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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 1024x576, modern slavery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57291545 No.57291545 [Reply] [Original]

>the hotels are now changing the job titles to make it sound better on resumes
>I am now not a dishwasher/steward but a utility attendant
>still making 6 bucks an hour
One more year and I will LIEMAXX on my resume.
Just one more year..

>> No.57291553

Waging is gay. Imagine not making it in crypto

>> No.57291562

You shouldn't even wait one day to lie on your resume.

>> No.57291568

big corps have been doing this for a good while
fucking lold tho. At least you're not a floor manager

>> No.57291599
File: 908 KB, 800x600, bzzzzt!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to get into sales for a long time but I don't even know where to get started or where to apply.

One thing is for sure, I'm never EVER going back to the trades.

>> No.57291600

catching neetucucks that lie on my resume gets me hard

>> No.57291723
File: 841 KB, 2770x1566, 5656565677776565677777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DO NOT LIE in your resume. it is dishonest. your future work is like family. you don t lie to family. just be honnest and say you know nothing and get a 400k DEI job

>> No.57291771
File: 146 KB, 510x490, 9368110E-5CA9-4A95-8B35-D9E1CB400647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hit absolute rock bottom this week as a neet. I’m going back to my old university to beg for my toilet cleaning job back. I have an interview as a financial advisor lined up but ironically as of this weekend I have no money and no income because my car engine can no longer keep up with delivery apps. Obviously there’s no way I’m going to pass that interview as completely stressed out as I am right now. It’s below zero out and I’m stuck here in fight or flight mode. I think the rejection emails from fucking grocery stores and credit line increases is telling me I’m about to be homeless

>> No.57291840

You again? Fix your fucking car nigger.
I already told you.

>> No.57292193

I used to wage slave as a dish bitch full-time for 4 months. I like the people but I hated it so much I had a mental breakdown and joined the zogbots as my only realistic way out.
My hard reset to get me into accounting paid off as I now collect green welfare checks while working my easy zogbot finance job.

If you're absolutely desperate with no way out, it's pretty nice. The downside is you're zogs bitch, the people drank the Koolaid and think they're heroes fighting for the nation instead of walsteets portfolios.

I'd never recommend it to anyone unless you're going to milk it and have no other options. You're already smarter then most who join if you think like this

>> No.57292639

Must be nice being a diversity hire.
You're kind of lucky that you even have the option to become a zogbot to avoid homelessness.
I'm from another ZOG nation but, because we're all NATO, governments don't want to spend on the military, the US does it for us.
So it's not like the military will take in just about anyone.

>> No.57292644
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I've been a factory laborer for 12 years.

>> No.57292653

>Sanitation technician

>> No.57293144
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>6 bucks an hour
how is that even possible? what third world shithole do you live in?

>> No.57293469

I'm a leaf. I joined because we're a joke and it's ez money.
The amount of young white zoomers who sign up for combat roles is blackpilling tho

>> No.57293706
File: 718 KB, 3024x4032, 1620564980383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you let this happen.
Got to Midland TX and start working as the bottom man on the rigs.

>> No.57293930

I only top tho.

>> No.57294766

>be me
>have a bunch in savings/bitcoin
>want to have cash flow while waiting for the true bullrun to begin
>apply for Invoice Assistant job (16/hr)
>HR roastie says lots of people applied and she needs me to do an excel assessment
>think okay, since I can do shit like sumif and vlookups in excel
>it's a bunch of shit I've never used before like "hightlighting an entire cel"
>get pissed off and remember this job is only 16/hr and I have a degree so why the fuck am I doing this
>close tab
>block her number
I don't understand why these shitty office temp jobs act like you need to give them a bunch of fucking extra time and effort to get a job that pays literally worse than stacking boxes for amazon. And it's not even a fucking remote job, I'm have to commute.