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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57311814 No.57311814 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57311861

bottom signal

>> No.57311877

top signal

>> No.57311887

Bullish for ICP

>> No.57311907

Market movers will sell ICP to save Bitcoin, since their bitcoin bags are way more important

>> No.57311909


>> No.57311912

Coinbase is their registered Bitcoin custodian, retard.

>> No.57311926
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You shorted the bottom, didn't you?

>> No.57311946

>First the Houtis start attacking global shipping
>now this
They are really pulling out all the stops on supressing LINK huh.

>> No.57311957

crab signal

>> No.57311966


top signal confirmed. im out baggies, see you sub20k!

>> No.57312170

crab signal

>> No.57312193

why do you insufferable faggots raid every thread on this board to spam about your shitty scam coin no one cares about?

>> No.57312212

>outperforms your bags
That explains why you mad

>> No.57312267

act like a retard all you want but most people on here cant stand you retards

>> No.57312281

For those who don’t understand :
Moving from a cold wallet to the exchange means they will be preparing to sell them or swing them .
Moving from the exchange to a cold wallet shows they will be holding for some time .
Daily volume is still much large than 9k btc/day

>> No.57312321

yeah, so they will sell on coinbase, retard

>> No.57312338

There are like 3 people browsing this board

>> No.57312360

zoom out

>> No.57312398

>most people on here cant stand you retards
Now even less so after our bags have outperformed 90% of the largecap market.

>> No.57312497

kek so you are almost breakeven now or what? you probably bought a bunch at $40 and now you are just shilling to dump your shit bags
>inb4 the classic cope that you only bought at single digita

>> No.57312502

my average is 3.2
you are proving my point btw, keep going

>> No.57312507

I bought your mom

>> No.57312548

kek the classic cope

>> No.57312554

>your coping!
cope, lol

>> No.57312567

aww did your friend need backup?

>> No.57312597

if you want to lie on the internet about your buy in price to feel better about yourself go ahead but im not buying it

>> No.57312638

lol cope

>> No.57312665

its okay you dont need to seethe about it

>> No.57312686

so what? grayscale is holding like 650k bitcoin

>> No.57312694

>ur seething not me
lmao cope

>> No.57312710

I thought coinbase was the company that was contracted to hold the BTC for grayscale and some other BTC ETFs though?

>> No.57312728

its okay man you dont have to sperg out

>> No.57312735

>ur the one sperging out not me
kek, cope

>> No.57312743

>why do retarded subcontinentals act like retarded subcontinentals

>> No.57312779

you are obviously a very delusional person i can see why you hold icp

>> No.57312803
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it's over

>> No.57312813

icp has outperformed your bags, I can see why you are seething

>> No.57312850

why would i care about a scam pumping? lots of scams pump hard

>> No.57312852

It started a couple weeks ago. I’m still trying to figure out whats going on.

>> No.57312858

>why would I care about the thing that I just cared about in this thread

>> No.57312887

there is a difference between caring about this board being spammed by you retards and caring about how much your scam has pumped, but i wouldnt expect an icp holder to have to intelligence to understand the difference

>> No.57312895

>wall of text
not mad thoughtbeit

>> No.57312909

wall of text? How fried is your brain?

>> No.57312949

you need to calm down brother I'm just fucking around, you really sound upset ever heard of joking?
you seem to care a lot about the state of the board and I respect that, do you police the place full time? because the state of the board asks for that much minimum, or it's something that you do for the iced piss guys fro """some reason""" ?

>> No.57313072

i think i speak for alot of people on the board when i say icp tards need to check themselves and stop shitting up the board

>> No.57313085

ok so it's just an icp thing then
I wonder why :^)

>> No.57313169

because like i said before you spam every thread on the board even if it has nothing to do with icp

>> No.57313186

you didn't have a problem with the 15 threads a day of INSANE CLOWN POSSE and I CANT PUMP threads the last 2 years though, eh?
really interesting stuff how it's only now that the people have a problem with the "icp spam" kek

>> No.57313205

because they dont invade and derail legit threads? those are obviously not meant for anything serious

>> No.57313218

>they dont invade and derail
But they have.
>legit threads

Just admit that you have a problem with the spam because it has outperformed your bags.

>> No.57313271

like i said i dont care how much your scam coin pumps it doesnt affect me what affects me is your incessant spam everywhere on the board

>> No.57313322
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>incessant spam everywhere on the board
But, again, you didn't have a problem with the incessant meme spam on the way down for two years?
What has changed, Anon?

I need you to police this thread
It's a legit ICP contained thread. But there's people talking smack. You seemed a bit worried about "invading and derailing legitimate threads" so why don't you go and pay the thread a visit and tell people not shit up the board, brother?

>> No.57313414

i wouldnt count people making joke threads from time to time incessant spamming

>> No.57313443

>from time to time
Concession accepted. Bags outperformed.

>> No.57313513

so icp holders cant handle when someone jokes about their coin? kek

>> No.57313635

What do you mean? They've been memeing for two years just fine.
The issue seems to be that the people that fell for the fud can't handle seeing icp go up, if anything.

>> No.57313798

Them moving to Coinbase doesn't mean anything in and of itself, retard.
It's where they're supposed to keep their BTC according to the SEC.

>> No.57314369

stupid fucking dead board

>> No.57315751

Yes. People are moving from Grayscale (high fees) to the no fee options. Therefore Grayscale is forced to sell while the others are forced to buy.

>> No.57315757

Dump incoming
Prepare anus

>> No.57315773
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