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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 312x312, NXRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57326353 No.57326353 [Reply] [Original]

NXRA is the poor mans LINK. If you missed out on LINK you need to buy NXRA. It's just like buying LINK at 15 cents.

>> No.57326379

Shill me on this

>> No.57326390

No. Just buy it and trust me. I’ve done the research so you don’t have to

>> No.57326902

don't forget to switch IP's next time, Raj.

>> No.57327003


>> No.57327108

I made a thread on this and the mods banned me

>> No.57327185

People hate it when I talk about it.

>> No.57327209

tell me what it does in 10 words or less

>> No.57327223

Makes you rich

>> No.57327241

Tokenize real world assets.

>> No.57327247
File: 126 KB, 1513x987, Nxra pajeets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning Ragneesh.
No, i will not feed your village.

>> No.57327276

European Union is going to use Nexera ID for regulatory compliance and that’s just 1/6 of the products that they offer. Black rock is staking it

>> No.57327309

And they’re partnered with the London stock exchange, quant, hedera, and they developed a product with polygon.

>> No.57327327
File: 98 KB, 425x568, 170219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll pass

>> No.57327342

if that's the case then why did you feel the need to reply to yourself earlier in the thread

>> No.57327351


>> No.57327359

Similar to Link, no one, anywhere, will ever need this shitcoin to buy real estate.

With that said, I did buy some because in the coming bull, any project that mentions RWA will pump. These coins will be the L1s of last cycle

>> No.57327361

It was a joke retard

>> No.57327380

Polygon made people rich as fuck and their founder is a pajeet. This guy is Moroccan but he’s smart and speaks English well

>> No.57327386

There's no point. Let them fomo in later.

>> No.57327390

it was a joke...

>> No.57327835

What a horrible fucking joke. You're clearly a retard because your "joke" is going to make people think that you're not being honest and will make it less likely they will buy. So if you are really trying to convince people to buy, then you're doing a horrible job. However, NXRA will be an amazing moonshot in the upcoming bullrun. Based retard.

>> No.57327849
File: 31 KB, 827x578, nxramarketcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57327955

Thank you for answering. However I am still mighty skeptical of EU oriented projects. Why should any of us care about NXRA vs any other RWA coins?

>> No.57328037

because it's not just RWA's, and the way they do RWA is different than others. NXRA is a plethora of products, they are regulatory compliant in every product and offer revolutionary protocols like their new NFT standard which is also regulatory compliant.

>> No.57328078

you shouldn't. crypto is a casino. we pump ponzis. we def don't buy real world assets here. rwa coins are retarded and always die from lack of interest.

>> No.57328175

Excellent buzz words. Seriously why doesnt biz just get behind another altcoin like this one and meme a 100x like they w Link?

>> No.57328177

because biz is retarded

>> No.57328199

also the team only holds 1% of the total supply unlike other suppressed projects where the team holds 15-40%

>> No.57328236

how the fuck can a "new NFT standard" be compliant with regulations? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.57328257

They require composable NFT's for certain NFT applications

>> No.57328267


This coin will be on the London Stock Exchange, they already signed the paperwork.

>> No.57328494

that's not what that means you fucking retard.
>group partner platform
its a pay to play networking. ltx did the same thing in 2019 and retards were saying the same thing you are....kek. see if you can find ltx on the london stock exchange.

>> No.57328518

LCX I mean. anyway.... go all in if you like this shitcoin anon. it will go up during alt season, everything does, but I'm telling you its not going to perform half as well as everything else.

>> No.57328523

lmao the fucking cope
>Providing institutional members the ability to have direct market access to AllianceBlock, the Partner Platform supports AllianceBlock to provide innovative applications and services to financial markets.


>> No.57328525

Used to be called ALBT and then rugged. Fuck pajeets.

>> No.57328539

Very funny

>> No.57328544

it didn't rug. one of the 3rd parties who was not part of ALBT got hacked so they switched to NXRA, gave everyone their tokens back and burned the 15% that were stolen. so in reality it was a benefit cause holders get their token back + a 15% supply burn

>> No.57328553

there's 3 founders, 2 of which are white, he's just the CEO

>> No.57328557

holy shit, you actually are retarded aren't you. what is the LSEG Partner Platform? look it up.
you actually though the london stock exchange was going to list an erc20 token?!? seriously? kek. I'm telling you, its the dumbest anons that go all in on the RWA meme...every cycle.

>> No.57328560

This is like saying if Kucoin gets hacked and loses their ethereum then ethereum got hacked even though ethereum did nothing wrong.

>> No.57328577

lmao wow you really don't get it do you? were you dropped on your head as a child or were you born this way? if everyone could just "plug and play" then every single project would do that. you have to be ACCEPTED and the only way you can be accepted is by being regulatory compliant and having connections.

>> No.57328601



>> No.57328627

you have to pay money. there is an application process, and a fee. it is a networking program retard.
>lmao wow you really don't get it do you?
bro, you came in here saying your shitcoin was being listed on the london stock exchange because you didn't even read the press release.
I have seen dozens of regulatory compliant crypto project run the same playbook to dump on fags just like you. that's how I immediately knew what this was.

>> No.57328667

show me another project that has this partnership. go ahead show me.

>there's an application process
yeah, that means you have to apply and hope you get accepted. every single fucking coin would do this if they could

>> No.57328674

100% loaded up a 6 fig bag

>> No.57328683

you're gonna make it. 100k NXRA = $1,000,000 this cycle. 50,000,000 next cycle.

>> No.57328692

I already told you, LCX did this in 2019. that's why the london stock exchange occasionally writes articles about them.
there's probably others, but off the top of my head thats the only one I remember for LSEG specifically. there are other networks like this though that I've seen other muh regulatory compliant scamcoins plug into.

>> No.57328712

you need to understand that the whole purpose of things like the LSEG partner program is to give an air of legitimacy to a company. it is something you buy into for a particular kind of public image. regulatory compliant crypto projects always go this route because its all they have...nobody actually uses the products or services. its marketing hype to dump the shitcoin anon.

>> No.57328715

that's because LCX is regulatory compliant with big connections, just like NXRA. That's why LCX had a massive run up and is still doing well.

>> No.57328723

>provide direct market access to NXRA to institutions
>just hype
pick one nigger. team owns 1% of supply so there will be no price suppresion like chainlink

>> No.57328725

kek, I disagree. you can buy these things if you want, but I guarantee you dogcoin buying normies will outperform you 1000x. this is crypto anon

>> No.57328734

>i disagree
it's not a disagreeable point, it's a fact.

dogcoins outperform everything but they also come with massive risk cause no one has conviction. that's a straw man argument.

>> No.57328736

it is just hype. you are too stupid to understand the words you are reading in these articles though. its kind of sad, but someones gotta be the fool in this market.

>> No.57328743

kek pure cope. it can't be any more clear. you just cant read.

>> No.57328745

so pick another narrative? AI coins will outperfom you 100x too. RWA fags are a special kind of stupid and get left behind every cycle.

>> No.57328752

yeah, ok. good luck on the london stock exchange anon. I'm sure warren buffet is gonna pump your shitcoin

>> No.57328762

hahaha you're so dumb. RWA is just one of our narratives. we are also heavy into the AI narrative. It's like Chainlink without the price suppresion and the supply is nearly all diluted.

>> No.57328771

Enjoy getting rugged by AllianceBlock a second time kek

>> No.57328784

name one time they rugged. oh that's right it never happened. kek fuddy

>> No.57328799

What are you investing in for the next run?

>> No.57328811
File: 1.50 MB, 1304x906, Screen Shot 2021-06-11 at 9.28.56 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's the allianceblock jeets all over again

>> No.57328857

gamefi and memes mostly. the RWA narrative already pumped imo. I'm not buying a $100M mc RWA shitcoin at this stage for a long term hold.
when I think back on previous cycles, I recall RWA pumping early then too...then they kinda stagnated. thats my main reason for sitting them out this time.

>> No.57328870

I fell for this shit once and I still have a bag of shame
the RWA meme has been getting pushed for years and I have yet to see it materialize

>> No.57328882

True. I'm not aware of the gamefi stuff at all.

>> No.57328895

good thing NXRA isn't just RWA then

>> No.57328906

I bought aviator. if the devs deliver it will run hard imo once the bull market heats up.

>> No.57328915

>a man who bought a dog coin is trying to tell me NXRA is bad