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57393832 No.57393832 [Reply] [Original]

shit's going to crash hard right, like the biggest economic hangover in history. can anyone here confirm? I have a number of reasons, but it's more of a feeling.

>> No.57393928

There is much talk about the big recession that is about to come and all kinds of apocalyptic scenarios of a crash worst than 2008.
I dont believe them that much. They will print their way out of it. We may see a scary scenario before a bull market but that's it.

>> No.57393934

it wont take that long.

it will crash this summer and take BTC with it. Thats why im selling 80k.

Remember the fed is talking about dropping interest rates in the next few months for a reason. because parts of the economy are going to begin to fail.

The problem is, everyone is gambling on a soft landing, which leaves no wiggle room. If inflation has even the smallest bounce, its going to scare the shit out of everyone and they will have to raise rates again. When this happens alot of small-mid cap businesses are going to fail.

>> No.57393944

that is when the nuclear war happens

>> No.57393956

they cant print their way out of it, without it actually happening first.

if they print too soon, it creates more inflation, and causes the whole cycle of raising interest rates to get even worse. when interest rates are exactly what is going to cause the crash in the first place.

the fed put is falling off the table. they would have to wait for us to fall into deflation to print. but whats going to happen is the biggest companies are going to survive, while the small companies are going to die out, all while inflation remains above 3%. so it makes things really difficult for the fed to just throw money at.

>> No.57393966

also it wont be worse than 2008, but it will last longer, so it will feel worse, especially if you are earning under 60k

>> No.57393979

I can't see it happening during an election year. the powers that be will pressure Jerome and pump the economy in whatever ways they can up until the election is decided.

>whats going to happen is the biggest companies are going to survive, while the small companies are going to die out
not really a problem in the short term. workers can survive on debt-spending for a while

>> No.57394002

Monetary inflation is different than cost inflation. Cost inflation has been tamed to some extent by increasing interest rates, but at the same time monetary inflation keeps expanding.
Through the RRP, public spending, and the BTFP they have injected a tremendous amount of money into the economy at the same time the rates were increasing.
Cost inflation will probably be at that 3 percent they calculate, but monetary inflation (increase in the price of financial assets) will run high.
There is a lag effect on it, so now the prices on the market are still kind of depressed, but the machine that transfers wealth from the poor to the rich will keep going.
We may see some bump along the way but i doubt it will be very serious.

>> No.57394006

how is he going to pump the economy without causing more inflation?

>> No.57394017

there is a 12 month lag on rate increases so we should see peak effect from the rates around july.

if we get a tiny bounce in cpi here, you will see stock prices dump again like 2022.

>> No.57394107

I am very uncertain of what happens after March. RRP dries out and BTFP finishes. Cpi will probably hold.
Some correction in the stock market is still on the cards, but i dont expect a fall in prices like 2022. Too much liquidity has been injected since October.
They will probably start lowering rates in March to keep things afloat.

>> No.57394143

>the machine that transfers wealth from the poor to the rich will keep going.
eventually something is going to crack. I don't know what, but it will.

>> No.57394168

election year markets go up
global WEF crisis soon so money printer go brrr

>> No.57394198

The actual fiat system seems to be unsustainable. They could try to impose a system where people's money is locked at negative interest rates in nominal terms to save it but is like playing with fire.
People have been pushed a bit too far i believe. Cant fuck around too much now. With a lowkey introduction of cbdc's and a general adoption of it with time a world of possibilites will open to manipulate the economy.
If things keep going the way they are now we are running into hyperinflation or a great depression where there is a big default on debt.
I doubt they will let that happen though. Too risky.

>> No.57394331

it has already cracked via inflation destroying the fed put. if they print more money, it creates more inflation, and then they have to further raise interest rates, which further destroys the economy and they have to print more money, repeating the cycle.

The length between money prints is going to shorten, and we will see hyper inflation and introduction of a new system over the next 20 years.

what really sucks is they could just let a recession ahppen and not print any money, grind through it for 10 years, and have a 1950-2000 type boom all over again.

the probelm is the people with all the money wont accept losing half of their wealth, and will vote to print everytime. and theyll end up naked in the streets by the time they are in diapers.

>> No.57395029

>actual fiat system seems to be unsustainable
Yes, it seems all debt based systems are unsustainable. Fractional reserve would end with everyone owing money to the lender and not enough money to pay it. And the current Federal Reserve system is just a ponzi by a different name. I guess the two were supposed to balance out but now we just have ponzi.
>people's money is locked at negative interest rates
It basically already is
So I guess this would allow complete granular control of how we spend our money. I just don't see it. Money hasn't been real for a long

>grind through it for 10 years
That might have worked in 2010. The US would turn into Haiti in that time or best case scenario South Africa. It wouldn't be a homely depression with grandma saving bacon grease. It would be niggers killing and stealing everything all over the US and Europe. Russia would probably come out on top there.
But anyways it doesn't actually fix the problem at it's core.

>> No.57395357

Agree with this post amongst others. Letting a recession happen is no longer politically feasible so we'll go the hyperinflation route, slowly drifting towards destruction of the system.

>>57393832 keep this mind...you shouldn't expect a crash. Sitting in cash will erode your money faster than anything. With the clown system you need to stay invested in order to keep up w inflation.

>> No.57395383

of all the times to be born, we were placed right at the start of the modern day dark ages lol. But hey at least I got my Iphone! Ugh

>> No.57395584

I lived happy times before there were a lot of self phones and i lived the golden era of internet, but its true that we have very dark years ahead.

>> No.57395600

Its because its another Trump election year. The jews would sooner SHUT IT DOWN and burn everything while they watch from their bunkers than let Drumpf win again

>> No.57395641

> It basically already is
In real terms it already is, i am saying in nominal term
> I just don't see it. Money hasn't been real for a long
With the CBDCs you can pinpoint specific targets to extract money from people and force them to spend it before an expiring date. Is an amazing tool to shape the economy.

>> No.57395647

If Trumpie wins hold on to your butts.

>> No.57395675

>With the CBDCs you can pinpoint specific targets to extract money from people and force them to spend it before an expiring date. Is an amazing tool to shape the economy.
Initially I was thinking the population wouldn't be buck broken so easily, but that's naive. However I wonder if this would simply introduce barter to the normies. Like how people trade sardines in prison,

>> No.57395757

I see a lot of you guys confused, so I'll give you this hint: research the "18.5 years cycle".
You can thank me later.

>> No.57395811

Crashes mean money printing and goychecks. This is bullish for crypto and stonks. The jews are deathly afraid of deflation and will money print their way away from it everytime.

>> No.57395883
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We'll pivot and the US will maneuver through the global economy in a way that it'll just work
Then in 2025 comes the pain

>> No.57396220
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Yeah, it's gonna be shit. Probably not hyperinflation, as that happened for dynamics that don't really apply to USD, but it will just be dead. Fuckin nothing.

t. oldfag

>> No.57396373
File: 206 KB, 860x483, Recession Fears Mount 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 2022 waiting for a recession. Didn't happen. Even with a 100% chance.
Its possible the Fed has more information, tools, projections, and simulations to avoid disaster. I do not worry about this anymore.
And even if it does happen, I try to leave markets during downswings anyway.

Pic rel is from Dec. 2022.

>> No.57396440
File: 465 KB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_20240123-084300_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in a recession right now. Normies think it's 2008 out there and from their perspective it is but the fed has pumped FAGMAN and gaslit the economists hard enough to officially say we are not akschually in a recession.

>> No.57396663

Already happened in 22/23

>> No.57397062
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>> No.57397148

But crypto is going to double, surely before any crash?

>> No.57397166
File: 59 KB, 1318x450, fredgraph-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this. Fed has been going stealth QE with various facilities, while the government measures for inflation and unemployment are utterly broken.
Pic related should scare the hell out of anyone with more than a couple brain cells

>> No.57397203

>..and gaslit the economists hard
Not to mention that the broader population don't care about the economy - apart from a partisan-angel, and as such they are extremely uninformed.
An traditional economic crash is very unlikely, bc you could just inflate it, make the stockmarket/housing market go to new ATH, record wage increases etc. ..and put the blame for inflation on greedycorp or however your "enemy" is.
Most ppl wouldn't even know what to think, they all operate within the framework of partisan narrative and truth being relative and all..

>> No.57397270

So the guilty are going to get away with it, is what you’re saying?