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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57349989 No.57349989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

2012 was 12 years ago

>> No.57350057

that was when I found this shithole website
and simultaneously the end of my normie life

>> No.57350081

Have you made it at least

>> No.57350155

I remember it like yesterday, was on my first real job for almost 7 years. I quit in September 2012 and NEETed until August 2023...now I'm back in the suck.

>> No.57350176

I was 7 at the time.

>> No.57350303
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i checked /biz/ out of curiosity in august 2016 because i never realized it existed before and i saw threads talking about bitcoin and ethereum but it seemed sketchy as fuck to me so i just left and went back to /pol/
a few months later my friend told me he just bought litecoin and i realized bitcoin was fuckin booming so i bought some litecoin too in december 2016 and it went like 5x from my buy in but i didnt sell like a noob. i saw /biz/ talking about link and witnessed the price at 17 cents and i hated the thought of listening to /biz/ so that sucks but oh well
last bullrun i was hella depressed and was leverage trading and making shit tons of money and also lost shit tons of money

as of now im 10x my original 2016 buy in kek

>> No.57350448


literally me, i wonder how my life would be if I never been here

>> No.57350654
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I was 23, in my second semester of pharmacy school, heavily in debt, and still a virgin. My real life really started in 2018.

>> No.57350717
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Yea I wonder the same thing from time to time.
I would probably have a lot less intrusive thoughts and a much better view of the world. But that could just be wishful thinking and maybe I would be dead in a ditch otherwise.

>> No.57350748

wait you were normie before coming here? Lol

I came here because I wasn't a normie, sometime in 2007

>> No.57350771
