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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57398685 No.57398685 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57398706

jannies are annoyed the scams aren't getting enough attention. notice that none of the actual scam tokens' threads have any fudders in it. people just slide them but only linu gets a dedicated team of pajeet fudders trying to convince everyone to sell.
even my financial advisor isn't so concerned with my financial well-being.

>> No.57398713

>$3-4M market cap
>fair wallet distribution
>not even listed on exchanges yet
What are you scared about, Anon, lose $50-$100?

>> No.57398731

For the anon I was having a discussion with, here was my last post before it closed. Not meant to be fud my nigger, but a genuine concern.


>> No.57398749

Never mind, it got fuckin nuked completely. Trannies

>> No.57398798

What’s yr concern anon?

>> No.57398837

You fags fucking suck. I bought only to yet dumped on, never again listening to you retards.

>> No.57398885

lol thank you jannies for protecting us from a community effort so we can focus on SOL scams

this pretty much confirms you have to pay a bribe to post here

>> No.57398898

Temporary downtrend + load of fud

>> No.57398937

yeah biz is fucking dead. can someone create a new forum? jeet and jannie free?

>> No.57398951

lol, damn. what was your concern?

>> No.57398961
File: 201 KB, 960x540, LINU-Never-Was.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek no shit eh.
I'm holding till 5billy or bust. Fuck it

>> No.57398962

I am sorry anon, I feel you. I am in this too, but the only way we make it is if we work together against the jeets, jannies and the boost mobile mexicans that plague this site.

>> No.57398990
File: 2.07 MB, 1024x1024, linu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How adorable is this?

>> No.57399074

This, there was this one guy in the TG who said he got a 3 day ban for racism because he said "don't trust the fudding jeets" like wtf. I can only imagine how many other anons also got a ban for something dumb which is probably why the threads slowed down.

>> No.57399106

KEK jeet scam confirmed

>> No.57399126

fudders are trying to buy low. the massive coordinated fud is mega bullish. don't get fudded out anons be patient

>> No.57399158

I was talking about how the things being shilled on Linu can also be applied to other shitcoins that are near identical to this one. I brought up Fine as an example. The distribution is seemingly similar with most of the top holders at .9% or lower. That contract is renounced as well and it’s already on some exchanges (low tier). Their shill group is active and they have some known twitter fags who stand by them. They’ve been crabbing at $1m for a while and they can’t get any traction back up. That’s just one example.

So the qrd on what I just said is basically, why would new buyers come flooding into this vs other shitcoins that are identical in every way?

>> No.57399198

Fine was a fresh project, not sure how these projects are comparable in that way.

>> No.57399235

New coins after LINU buried homie
Trash INU
Doo Doo INU
Hot raw sewerage INU
Apologize to the homie INU
Toxic waste INU
Zero INU
Minus INU
Screen cap this INU

>> No.57399351

>contract renounced
>community run
>token distribution
>mainstream meme
>dog mascot
Also, India will be waking up soon. Get ready for another wave of dumps

>> No.57399361

lol fine was not community run, Lord Kek had a team and it was obvious.

>> No.57399369

LINU was always a PnD scam
if you have bags unload them now and move on
fucking losers hahaha

>> No.57399371

It became community run after Kek's team got greedy.

>> No.57399580

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To kick off 2024, we present dynamic sessions tailored for you.
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>> No.57399657

You will never reach the masses
You got dumped on
Thanks for playing and come again

>> No.57400365
File: 2.38 MB, 1024x1024, linu6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much fud unreal, if it was so damn over, why all the fud? It makes no sense. Honestly, ask yourself, if this was done deal, would these people be spending all day long (paid) to fud these threads?

Perhaps they see LINU as this much of a danger of taking all the attention away from their scam coin if it gets real traction that they do this in concentrated effort to try and destroy it.

>> No.57400400



>> No.57400420

Just dumped another $1k into this pajeet coin let’s hope I don’t regret it

>> No.57400444

Yeeeeee homie.

>> No.57400506


>> No.57400549

Still below ico price. VC pump and dump, many such cases

>> No.57400582

rooting for ya

>> No.57400627

No shit it’s below ico price you fuckin retard. biz just revived the coin 9 days ago. There’s VC pump and dump fuckin idiot the contract is renounced. Your constant fud only creates more new bag holders you utter fudder. Keep trying to imitate biz with your many such case you cringe fuck. Biz will never sell newfags come everyday and see how much of an absolute fucking gem this coin is. Your sol scam coins are who ignored now. Get poor stay poor. Biz has the one coin to bind us all in wealth and prosperity. We’re buying dips holding and never selling our linu. Easy 100x this month anons

>> No.57400666
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>> No.57400667
File: 278 KB, 1500x1148, 1__oMeeDWEa5MjW55-ClKvBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon

>> No.57400680

What is the floor? 3 million mcap?

>> No.57400704

seems so 3-4 range. at 12 which was peak its a 4-3x

>> No.57400712
File: 1.98 MB, 1024x1024, linu8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like 4m mcap? Hard to say atm...

>> No.57400715

Give me the latest copes, homies
What's the pattern I can find in the graph that indicates imminent mooning?

>> No.57400739

full moon sucking up our gains

>> No.57400778

Peak was 12, so 75% correction down to 3, sounds about right.

>> No.57400837

There was never a presale faggot. Your pay should be docked for that one.

>> No.57402336

Observant based anon. Tomorrow’s the full moon. Friday is when we go back up. Slurp dips tonight tomorrow biz bros.

>> No.57402408

I remember when I was jizzing this was 1m last week. Now we have people roping cause it’s 4m? Stupid homies.

You ain’t a real homie. Real homies are HARD.

>> No.57402415

Based diamond balls biz bro club member

>> No.57402432
File: 204 KB, 1170x650, IMG_4093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the way to 1 Billy baby

>> No.57402459
File: 529 KB, 736x1361, 1706155115297568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how cute LINU should be shared. Look howm kyoot him is!

I've been banned twice as well for "advertising" when:
>pointed out a sol scamcoin
>coin was rugged 1day after my ban
2nd time
>Made a thread asking about LINU
It was at that point i bought in. Fucking board is full of solscams, and when a coin with no dev comes back to life its nuked to hell.

>why would new buyers come flooding into this vs other shitcoins that are identical in every way?
Because we have cute dog & backing of /biz/ homie.

You are not homie certified.

>fine was not community run, Lord Kek had a team and it was obvious.

>See pic rel

This. We just started.

>> No.57403595

Homie. Wagmi.

>> No.57403647
File: 1.45 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys could there be a second linu? I saw dogey inu on Coinbase wallet DINU . 200k market cap 9 zeros almost the exactly what linu was in the first thread , we did a lot with linu in a few weeks . What if we did it twice and both inu’s pumped ? Who the fuck is in here right now to tell me I’m not crazy

>> No.57403656

just comfy with my homies

>> No.57403674

You'll buy my pump and dumps and enjoy it faggot

>> No.57403695

Ok I'm buying

>> No.57403709

Can’t hurt to get a small bag here — liquidity just got locked for a year https://birdeye.so/token/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq?chain=solana&tab=recentTrades

>> No.57403774

Yeah but contract? Team? Distribution?

>> No.57403780

DINU is 100% a jeet scam. Same exact tactics from a group I almost fell for a couple years ago

>> No.57403809

I like this image anon

>> No.57403910

Holding linu without holding dua is a grave mistake. Memecoins can't last.

>> No.57404099

Tokensniffer gives it 0/100 . Says
Exploit #086: Contains signature of serial scammer #29
Top holder has 25%. So it’s ruggable to tokensniff. About the contract they say
Ownership renounced or source does not contain an owner contract.
There’s website. They have an active Twitter account . To my retard vision it looked similar to linu .

>> No.57404111

What group what tactics do you speak of anon