both retarded options to be scalped by whales and larger wallets.

It's better to invest in chemistry and organ trafficking.

>> No.57427180

Yes thats why i put 3k on the bottom i love getting financially assraped anon

>> No.57427615
File: 158 KB, 1280x731, IMG_20240124_151515_659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm comfy

>> No.57427644 [DELETED] 

>Because biz is insanely seething and dilating.
This cope is no different than what D0baggies say
>buying So-ylana scams
Perhaps there's one reason why everybody is discarding anything from this trash chain?... i wonder why...

>> No.57427730

Good morening sir

>> No.57428205
File: 256 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20240123_143420_798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs my village is very comfy very stable but I need you bloody benchod bastards to stop redeeming coin

>> No.57428287
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Your SOL won't do a 100x though

>> No.57429442
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>> No.57431004
File: 35 KB, 598x598, IMG_20240127_162926_681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy chads stay comfy

>> No.57431048

Bros which Comfy is the right one? There are like 300 of those on dex

>> No.57431168 [DELETED] 

Get the contract address from the website or coingecko

>> No.57432261

Lmaaaaaooo where did you get that meme kek

>> No.57432319
File: 32 KB, 611x611, IMG_20240127_181552_953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it

>> No.57432463
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brilliant memes mate, keep making them, refreshing og content

>> No.57432793

This is truly our coin.
Nocomfy will seethe and rope hard when they'll realize it at 1b during euphoria of comfort hype.
My blanket is ready

>> No.57432927


unironically true its being manipulated very nicely, heres a fun thing to check next time the buybot say 'new holder' go check the txn theres no new holder its the trading bot thats been there for days now & sometimes its a buy from a simple wallet whos been swinging but the buy bot says its a new holder, i was under the impression that we've been getting new holders, check couple of txns yourself

also some sells are from whales who are sending comfies from their big wallets to another wallet and then dumping them on you im sensing they're the same morons who are posting jeets out and whales out in tg

tldr most of you are falling for 4d price manipulation and a bunch of you are peddling their bs in the tg without knowing the actual deal yourself

im gonna copypasta this post if i see another thread cuz this shits retarded

>> No.57432992

I'm comfy, 10m seems like a good jeet stack, or sui bag. For anyone that cares to invest, but this is giving me early dog with bat vibes, so im holding long term.

>> No.57433205

You are such a nigger

>> No.57433212
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Missed pic

>> No.57433852
File: 221 KB, 2618x622, 51314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does x100's on a long bet, can you not read?
Here: tell me which chart is going to the fucking moon.

>> No.57433967

theres bots on every coin tho

>> No.57434760

FIne, I'll slurp again.

>> No.57434985
File: 95 KB, 978x778, comfytg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how the dev is willing to cater to retards fudding because you're too much of a pussy to bring an issue up in the TG
>some sells are from whales who are sending comfies from their big wallets to another wallet
You realize you can simply check the OG wallets because of the airdrop distribution in the beginning right? Virtually everyone from the OGs is still holding. Also funny how you describe them as whales, when everyone can become a whale right now with like 2k. A brainlet, that's what you are

>> No.57435908

It is truly funny that people were claiming that this project would go anywhere the first 72h,

Those same people are fudding right now LMAO.

Comfy isn't rugging like the 99.999% solana hyped projects.
It has products, partnerships, memes.. Just wait till Reddit normies will spam their comfies to sell. By that time, COMFY will be 1b+ during euphoria spike.

>> No.57437416
File: 25 KB, 525x384, FyRGoJ8aUAAo4Qk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you being retarded on purpose now, where did the og wallets came into this, did i mention them in previous post i think not
if only you could dyor, here let me spoonfeed you

wallet (GPHgiSM1QG4XgGbc5aASss22DM6TViN2tXLMCEGLWFLj) holder no.5 made 2 txns (7mil comfy & 20mil comfy) 12 days ago

1st txn - https://solscan.io/tx/5cY6gh5h6z6DpP3fCrwQEoKc4sAwJ8uEJzMYLSpV8XciAfxCNEvJqFuWXSNVQnghdavPK5eR7ezaGrnw4x3qMYTn

C2g5G4e1p8zMzCo44ucN3xf62XVs6ri2p5Bnu5UkaCgo (received 7mil comfy) (has sold half stack few hrs back)

2nd txn - https://solscan.io/tx/3TemqKjtGxWdR2JfP1ATjrTSSg2pPa8iaEC3SJ6f2pWBaPHwMUwySvDje18TMBs5GWh6KDdvBWRP4ortw5Q6Z5SZ

9nnLbotNTcUhvbrsA6Mdkx45Sm82G35zo28AqUvjExn8 (received 20mil comfy) (then sold them in 2 parts 4 & 16mil to get usdc)

wallet (GPHgiSM1QG4XgGbc5aASss22DM6TViN2tXLMCEGLWFLj) interacts with (9nnLbotNTcUhvbrsA6Mdkx45Sm82G35zo28AqUvjExn8) which further interacts with (DCAKxn5PFNN1mBREPWGdk1RXg5aVH9rPErLfBFEi2Emb) (bot)

(9nnLbotNTcUhvbrsA6Mdkx45Sm82G35zo28AqUvjExn8) sent 4mil comfy to wallet (2u4wzyWDg7M72a4a2UL6tL5BifpyEgNXL15wWgwAMd8W) which is also holder no. 6

wallet (2u4wzyWDg7M72a4a2UL6tL5BifpyEgNXL15wWgwAMd8W) sent 800 comfy to (FxYoB1VAx8TfLCwvmworJy16VH89v992qznUvBX5aR8K)
which further interacts with (5nM1CTQwKXFZo5yJYC8J1pgj32JW6Fx8DpQAtPZ8aiLw) (bot) & (DCAKxn5PFNN1mBREPWGdk1RXg5aVH9rPErLfBFEi2Emb) (bot)

>when everyone can become a whale right now with like 2k
yeah everyone has 2k to blow on a shitcoin, im not gonna be pumping your bags, brainlet

>> No.57439378

a new round is beginning again right now! starting from below to try to break the ATH, you have been warned.

>> No.57439389

kinda shit timing for this project desu. the sol shitcoin casino kinda dried up right around the time comfy launched. it will come back again, but comfy is in limbo until meme season returns to this chain

>> No.57439548
File: 49 KB, 844x828, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because only the OG wallets matter. The one you posted is most likely a bot if it interacts with others, it got in 13 days ago (probably because of the good liquidity to MC ratio)
>yeah everyone has 2k to blow on a shitcoin
If you would've been there from the start and after seeing how the dev works, you'd be stupid not to have a bag. Marketing starts next week and there might also be some fast-tracking done in SOL Trending groups, although that usually results in an artificial pump which is not what the dev has envisioned. COMFY will do with or without you
This is true, the volume is shit right now on Solana and ETH gas fees are low. It'll come back though, always does

>> No.57439821

This might also be the crema.finance pool btw