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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57374659 No.57374659 [Reply] [Original]

Give me something to invest in that hasn't already pumped

>> No.57374687


>> No.57374722
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>> No.57374735

ICP needs to go under like $8 for me to think about it
Already have one, I need lower caps

>> No.57374827


>> No.57374858
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Georgian residential real estate

>> No.57375005
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On the black sea?

>> No.57375042

Yeah or tbilisi. Very easy to sell to russians to get a visa after they get property in georgia, though the wealthy ones are all trying in turkey or malta now

>> No.57375156
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Oh Johnny, you are one year late.

>> No.57375244

Haven't been to Georgia but had the other two, I'd go to Malta if I was them

>> No.57375253


>> No.57375799
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Party hats (ticker: $PHAT) It's the og oldfag team making a huge revival and causing all of the runescape players of biz (85% of biz basically) to buy in because nostalgia is a bitch and everyone likes them. That's the tea fren

>> No.57375884

My picks are IXS from the RWA sector and QANX from L1.

>> No.57376228
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Blocklord's ido is going to melt unemployed Philipino losers' faces. They'll slurp that shit up in no time. Also, GMX hasn't reached its full potential yet, but it is pretty pumped.

>> No.57376243

BTC, go all in.

>> No.57376247

Someone is getting scammed and ripped really soon lmao

>> No.57376248

disgusting nigger infested territory.

>> No.57376260

>The bot still isn't fixed
>It still replies with "ICP! ICP! LOOK AT ME! ICP!" on the first second of any thread being created
Damn these pajeet developers fucking suck.

>> No.57376264

>I still got love potion tokens I never solded when I had the chance
God fucking damnit Venezuelan fucks didn't keep twerking begging to get fucked by Big White (investor) Cock. Fuck them all.

>> No.57376263
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does shaniqua, lawshawna and shanqueen invest in crypto?

>> No.57376273

depegged algorithmic stable coins.

i made 80k or so by shorting neutrino when waves shat the bed thanks to based Sam Bankman-Fries.

>> No.57376276

DOGE? You can still get a 10x if you buy right now. Slurp the dip.

>> No.57376277

mutilate your dick right now and post pictures or i will report you.

>> No.57376283
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>NFT game

ohh anom...

>> No.57376286

>he doesn't flash his Trezor wallet in front of all the ebony baddies at the club
Damn nigga you got zero game.

>> No.57376293

Wh-... W-What happened!?

>> No.57376420

Good luck with that. It's by far the most valuable of the CBI programs, and priced accordingly (~$1m USD). And they don't take Russians anymore nor does Cyprus.

Benefit of some of the caribbean CBI programs (georgia + montenegro + turkey as well) is they offer a local real estate investment option as well. So instead of literally handing your money to x government in exchange for a passport, you can at least attempt to recoup it eventually when you sell the property.

>> No.57376428

OG dog bat

>> No.57376498

I'm not talking about investing Malta is just the comfiest and full of cute white girls unlike the others

>> No.57376499
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Nah, you're wrong. IXS is probably a pioneer in this field, QAN devs are from Ethereum and Monero, big brains

>> No.57376519

stellar lumens

>> No.57376521

check >>57333134

>> No.57376522
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nothing in the privacy sector has pumped but the narrative still stands. if anything the need is greater than it’s ever been.

>> No.57376560

Checked. At the same time the realisation strikes that privacy will become a thing of the past. Just won't be allowed. And therefore the projects might be loved by small fringe groups, but maybe not so much a big financial success.

>> No.57376591

noticker dot xyz absolutley based

>> No.57377011

Currently investigating my life out with KIMBER. With time, Kimber has grown into what it is now and there is much more progress,

>> No.57377015

I still have some leftover but don't think it will

>> No.57377036


>> No.57377232

I'm eyeing a 200x with kimberlite, had a superpower and would be the ability to transcend the boundaries of the physical world and connect people through the shared beauty and value of diamonds

>> No.57377261

shit-eating k1ke spotted

>> No.57377290

Fringe as in not a lot of people. Normalfags do not go against what they are being told to do frequently. And even less if their money is at stake.

>> No.57377439

Dive in on KIMBER and luxurious gemstones will be accessible through exclusive TNFTs and a profitable Play-to-Earn game.

>> No.57377491

"Kernel holdings SA" stock

>> No.57377950


100x or more. Layer 0, 1, and 2.

>> No.57378599

The one in Europe, anon.

>> No.57378606 [DELETED] 
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Grind Blocklords even tho the token is not out yet

>> No.57379083
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Hello there distinguished gentleman may I interest you in a fine bag of Comfy.

>> No.57379224
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I just launched LINUF for you all. Burning the remainder of the tokens now.

>> No.57380195

You people need to learn 1 thing; known stuff are pumped, unknown memes are danger. You need to find the equilibrium; good projects with new tokens..

>> No.57380213

Not a crypto a tradstock but has anyone heard anything about those Polestar cars as of late? I saw one on the road today and it reminded me that they have a stock and I see it's taken a massive shit but how much more can it go? I admit I have now only seen one of them but I suppose if they are making it to production that's a good gamble no? I am completely retarded and legitimately only have thought about this after seeing a Polestar on the road, however I am older and have seen trendy cars come and go before so idk give me an opinion on it

Current price: $2.09

>> No.57380235

Unironically AMC. Price is at an all time low, RSI shows as oversold and earnings are in a few weeks and the previous few were profitable and it pumps on each earnings 50%

>> No.57380247
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Marlboro Man on SOL has been going for just over a day so it's still early. Based dev and TG full of basedmen hard at work. Jeets get instantly thrown out.

>> No.57380252

Linu! poop head

>> No.57380253
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wait for a dip obviously

>> No.57380258

@MarlboroOnSOL but only join if you're a chad

>> No.57380260

web wallet soon buy now while its cheap(er) again

>> No.57380339

Yeah no shit. The problem is finding those.

>> No.57380485


>> No.57380493

KNS is sitting at $20m mcap, but it’s destined for $1b. Probably $200m next 6months

>> No.57380501


>> No.57380520


>> No.57380545

Go after the battle-tested pprojects; rebranding

$GTH - $?

there are patterns you can follow

>> No.57380589

I'd suggest you look into XTP. I think its expansion to the US could be a good price catalyst for the asset.

>> No.57381583


>> No.57381781

Quantum resistant blockchain tokens are the next moon shot

>> No.57381894

I sold ICP

>> No.57381942

Only for a whale, for average joe, altcoins is the best

>> No.57381950

expected to launch this Q1. Checkout @supraoracles on Twitter, you're early on this one

>> No.57382003
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Anon are you talking about QANX

>> No.57383512

CQT, ignore this, buy my bags in 3 months, thx

>> No.57383593
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Eve®•st ID.

not going to drop alpha here.

It's gonna blow upward. You can always tell a decent project by the number of different voices that try to tell you it's a scam. Bob Reid's twitter/x is very revealing. The one thing I'll say is that it's fully regulation-proofed against the coming storm that will fkg cripple DeFi.

>> No.57383594

Yeah I don't disagree. The main benefit of the Maltese CBI program isn't living in Malta though, it's access to the rest of the EU. i.e. living with a Maltese passport gets you access to France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, etc. And if that's important to you it's 100% worth it. I think it might get you UK access as well, not sure about that though.

>> No.57384309


>> No.57386757


>> No.57386858

FAT, get on it with Funarcade on Spores IDO. This could be the smartest move to secure the bag ahead of the bull cycle

>> No.57386887

RIPCHM, normies already know what a Solana Memecoin is made of. Don't miss out of getting your bags filled.

>> No.57387150


>> No.57387292

Here's MxmDa, unlocking a new era of ownership in the digital age with their fusion of real-world assets, NFTs, and cryptocurrency to reshaping the landscape.

>> No.57387330

If you're referring to regulations against Solana's DeFi networks, I can only say that what's coming will nuke DeFi markets in general, at least in North America and Europe.

>> No.57387342

Jump on AMBO zealy right away. it's exciting to know that the amount of zealy XPs normies get will be the amount of BLB tokens to earn during the launch

>> No.57387732
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Throw a bit into COMFY. It's sitting at 300k MC right now and has some good things coming up
>listed on Coingecko
>SWFT listing tomorrow
>CMC + CEXs coming
>good dev that listens to suggestions
>fair wallet distribution (you can become a whale now if you wanted)
>comfy TG with bizfrens
>socomfytoken (dot) com

>> No.57387742

Everest is not on Sol; it can be acquired through Uniswap I believe.

>> No.57388368

Agreed on comfy. Really /ourcoin/

>> No.57389035

SUPRA oracle but wait for the TGE.

>> No.57389058
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>> No.57390368

If you get in under 0.0^7^1, then LINU, its sitting around 0.0^8^6 right now, this weekend some whales blew their load early which turned into a market correction but its been steadily recovering and by this weekend it should have another, more stable pump. Good luck anon.

>> No.57390466
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hemule, my fellow feline enjoyer