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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 501 KB, 1994x1942, GDDEgNYXkAEpl9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57383064 No.57383064 [Reply] [Original]

I hate ETH like you wouldn't believe, anon!

>> No.57383087

>etf coming up
>people aren't even buying the rumor
>they're selling the news for bitcoin
name a more cucked chain

>> No.57384331

I buy it dumps.
I sell it pumps.

Fuck this shit I'm going to back to Bitcoin

>> No.57384364

This. ETH is incapable of behaving like anything ither than a worse performing BTC mirror at this point.

>> No.57384384
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, ethereum crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57384398
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57384404

Will it hold 2k? I need to know for reasons

>> No.57384444

Lmao no

>> No.57386771

>etf coming up
no lol

>> No.57386826

Thing a black man coin my niggus. White boys gimme yo affurnm tsss

>> No.57386842

etf coming is fud at this point

>> No.57386849

underrated, oldfags kno, muhhhh it cant go up any higher theres no more valuueeeee

>> No.57386868

Kek ETC is outperforming it massively. We’re mooning against the ETH pairing

>> No.57387729

Can someone explain why PoS doesn't satisfy the purists?

>> No.57387750

by "purists" do you mean bitcoin maxis? they just don't like ethereum

>> No.57388783

You are holding the wrong ethereum.

>> No.57388801
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I need 2x from now to make it with ETH
this piece of shit will better hit $4k in next two years or I will snap

>> No.57388869

Just look at how many institutions own bitcoin now. Could you imagine if that was pos? ee

>> No.57388903

BTC seems to be a much safer bet for 2x.

>> No.57388960

BTC is ofc safer one but I choose the vitalik meth for potential gains and some staking apy before bull, if BTC will cross new ATH shitterium should pump at least above 4k

>> No.57389073

If you caught the Nethermind bug recently, that's the type of catastrophic black swan that can ruin ETH at any time.
The ETF isn't anywhere near as safe as for BTC either because it's a much more complex instrument.
There's the competitor platform FUD, and since ETH is all about shitcoin trading anyway, maybe some platform will win because decentralization and excellence doesn't matter when you're just trading shitcoins anyway. The whole concept of shitcoin economy may also become less popular eventually.

Basically, if you halfway made it, you're a fool to risk it by betting on ETH instead of BTC. BTC likely has much more than a 2x in it as well.

>> No.57389104

I bought 15 eth for $1100 each in late 2022 and I've held long enough for long term capital gains + it's a new tax year. Getting really close to just ripping the eject cord on it and buying more Celestia or SUI or just BTC even

>> No.57389151

social layer is responding which is bullish af actually
geth supermajority is down from 84 to 78 after only 1 day of sounding alarms and big players like cb havent even adjusted yet but are signaling that they will due to heavy social pressure

>> No.57389180

Not good enough.

>> No.57389197

lol youre slow, its already happening in real time. social layer of eth is a selling point that btc lacks and this is exactly the type of scenario to prove why
again, 84 to 78 in one day. bullish af

>> No.57389208

I know all the geth risks and fud and regard other eth killers let's be honest right now eth still have the most active devs in this space that will actually do some innovative shit, restaking itself could bring new DeFi like season to eth in 2024-2025 - it also could represent risks to crash whole eth with liquidation cascade

Key thing to baghold eth is that now is that have 3 times smaller marketcap than BTC now, potential for gains is bigger but at same time Eth can lag for months before it will move as we saw at the end of 2023

>> No.57389213

Is Mangus Carlson a secret radio psyop cheater?

>> No.57389228

You can pick an even lower market cap coin and get even higher upside.
The point is that you shouldn't chase after shiny shitcoin mining schemes when you halfway made it and Bitcoin offers a safe 2x or more.

>> No.57389244

Is ETH in the room right now Op?

>> No.57389256

risk mitigation

>> No.57389258

true but eth has been number 2 spot for years now and it's not just another shitcoin that happen to be flavor of the month, not sure why to compare it to others. Eth have higher risk than BTC right now agree on that but it's not like I'm holding fucking shiba

>> No.57389264

coinbase announced new client testing in february
social layer doing its job

>> No.57389342

allnodes devs also switching within weeks, that will be another 2-3%

coinbase has 15% so if they move half that gets us into the high 60s (<66 is huge first goal since it puts network out of immediate harm)

lido has begun switching since dec 2022 and still showing momentum


this geth supermajority issue and the way it will be tackled will be a bullish AF narrative in q2 2024

>> No.57389492

Holy shit, I wish i knew about /biz/ in 2016

>> No.57389756

Eth is actually better for wallstreet since it essentially has a revenue vs expenses model. Bitcoin doesn't really "make" any money so people just gamble on it.

>> No.57389870

youre right of course, but that anon is just a fudster. every narrative he tried to push in this thread got BTFO and he didnt come back

>> No.57389891


Don't care, bought sub-500 and sub-200, not selling.

>> No.57390215

based and earlypilled

>> No.57391735

Heading for 0.03. And you're going to hold it the whole time, aren't you?

>> No.57392830

No. I stopped replying and walked away because I think it's a waste of time.
If you don't see how it's irresponsible to risk your money when you already almost made it and have a safe way to get there with BTC, then we can just agree to disagree.
You didn't really "BTFO" anything. There could be other bugs and problems apart from the supermajority issue. Which, by the way, your community only started taking seriously when it was almost too late. geth could have been the one that failed as well, not Nethermore. How many other such risks does your platform have that will only be taken seriously when they (almost) manifest?
And you didn't even address anything other than than the geth distribution. Switching from BTC to an alt opens numerous risks. They could also change the ETH emission rules again, shitcoin trading popularity may decrease (because it's largely a zero-sum game, or due to regulartion, or ...)
Note how ETH already made a lower high against BTC in 2021 than in 2018. The days where ETH maximalism is a good idea are likely over.

>> No.57392875

With PoS whoever controls the money printer (jews) control the network by buying up all the supply

>> No.57393252

Bitcoin does not need revenue because it established itself as digital gold, and the upside in market cap growth is so high in the next 5-10 years that it will likely far outperform any PoS style staking revenue.
While ETH has a more concrete valuation model, I believe it is a mistake to assume that this is purely a benefit. Here are some issues with this:

- Staking returns are currently quite low for such a novel and high-risk asset, and may decline further as more ETH is staked
- The developers only recently changed the entire consensus and fee model. What if they change it again? What if L2s or other cost saving factors reduce the returns?
- If you want to determine the value of ETH you cannot escape looking at what the platform is actually used for. You'll find that it is overwhelmingly used for dubious shitcoin airdrops/staking/lending/farming/trading that "wallstreet" may be reluctant to touch because it is too speculative and in regulatory gray areas
- If you want to seriously evaluate something like Ethereum you cannot really escape having to look at a dozen or more potential competitor platforms as well so you're suddenly drowning in a swamp of shitcoins

In conclusion, while ETH has more potential for a fundamentals based analysis, it also introduces an enormous amount of speculation at every step of the way so this may not really be an advantage.
The digital gold narrative for Bitcoin was established over 6 years ago and continues to solidify. It is simple and seems to work.

>> No.57393292

ICOs have started to sell

>> No.57393395

This will finally be the run that eth underperforms and ultimately dies
It will still pump but it’s dead tech
Good riddance

>> No.57393798

I still love ETH, I only hope it works to becoming QR, with this BTC wont stand a chance

>> No.57393883


>> No.57393882

bitcoin already is and has been for over a decade.

>> No.57393899

ETH will melt faces soon

>> No.57393916

bitcoin rose after blackrock filed for an etf and it became consensus, this already happened to ethereum.
the problem is when bitcoin was rising in anticipation of an etf there wasn't already a crypto etf you could buy. in the lead up to ethereum's etf there will be one, stealing liquidity.

>> No.57393937

There are QR chains, I know of QAN and ALGO
I dont think BTC is

>> No.57393946

nobody that reuses addresses on bitcoin is vulnerable, and that's the only risk for the next decade minimum.

>> No.57394000

The WEF loves ETH and proof of stake. Really makes one think...

>> No.57394098

lots of cope to unpack here

>> No.57394114

doesn't reuse addresses*

all quantum resistant cryptography today is alpha quality and unsuitable for enshrining in a blockchain.

>> No.57395306


>> No.57395323
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Fuck high gas fee, I'm rooting for Supra.

>> No.57395339

I'm better of with gambling and gaming projects than ETH.

>> No.57395865

All this hate for eth has conviced me to buy another 10 eth. Always do the opposite of what /biz/ does.

>> No.57398195

The sooner Avax overtakes eth the better.

>> No.57398708

Then all you need is Funarcade, a platform designed to enhance the gaming experience for casino enthusiasts across the globe.

>> No.57399088

Come on, Let's discuss transparency and fairness on web3 field. I think that AdLunamInc has pretty great topics to discuss. Explore what Nadja Bester and Adlunam say. Nadja has some podcasts as I know and Adlunam is a launchpad for Web3.

>> No.57399423

we called it dETH back in the days..

>> No.57399477
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>> No.57399818

Is eth the new LINK?

>> No.57399968

Eth is a solid stablecoin at this point - I use it to average down on my eth shitcoins. Works like a charm.

>> No.57400026
File: 579 KB, 4096x2482, 20240125_113809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the thing nobody expects to happen and does happen is that ETH underperforms everything this cycle.

>> No.57401001

i fell for funfair meme

>> No.57402757

i believe it

>> No.57403389

Lost it all with ETH since the migration to PoS, now I'm getting excited for FAT listing on Uniswap in few hours from now. Get ready to witness FAT make its mark on Uniswap after a series of successful IDOs.

>> No.57403481

You've got a chance to get back on your feet, Join bandwagon with MxmDao Metaverse DAO and stay at the forefront of the metaverse revolution, molding the future of digital realms.

>> No.57403840

I hate ETH because of the extreme gas fees as well like even the layer 2s can't do enough.

>> No.57403843

Can’t hurt to get a small bag here — liquidity just got locked for a year https://birdeye.so/token/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq?chain=solana&tab=recentTrades

>> No.57403851

As long as you I can use crypto card like Tap, I'm cool. I don't care about the network,

>> No.57403880

>Eth is a solid stablecoin at this point
Sounds like bagh older cope.

>> No.57405323

Get some juicy bitches because you're in for a cool ride. Funarcade is amping up the PIP for superior rewards, with an extra 20K, taking the total to 30K USDT. Don't snooze anon

>> No.57405370

I'm rather dump my all on MXMDAO than on ETH where I can cultivate and trade virtual crops backed by NFTs and turning virtual farms into sources of real-world rewards.

>> No.57405424

I hate being lazy holding newly listed shitcoins without earning a dime. Wtf is it gonna be like as chuds are now bracing up for Solana meme.

>> No.57405500

After FAT launch it is trading on uniswap, PIP is up and normies are set to gain massive. This going to get many bags filled.