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57303346 No.57303346 [Reply] [Original]

I bought 100 bitcoins about a decade ago (I still have all of them). I told my GF to put her paycheck into bitcoin too and she ended up with 50 BTC. I told them that I would hold them for her. Two years she broke up with me because she "fell out of love". Recently I got a mysterious phone call from her, that she had a strange tone of voice. She was reminiscing about the past and then managed to bring up the Bitcoins. I immediately knew that she was recording me to use as evidence, so I end the conversation shortly after.

About a week later, her sister messages me and is a lot more confrontational, saying how I held those 50 bitcoins for her that they were her sister's money. Long story short, indeed it's true that she wants to sue me for those 50 BTC.

There is no paper trail of it and no admission of guilt anywhere, which is why she called me to try and extract a confession. She gave me cash to buy it back then so there is no paper trail.

Should I fight her on this or should I just give her her bitcoins? Keep in mind that when she dumped me, I fell into a deep pit of depression for years, she ghosted me and never checked up on me to see how I'm doing. I was just total trash to her.

I only escaped from the depression BTC pumped over 10 grand. I now have a new GF who is telling me to not give her a penny, that she wasn't there for me, that she doesn't love me like she does, and she dumped me when I was at my lowest, that she would never even think of doing that. Basically exactly what a good girlfriend would actually behave like.

Now she wants those 50 bitcoins, I am in a difficult position. I can't just make her rich, especially a girl that ice cold, although it is tempting to cash out a single coin and go on a lavish vacation, and post pictures of it on instagram to make her seethe.

>> No.57303369

just give her back her 50 bitcoins man

>> No.57303377

"you got me so depressed I gambled it all then went into debt you stupid bitch, leave me alone"
or change the tone and act like a pathetic simp that still wants her back... offer her a date at Chili's and then keep pestering her for a date lol. Won't work if you are on social media or she can snoop though

>> No.57303384

Why even write such a faggot larp?

>> No.57303394

just give her back her 50 bitcoins man

>> No.57303397

Still seems the right thing to do.

>> No.57303439

>pay for 50 bitcoins out of your own pocket
>ask your boyfriend to hold them because who can you trust more?
>suffer bad breakup
>your histrionic cunt boyfriend won't give you your keys
the future of finance everybody

>> No.57303475

Give her back 45 BTC. Say you're keeping 5 BTC as a holding fee (for the years you weren't together but she still hadn't claimed her property). I know I personally wouldn't cry over $200k if I was getting $1.8 milly from someone who could just keep the whole thing.

>> No.57303495

you got $4MM for "free", that is you got to experience the effect life changing wealth does, and you want to steal $2MM from her, which is also life changing wealth, simply because she was a bitch to you
real wonder she fell out of love

>inb4 chronology
women are creatures of emotion, intuitive. her subconscious saw that you were the type of person to do this sort of stuff years before you did it

>h-haha it was bait 1pbtid i was only pretending to be retarded
ok, guess you can feel clever about smearing shit on your face seeing as it was just ironic

>> No.57303575

Don't give her shit! Your gf is right, she doesn't deserve anything, just keep pretending you don't know what she's talking about. You won't get in trouble!

>> No.57303637

Fippy bippy. Do the right thing.

>> No.57303643

Women don't fall out of love bro, they fall onto another cock.
She cheated.

No BTC for her.

Maybe if she just kept her legs closed she would be 2Million richer. Tell her I hope that cock was worth it.

A hooker gets paid $300 to get fucked.
She paid 2M to get fucked.

She needs to get fucked 7000 times to make up for the $2m she lost because she 'fell out of love'.
That's 19 years of getting fucked by strangers every single day.

Tell her you fell out of love as well, then hang up, block, ghost. Women want resources from a man. Men want sex from a woman. If you called her out of the blue and asked her for sex what would she say.
Do the same.

>> No.57303685
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>i don't recall

>> No.57304134

If you decide to give her anything get a lawyer first to make it official. You should give her the money even though you don't legally have to. Also why you shouldn't financially link yourself with people you aren't married to or not held in a contractual agreementwith

>> No.57304162

If you don't give her the bitcoins back you will be subjected to eternal hell

>> No.57304190

give her like 10 or 20 tell her that you bought this much with that money

>> No.57304241


>> No.57304246

Give her what she paid for. Its her coins. What kind of impression would you make on your current gf if you fucked over your ex this way?

>> No.57304265

This. Be a chad and give her the 50 BTC

>> No.57304552

You get it all wrong, anon. He must give her 60 BTC, since she could have day trading all these years and/or sold the absolute top. At least he should give her 3% APY

>> No.57304681

Be a chad:

1. dont give her the bitcoins
2. go out on a vacation with your new gf
3. buy some anal lube
4. fuck her in the ass and record her, with other phone, check your balance where u have exactly 50 bitcoins
5. click send

she will be angry as fuck and probably will die of a heart attack.


>> No.57304785

Give me all of the money. Both of you are meat eaters and I'm morally superior to you both

Okay comprise... Give 25 Bitcoin to abortion abolishinist charities and 25 bitcoins to animal sanctuaries and vegan charities

>> No.57304805

>replying in a 1pbtid thread

>> No.57304824

If he has half a brain he'd be using a vpn or something
I'm not surprised it's a 1pbtid but it's probably still a larp though definitely a good one

>> No.57304862

>I now have a new GF who is telling me to not give her a penny

>> No.57304876

If she'll cheat with you she'll cheat on you
Imagine if OP married her..

>> No.57304877

Give her the cash, move on. It'll be good for your soul

>> No.57304926

OP used the 50 btc to buy gay meth on silk road. Notice how he skirts around the subject of still having any of them left, and he writes in verbose run on sentences. There's only one option OP, do gay porn until you can pay her back. It didn't have to end this way, you chose your fate

>> No.57304927

"What BTC?"
Then block her number.

>> No.57304935

Enjoy hell

>> No.57304972

>all these replies saying to give the BTC back
didn't know there were so many seething roasties on /biz/

>> No.57304981

If she had openly said she wanted it back rather than trying to record and entrap him, then you might have a case to make.

Given the level of deceit and shitty historical behavior, I think it's basically just balancing the scales a little.

>> No.57304984

>I now have a new GF who is telling me to not give her a penny, that she wasn't there for me, that she doesn't love me like she does, and she dumped me when I was at my lowest, that she would never even think of doing that
Your new GF is using woman logic and one day she will use it against you. You hear the same logic used in divorce cases, where because the husband worked too much or had a small dick or something, that makes the woman entitled to take everything from him and to be a dick about it.
It doesn't work like that. At least, it shouldn't work like that. Just because you fall out with somebody, fail their expectations, or just because you treat them badly, it doesn't make them entitled to take things you own. Imagine if you had an argument with the banking clerk when shutting down your accounts and they decided that means you don't get your balance anymore.
If you must, keep 5BTC or something as a holding fee, but just hurry up, give her what she owns, and forget about her. Move on with your life and don't get involved with a drama you don't need.
And watch out for your current gf, she sounds suss

>> No.57304988

If he has no moral obligation not to lie and steal then what moral obligation does anyone else have not to rob and murder OP ?

>> No.57304995

this is a good idea.

>> No.57305006

Put yourself in her shoes.
He should've called her and offered to give her the 50 BTC >>57304984 this

>> No.57305026
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you fucking newfag retard we're all trolling and kekking you dumbfuck

>> No.57305043

be a Chad and give 100 bitcoins

>> No.57305084


Also, make sure that your new girlfriend doesn't have shit on you.
She already knows too much.

>> No.57305149

Give someone 1 bitcoin to kill her
>49 btc profit

>> No.57305264
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Because Redditors think that this place has points too.

>> No.57305314

Fuck that bitch bro, good things happen to good people and bad to bad. She deserves all of this. Just tell her you lost keys and block. Sounds like you won out with your new Mrs, if you were going to give away that much wouldn't you rather it be to her?

>> No.57305320

>I now have a new GF who is telling me to not give her a penny, that she wasn't there for me, that she doesn't love me like she does, and she dumped me when I was at my lowest, that she would never even think of doing that. Basically exactly what a good girlfriend would actually behave like.
I've got news for you buddy, this chick is doing exactly what all women do which is trash another woman to make herself seem better and try to direct all resources to her. This "good girlfriend" of yours would slit your fucking throat like you're a nobody as soon as it emotionally behooved her to do so. You'd do well to remember that so you don't fall into a pit of depression for years again.

>> No.57305337

>put her paycheck into bitcoin too and she ended up with 50 BTC. I told them that I would hold them for her.

Why are you being an asshole.
Give her what is hers.

>> No.57305613

Return her money. If you do not, you are literally a thief. A verbal agreement is binding and you agreed at that time to hold and return 50 bitcoins. You should have returned it after the breakup immediately but I suppose that can't be helped now. Maybe a court of man can't see it but I tell you this, the court of God will see it.

>> No.57305681
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If you stay in the US, or your Euro-country, then give her her coins back (but be careful, she will take them, then claim she didn't get them and demand them twice, and sue you)

If you blast off to El Salvador you could do that and just ghost her. Tell your mutual friends (and your family) that you went to Ukraine to fight in the war, and meanwhile...live your best life in bitcoin citadel El Sal. She can hunt you down in Adviivka.

Also don't forget to help a fren:

>> No.57305699
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>> No.57305898

Give her the bitcoins you owe her. She will sue, you will both lose a ton in lawyer fees

>> No.57306209

I want to say "do the right thing" but also fuck her...

I mean no one is obliged to take care of you or stand by you when you are down. So leaving you shouldn't be punished.

>> No.57306267
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>should I give my ex

>> No.57306323

Don’t be a little bitch theif. She gave you that money, you bought Bitcoin. It’s hers, don’t be a dick. It’s bad karma to keep it. She can have a lawyer look at all your transactions during discuses and you don’t want that.

>> No.57306333

> now have a new GF who is telling me to not give her a penny

She is ignoring the fact that the old gf paid for it. She is going to fuck you over bro. You are SO fucked. I cannot understate how fucked you are if it is explained the ex paid for it and you said that's the right thing to do.


>> No.57306342


>> No.57306358

You need to have a legal notice sent to her that you now only have an unknown amount of Monero left

>> No.57306397

give her her bitcoins man.
think of it as paying her to fuck off

>> No.57306407

didn't read

>> No.57306486

Giving her the money would be an admission of guilt. And you also told your gf about it which means if she has to testify she either lies for you under oath or they get the truth from somebody with second hand knowledge. You better lawyer the fuck up. Worse that happens is you give her the money and she sues you and gets more for damages, assuming you don’t to go to court, which would be worse. Best case you refuse to pay her or settle, gets taken to court and you end up paying her the original amount because I doubt you or gf want to lie and risk jail time when you’re already rich as fuck

>> No.57306534
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this. back to facebook

>> No.57306587


I'm sure I've read this pasta before. It's just a larp. If it was true though, I'd tell that bitch to fuck off and keep the 50 BTC to yourself.

>> No.57307099

Idk I wouldn't do it. Lol. It's a victory over her.

>> No.57307113

Not only that but she's under the assumption that she would've held and profited all this time. That most certainly would not have happened and she's trying to take your profits like a petty bitch.

>> No.57307125

Don't give her a penny. Cut contact and disappear. Also you shouldn't have made this post because now there's evidence against you.

>> No.57307133

Deny everything.

>> No.57307181
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>> No.57307194

Of course not giving back. The hard part of investment is HODL, not buy. She not hodl, YOU hodl. The entire value of those 50 btc is your!
But if they sue you, thing may go wrong. So, don't let them have any evidence.
Be strong bro.

>> No.57307230

Return her her paycheck plus inflation value over years, maybe some kind of interest, I bet that won't even get to 1btc, also if there's no paper trail bitch is fucked, Yw, ill keep playing blocklords while I wait for you to updated this retarded thread.

>> No.57307279

use 50 btc to hire the best lawyers in the country and sue her into the ground
>sage in all fields for obvious LARP

>> No.57307314

You are such a faggot. I hate your gay larps

>> No.57307690
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Probs a fake/AI generated prompt, but fuck it I got time today.
You have 4 choices, Anon, and a fuck ton of combinations.
1. Proceed without any knowledge this happened. Kinda hard since you posted this on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, but then again, it's probably b8. If she calls again, proceed with the following.
2. Pay her back 50 bitcoins at market value. Some would argue that this is the most moral. It'd be nothing more than a business transaction, AND IGNORE YOUR SECOND HEAD IF SHE STRAYS TO ANYTHING REMOTELY SEXUAL/ROMANTIC.
3. Pay her back her original investment 1:1 USD. This would be an extremely Shylock move, but it evens out the scales. To quote Monty Python, "You come in with nothing, and leave with nothing. What are you left with? Nothing." Your GF has a point saying she left you when shit got real, and now wants to profit off your gamble. I promise if BTC bottomed out at a penny, she'd even give you the fuckin time of day.
4. O.J. Simpson that ho.

>> No.57307691

is this sink fucked up?

>> No.57307705
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>t. spineless faggots

>> No.57307709

Give her back 50 btc for sure but first she must get on the knees and suck a dick

>> No.57307718

>Fuck a biological female in the ass instead of using the breeding hole
Why are finance bros so fucking gay?

>> No.57307743

Nice paper trail you just created. Confirmed larp. If this was true you’d keep your lips shut. But for a fun hypothetically legal discussion. You purchased them from your bank account and she paid you separately? Nothing in writing. they belong to you. Fun story bro

>> No.57308137

give some to me instead

>> No.57308222

It's her money, deshauntay. You forfeit your manhood if you're stealing from women and she will be proven right to be rid of you. No amount of money can buy the freedom she has gained from your goblin self. Pay up and be human or remain a rat IRL forever

>> No.57308223

Don't give her shit, don't admit to shit. Ignore and block her and enjoy your money, she can find some betabux cuck to give her money

>> No.57308258

Fake and gay but if real. I'd definitely not give her it. Maybe give her 1 to recoup her original investment and then some. And she should be happy with that because legally she won't get shit, and she would be getting a fat return on her investment still in the end, and I can feel good about myself whilst still not being a chump. Really we do not need any more women with money and power, have you not seen how this world has gone to shit because of them

>> No.57308264
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>I now have a new GF who is telling me to not give her a penny, that she wasn't there for me, that she doesn't love me like she does, and she dumped me when I was at my lowest, that she would never even think of doing that
yeah but
>she would never even think of doing that
no one would if you had 50/100 btc in 2024

>> No.57308454

Go to swapzone, swap them for mo ero, swap then to eth, then go tornado cash, and be an angel investor in my project im launching ASAP, theres a product. I only need 10kish for initial lp

>> No.57308712

>it's probably still a larp though definitely a good one
In 2017 maybe. This larp is at least 6 years too late to be remotely plausible.

And out of all the bait in the OP, the real answer is to dump the current whore gf that wants to keep the money.

>> No.57309107

>my new gf says to not give her a penny
dude you already fucked it up by telling secrets to someone you know for certain wont keep their mouth shut.

>> No.57309495

>be me femanon
>get bf that has 150 btc
>find out he stole 50btc from his old gf
>tell him not to give it back
>when we eventually break up, I will find his old gf and tell her I can testify if I get 5btc from her
>also tell the court he raped me

>> No.57309527

tldr run for the hills!!!!

>> No.57309540

definitely not, I hope this is bait. block her number and forget about it. she should have been nicer to you

>> No.57309555

Kek do normoids really?

>> No.57309584

Nigga give me some of the bitcoins I’ll use it to help my mom and dad out instead of your ex who doesn’t give a fuck about you.


>> No.57309598

>my word means nothing
>what should I do?
sorry I don't talk to faggots

>> No.57309606

>change the tone and act like a pathetic simp that still wants her back... offer her a date at Chili's and then keep pestering her for a date lol.
This. And absolutely ask her for money, tell her you're in debt, etc. Sam Hyde explains this technique in more detail.

>> No.57309626

>her subconscious saw that you were the type of person to do this sort of stuff years before you did it
well then she didn't listen to it when she let him hold it

>> No.57309676

Spiritually those bitcoin are tainted. Give them back

>> No.57309766

the subconscious isn't exactly known for giving clear precise messages. having a nagging feeling something is off with someone doesn't tell you the precise thing that is wrong
i spelled out the words for you. emotion, instinct, and "that sort of stuff" which you literally quoted
your presumably conscious mind isn't even able to parse my 4 lines post correctly, and you expect a roastie to have 10/10 insight and foresight subconsciously?

>> No.57310726

Nope. She didn't invest anything and didn't give op cash. Plausible deniability is all that matters. Op needs to stop thinking about this woman's make believe story about giving him cash to invest in btc. It never happened. She is trying to commit fraud and steal his money.

>> No.57311175

Do not in any circumstance acknowledge that it exists, this isn’t a situation about morals or ethics. This is a legal dispute, she already showed her motives by getting her sister involved.
1. You’ll be called a pussy by other women if you even give her a penny back.
2. You’ll be called a narcissistic prick if you don’t give her anything.
3. She left you and ultimately forfeited all legal or financial obligation that comes with that relationship. Legally speaking.

Verbal agreements are only binding for 3 years, contractually 8. She left you a decade ago. Albeit it makes sense to give her that amount 2 years after splitting. Don’t fall for this and use that BTC for legal council. Morals and ethics do not apply to the law or how you could actually fuck up big time by acknowledging they simply exist. She’s a grown woman and can learn from her mistakes like an adult should.

You are not morally or legally obligated to acknowledge the bitcoin. She left you at your lowest instead of making things work. Seriously ask about the unintended consequences without seeking legal council. If you do have to give her anything. Make sure it includes a restraining order. God wants you to donate that rather than put it in the hands of materialism

>> No.57311209

1ptid thread and literally only a woman believes money can be spiritually tainted in an economy run by literal demons spinning the money printer faster than they can kill their constituents using it

>> No.57311216

Give her half. That’s what happens if you get divorced.

>> No.57311400
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It would be totally funny if you gave me one BTC screen capped it and then she saw the screen cap. Make her roastie ass seethe anon.

>> No.57312654

>no admission of guilt anywhere
except you just posted your confession for the world to see. Good job.

>> No.57312668

>97 replies to pasta thread