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57320649 No.57320649 [Reply] [Original]

Again. From 03:00 till 13:00. How do I stop being a sleeptard

>> No.57320685

Stop being a night neet, I used to be like that and now I'm recovering. Being awake past midnight is ok only if you are depressed.

>> No.57320697

dont spend the majority of your wake time infront a computer screen

>> No.57320703

watching this thread

>> No.57320714

I spend 99% of my day awake in front of the computer

>> No.57320738

i can't stop computering. I know its weak but my mind makes me keep refreshing /biz/ and sometimes even /pol/ and reddit .... its the only demon i still have but its the toughest demon ever. I don't masturbate i don't smoke weed anymore. I don't smoke cigarettes anymore. But I can't beat the internet jew bro. help me how do i defeat the screens jew.

>> No.57320748
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it's winter here bros and I have a bunch of bitcoin i can't go outside. its cold its dark. the only thing to do is coomputer. some ol frens messaged me this weekend to go drinking in a bar somewhere but i said no because i didnt want to relapse smoking weed or cigs. i haven't touched that shit for almost 9 months frens.

>> No.57321870
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Sleep is a scam and Bedtoshi is a scammer

>> No.57322080

those are nice dogs. its cold here too, if you have a bunch of btc available and aren't interested in drugs or partying, have you considered whores?

>> No.57322128 [DELETED] 

What if I told you you could make it with even the most risk free bag?



This will be called every day in your face and you will watch it continue to go up.

>> No.57322176

sleepmaxxing is based. it's like fast forwarding your demise

>> No.57322182


>> No.57322199

i agree, bedToshi scams me every fucking night. how the fuck do i get away from him. DreamToshi and BedToshi are the worst scammers ever.

I have a GF and sex is boring. its not her fault. I just grew over finding sex special. its pleb tier. she wants it more than me. maybe that's why I have the power in the relationship.

>> No.57322203

I love my sleepies, my goal is to sleep forever

>> No.57322265

Try to sleep less. Maybe you wake up after 4 hs sleep and you just go back to sleep again until you feel satisfied. Don't do that. Just start/continue your day after you wake up, immediatly. Let's say you went to sleep at 03:00 and wake up at 07:00. So be it. Get up and do something, even if watching charts is all you can do. If you feel really sleepy in a couple of hours, sleep some more. That's how you stop being a sleeptard
t. sleeptard neet who realized sleeping a lot at nights is a meme

>> No.57322313

I’m so jealous anon. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone you well rested bastard

>> No.57322339

Just set an alarm? Are you retarded?

>> No.57322395

>Just start/continue your day after you wake up,
its hard ser. DreamToshi always tricks me to have another rest and dream a bit more. I naturally wake after about 7 hours of sleep. I quit smoking easily. DreamToshi is a much more difficult boss to beat. Maybe I should start sleeping on the floor again. I remember when I did that I couldn't sleep long. cause its not as comfy.

>> No.57322409

>> alarm
I'm not a wageslave dude. Imagine violently getting pulled out of your sleep phase. imagine losing health and energy using an alarm. NO THANKS.

>> No.57322424

enjoy oversleeping then

>> No.57322912
File: 56 KB, 735x412, 40-yo-moms-on-level-9745-to-candy-crush-developers-were-done-when-i-say-were-done-breaking-bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I naturally wake after about 7 hours of sleep
Wow, I rarely can do that. You should be happy, anon. I'm neeting since a decade ago, believe me there are days in which I literally spend the day in bed doing absolutely nothing, I don't even feel like doing and effort to maybe
listen to some music at least. Maybe I'm depressed- anyways, the human body was not meant to lay in a horizontal position for so many hours (10hs!), your nostrils will close and it'll be harder to breath, you wake more tired and maybe with a headache next morning due to some apnea. Do you drink coffee? Try to quit that shit. I've quitted coffee for two weeks now, it's hard, man. I can do a no fap or no marihuana for months, but coffee. Damn, our whole culture revolves around that. Maybe quitting coffee will help you wake up with more energy. In my short experience I can say I feel 80% awake all the time, but hey at least I don't feel completely sleepy during the day and have imsomnia at nights. Consider using an alarm, fuck sleeping I used to sleep to my heart's content. Whenever I felt sleepy, I just slept, but that's not healthy either. Sleeping is a meme, friend. Imagine eating until you feel satisfied. You'll end up as a landwhale fag. Anyways best of lucks.