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57289049 No.57289049 [Reply] [Original]

>How can you make profit as a young high IQ male in this unfair economy?

>> No.57289053

This is retarded. Crash it all, burn the boomers. Let it be an 08 please. Every say the s&p crabs around ath and can't break put I buy another chainlink token to celebrate

>> No.57289058

Every day the s&p crabs around ath and can't break out ** I'm on phone taking a shit

>> No.57289079

>Let it be an 08 please.
but 08 was a win, housing was not allowed to crash because the Fed bought all the MBS with printed money, and continues to this day

>> No.57289090
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Pic related. All of these people need housing and they'll stack 10 or more in one building if they necessary to afford it. Housing prices will never go down while we have unlimited immigration.

>> No.57289103

Everything doubled in ~ a decade. Due to inflation and the debt based fiat system. But don’t worry, Crypto will save it all. Unironically.

>> No.57289136
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don't know which metric to use but it seems to have dumped a little at least, like 30%

>> No.57289147
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>> No.57289160
File: 520 KB, 646x483, doompet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's invade Iran or something

>> No.57289166

Western governments will never allow the housing market to crash, as it would fuck the banks and wider economic system.

>> No.57289183

>Crypto will save it all. Unironically.
Not whilst it needs legacy finance to be usable for most people.

>> No.57289185

War would be bullish retard. Unwelcome and terrible (except to /pol/ doomers) but bullish. Always has been.

>> No.57289204

I just mean any major event "bad enough" that hedgefunds start unloading shares using that as a scapegoat

>> No.57289210

>ooh fuck we can't break out, any narrative we can pick as a reason to doompeet?

>> No.57289219
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And we had over a decade to make it with crypto.

>> No.57289224

how is this just boomers getting lucky? Genx and millennials also own house in the last 10 years and profit from this too.

>> No.57289229

Depends. Escalation in the middle east means USD goes sky high. Dumping the fuck out of the market and gold and bitcoin.

>> No.57289234

Cause you are a fucking retard and bought a boomers bags
You'll wakeup one day and be -50% when the US gov decides to grind old people to pay off our debt, but we know they will kill all the young before daring to loot a 90yos treasury they aren't even giving to their kids

>> No.57289240

You have to kill the old lion so the young lions have a future, this is good for lions in general because it ensures they can breed instead of the old lion hogging females he can't fuck due to erectile lion dysfunction.

The same principle applies to humans- people who work should have all the money, not old fucks who merely -exist-.

>> No.57289241

why do you think they're letting immigrants flood in to the point of starting civil war with texas?

>> No.57289247

This and only this. lower housing means less tax revenue on property. They would never do such a thing and to think otherwise is ignorance.

>> No.57289250
File: 193 KB, 1088x1251, millennials getting rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also own house
Why do third worlders always comment on shit they don't understand are are just plain fucking wrong?

>> No.57289255

whats a youngfags motivation to work if he has all the money already

>> No.57289288

"lucky" https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/

>> No.57289290

The oldest of Gen X MAYBE have paid off their mortgages but the rest of Gen X and Y are still paying off their loans to the banks. So their property price means diddly squat unless they sell.

>> No.57289295

If people haven't done jack shit to fight back by now what makes you think they'll do it when they're even more outnumbered in the future.

>> No.57289330
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What most of don't realize is that the skilled laborers already won the war.

When the U.S. crashes it will be millions of dumbfounded cocksuckers looting and murdering each other in desperation to continue their life style and addictions.

Imagine the millions of retarded women screaming at their simp husbands to "DO SOMETHING!"

Why do you think many people are building bunkers? To dig in away from the hordes of idiots who are addicted to a life style and will go to any length to continue their addictions.

Most people are not malleable or versatile, they are stiff necked and bare heavy hearts.

>> No.57289347

this means effort, effortless people tend to blame those who worked hard to gain anything

>> No.57289360

>How can you make profit as a young high IQ male in this unfair economy?

It's simple , you just need to convince boomers to an unhealthy life style, so they quickly become obese and die off faster from being unhealthy. Then you just wait for a massive property selloff after their demise.

>> No.57289362


This is true and sadly, there are millions who defrauded millions to gain and pose as "hard working", "legit" individuals who just continue their scams and fraud while building networks with others who do the same.

It's a society of people who are more so role playing than mastering skilled work.

>> No.57289367


5 more years unless the boomers decide to start WW3 and nuke everything as their goodbye gift to the world.

Truly a bitter cowardly generation.

>> No.57289377

>What most of don't realize is that the skilled laborers already won the war.
"Skilled" laborers built the housing market bags. They lost everything so a boomer could live 5 more years. They are all living on annual income that could vanish due to being replaced with 50% browns women and troons because of gamergate policy even on oil rigs.
"Skilled laborer" white men are all cucks who bought a cuckshed and didn't watch falling down and has no idea their hobbies won't save their legacy when USA is bent on destroying white male head of households. They are never awake, because if they were they wouldn't be laboring they would be building a fortress.

>> No.57289394

This. The meta since 1971 is to spend dollars, take out loans in dollars, and buy things the government can't just print such as houses. This is the logical endgame of fiat, there is nothing lucky about it.

>> No.57289401


You're wrong.

The enemy may have stolen the horse but has no idea how to care for it.

The only thing keeping the U.S. up is imports from Asia and South America.

As a mechanic myself I can charge anything I want to fix a vehicle. My current price is 0 because I only fix for myself and special friends of interest.


>> No.57289409


The meta is actually to own a farm with you're own private militia while making peace deals with the current government.

>> No.57289437

>The only thing keeping the U.S. up is imports from Asia and South America.
More the other way around. We import toys and avocadoes from them. They buy 30% of their grain from us to sustain their bug populace.
So many Russia and China shills on the internet when if you had ever read a book you'd realize every communist state was saved by the USA because they are huge customers and Russia wouldn't exist without our store. Russian air force would have never existed without American oil (and food so they didn't starve) and letting them look closely at our aircraft.
The USA has every resource in the world a drive away, a road from becoming a factory. For how vast China and Russia is they have to build a 20x longer road into fly ridden basically surface of Venus Siberia to get a little tap.
Reality is when the entire market gets margin called, USA will actually be able to pay up but that means making white male head of households. That won't be acceptable for at least a decade or two

>> No.57289473

>ummm actually it's the consumers who own the market the producers wouldn't exist without us
Not this again. Consumer nations are whoever happens to be rich at the time, can change on a dime. Finding a new producer, that's not so easy is it, as EU is finding out with Russian energy and US is finding out with Chinese goods

>> No.57289600


> We import toys and avocadoes from them.

Actually 70% of all produce is imported from south america.

Everything from lettuce, grapes, tomatoes, peppers.

What you fail to understand is more than 70% of Americans have no skills in anything but spewing hate from their mouths and basic button pushing to call for a large pizza and chicken wings.

Most whites are just like Jews because the truth is white people are the blood line of Jacob's brother, Esau, who sold his birth right to Jacob for a bowl of soup.


>> No.57289646

The white children of millennials might end up super wealthy compared with their peers, assuming millennials don't waste the boomer wealth they inherit.

>> No.57289666

>reverse mortgages the house to go on one final cruise around the world
Nothing personal kids.

>> No.57289670

kek, I bought a 275,000 house in 2016 that is worth 800,000 now with only 60k of renos. Property is worth 300,000 alone with views of Lake Michigan (if I had a second story) somehow fell through the realtor cracks

>> No.57289679

>he thinks boomers, the most selfish and narcissistic generation in history, will share their wealth


>> No.57289901

Yeah, well, a lot of boomers will die before they can spend it all.

>> No.57289994

if you are millenial, you could have bought in 2009 and made x10 gains

>> No.57290007
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>in hs in 2009
nigga pls

>> No.57290610

The last of gen y would have been graduating by then.

>> No.57290617

>identity friction
>generational friction

Damn, media Jews sure love fomenting all forms of friction that aren't class friction, huh

>> No.57290640

>that 1992 born millennial desperately trying to claim gen z starts in 1992 now
It goes all the way to 1998 and no amount of 30+ cope will change that.

>> No.57290647

My mom inherited 250k from her parents and believes I will fork over my 401k after she spends her 5 million networth on 'boomer golden years' to pay for her end of retirement care when she needs to live in one of those assisted living places.

I rarely speak to her.

>> No.57290656

Boomers should be exterminated, so should "strivers" who think an economy which is mostly automated or outsourced requires people to wage at burger king because actual jobs aren't hiring.

>> No.57290665

So boomers should lose everything since they have never worked in their lives.

>> No.57290740

>and believes I will fork over my 401k after she spends her 5 million networth
Why would she think that?

>> No.57290788

Because she is a boomer.

>> No.57291036

Boomers have begun to die out. Which generation will the unjustified rage be directed against next?

>> No.57291949

Not before the boomers sell to a hedge fund it and spend burn all the money so there’s nothing left for the kids by the time they croak

>> No.57291974

literally me.

>> No.57291984

I'm a millenial and graduated hs in 2010 at 18 years old.

>> No.57292307


They'll get cancer/dementia/heart faillure/stroke/insert old age dissease and get sucked dry in the last year of their life by the healthcare industry
Very few people just drop dead, 95% of the time it's a slow decline that takes a couple of months and +500k in costs (you have to understand, a boomer would sell his kids in exchange for living 3 days more, bedridden and in pain, so this is a trade they'll gladly make)

>> No.57292407
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BTC, like Au, is a Money (store of value), not currency (transactional media), remember that Au has rarely been used as currency (transactional media), poor monies like Ag were used instead.

The value of Money is derived from demand for Store of Value, Money stores value dispersed within the economy by being something that meets the demand for SoV, if I buy something with good SoV properties and high network effect then it will have SoV demand in the future and therefore hold real terms value.

Money can never have intrinsic value, indeed functional demand is DETRIMENTAL to Money, price is a product of aggregate demand, a money having functional use means part of the price (proportional to it's functional demand) will be from functional demand, forcing buyers of Store of Value to pay a functional premium and subjecting them to the risk the functional demand will fall, causing real terms fall in money value independent of demand for SoV. This can be seen in platinum, which on paper appears a fine money, but it's high functional demand dominates it's price rendering it unusable.

Gold is the best natural money precisely because it has little functional demand, BTC improves on this by having no functional use outside of Money (store of value).

BTC frees mankind by providing a cryptographically fixed unit of account. It does not need to, nor even benefit from, being used as currency. BTC can only be acquired through voluntary trade, which forces positive sum gaming. BTC improves systemic economic efficiency simply by being a pure trustless Store of Value: fixed in supply, transparent in ownership, weightless, no counterparty risk, trustless transactions and trustless proof of ownership etc etc etc.

>> No.57292427

Immigrants are a canard for stupid people who believe that housing prices are still driven by supply and demand.