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57312634 No.57312634 [Reply] [Original]

Is programming still a valuable skill in 2024 or has it become completely worthless at this point?

>> No.57312677

Didn't you hear?

Instead of UBI (((they))) are just gonna do McJobs for all

>> No.57312699

I landed a 180k job as data analyst straight from the uni. The market is very good right now

>> No.57312750

Market has been saturated for years after they pushed stem for everyone including women and niggers. IT is still extremely profitable but get into other areas of it - not programming. I was a programmer in the 90’s - mid 2000s until I saw the stem bullshit being pushed and the writing was on the wall. Now every brainlet and hormone with a computer thinks they can program by using flavor of the year APIs and toolkits and what not.

>> No.57312778

Gpt can code, can annotate existing code and teach coding to 100k idiots at the same time all while you are wiping your ass. What do you think?

>> No.57312793

It's over. It's saturated as fuck, even data "analysts" are making more money.

>> No.57313160

it's far from worthless but the openings are at a down trend worldwide.

>> No.57313173

Holy shit though what company is paying that to a new grad?

>> No.57313213

Can you code?

>> No.57313309

You have two routes like some other anons said going into IT and do cybersecurity related stuff/ data analytics or you can find a niche of programming that you think would be popular in the future. For example learn how to develop on a specific chain and if it gets popular you have a first mover advantage. Also can build your own application or dapp and try to monetize/sell it. Theres a shitton of competition but if you can be one of the first in a developing area youll have a huge head start. Pretty much can guess where the best gamble is with development on a specific chain is right now if you dyor.

>> No.57313602

lol, then why do you not fund your own software company using gpt instead a bunch of codemonkeys? that would be cheaper than using poojets

>> No.57313634

What's your GPA and did you have internships beforehand?
America is so fucking rich.
t. Canadian

>> No.57313812
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Fellow programming anons, how do I learn to shut down from work? The only thing I can think of in the evening is what code to fix or clean next morning

>> No.57314009

work 4 days a week 10 hour days, your weekend will now have enough time to forget about work

>> No.57314079

Your first duty as a Canadian is to move to America.
>t. Leaf who left

>> No.57314094

did you just apply for jobs online and eventually someone gave you an H1B?

>> No.57314096

Welcome to non-hourly/ project based work. I’m a decade in and I’ve realized it’s basically impossible. Your only hope is to hold out as long as you can then change jobs. Any mistakes you made at that point are someone else’s problem.

>> No.57314112

I got an L1 visa which is a company transfer visa. I’d suggest you try to do the same, as it allows you to convert to a green card much more simply.
>Find Canadian branch of USA company
>Work for them for a few years
>Ask for transfer to USA office

>> No.57314122

Are you talking about personal projects or code for your actual job? If it's for work, how long have you been at it? You stop giving a shit about your company's code when you're not on the clock after a few years since it will usually be abandoned, replaced, or rewritten at some point anyway.

>> No.57314190

thanks for the tip anon. The way things are going, we Canadians will soon become a nomadic people, so we must look out for each other

>> No.57314210

Work. 1.5 years in now. Guess I'm not at that stage yet. Mostly working on replacing legacy code, but the new containerized services seem perpetually in "finished soon (tm)" state.

>> No.57314238

You'll no longer be able to do a few courses on freecodecamp and bullshit your way in a job interview, you'll need a degree to put yourself above all the certfags, and you'll need a few projects to show off. It's harder to get into, but if you can get in, you'll be set for life financially.

>> No.57314311

>1.5 years in now. Guess I'm not at that stage yet.
It kicks in at around the 4-5 year mark once you start realizing that whatever new shit you work on will inevitably be passed to a team of jeets in Bangalore to "maintain" which means they'll spaghetti the shit out of it anyway.

>> No.57314366

Were you actually even born in Canada? Were your parents? Were your grandparents?

>> No.57314405

yeah I was born here. That Canada doesn't really exist anymore, and we have economic crisis to boot

>> No.57314454

What about your parents and grandparents? If they weren’t also born in Canada, you don’t really have a leg to stand on in my opinion.

>> No.57314482

My parents weren't born here. I was saying Canadians and nomadism as joke to refer to the current socioeconomic crises facing the country
Are you descended from United Empire Loyalist stock? if not then not much legs to stand on either

>> No.57314511

I am actually descended from the United Empire Loyalist stock. A man named Benjamin Bunnell to be exact, so I do have a leg to stand on.

>> No.57314556

Why did this turn into an argument all of a sudden? The other leaf was just saying to look out for each other then you got all prideful for no reason.

>> No.57314558


>> No.57314577

If you’re not an old stock Canadian, and you haven’t witnessed what new Canadians have done to the country, then you wouldn’t understand. I have no reason to watch out for him. He isn’t Canadian, despite what his passport might say. I’m not being mean, I’m being cold. There’s a difference.

>> No.57314654

1. If you were both born here, you were both able to witness what "new Canadians" have done to the country, unless you're just repeating the opinion of your parents/grandparents.
2. I said nothing about being mean or cold. By saying "you don't have a leg to stand on" directly implies you two have differing opinions, which was nowhere to be seen until you said that. Again, you started treating it like an argument for no reason.

Idgaf whether your old vs new Canadian shit is right or wrong. You just came out of nowhere with this bs

>> No.57314759

What’s your point? I did come out of nowhere with it, and I’m sticking to it. Deal with it, faggot. Him and his family need to leave. Period.

>> No.57314785

My point is exactly what I already asked
>Why did this turn into an argument all of a sudden?
Once again, idgaf about your Canadian pride lol. You just seem psychotic

>> No.57314801

at the moment, you're the one who left and I am still here, so you can seethe about that one if you choose to.

>> No.57314813

I am psychotic.
You will never belong.

>> No.57314848

he's homesick and seething that he has to work for mutts for a living
and blaming the descendants of European immigrants who arrived from Europe 150 years later than his own

>> No.57314888

>Implying you’re European
>Implying you didn’t ask how to move
Uber Eats won’t get you into America, Raj.

>> No.57314930
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nice digits but look at these blue veins faggot

>> No.57314944

I am descended from Canadians, both French and English who came in the 1600s, but luckily they were smart enough to immigrate to the US in the early 20th century. If your Canadian ancestors were so great why didn't they cross over when it was easy?

>> No.57314985

My ancestor, a United Empire Loyalist, fought on the English side of the War of Independence. As you can imagine, when it was over he had to leave.

>> No.57315000

You get a pass for now. As long as you’re not Ukrainian.

>> No.57316506
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I daytrade shitcoins using rango while bitcoin is confused about its gender and place in the world, right now, as I type this very post. I have vast experience with Javascript AND many of its popular libraries + I also have exp with Python.