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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 1200x630, bloombergETF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57243858 No.57243858 [Reply] [Original]

Buckle up, degens of the fucking interwebs! The oracle of Bloomberg has spoken - a Bitcoin Spot ETF might just grace the mortal realm of finance between 5-6 pm. Will the markets soar to the heavenly block limit, or will they nosedive into the Mariana Trench?

Here's the breakdown, you fucking no-coiner:

Option 1: Buy the hype, sell the fact. Classic Wall Street tango. Dance the bullish ballet before the news drops, then ghost faster than a no-coiner at a mining convention.

Option 2: HODL through the storm. Grip your digital gold like a pirate with trust issues. If that ETF hits, we're talking institutional loot filling our chests.

Option 3: Short the expectation. Because sometimes, the only thing more predictable than disappointment is a bear's delight in it.

Now, after all that serious market talk, let's sprinkle a little CL88 chaos into the mix. Because in the grand casino of crypto, CL88 is the fucking wildcard you pull when you've got nothing left to lose. It's the token that looks ETF news in the eye and says, "Hold my beer."

So as the suits debate over the fate of this ETF, the CL88 legion is busy casting financial spells and hexes, minting and burning with the reckless abandon of a true crypto anarchist.

In the end, whether you're betting on ETF approvals or moonshots, remember: CL88 is the jester at the feast, laughing all the way to the decentralized bank.

>> No.57243902

>tl;dr: it will go up or down
Thanks OP, that is very valuable input.

>> No.57243961

Thanks for the brilliant insight, genius. We're glad we could provide you with the opportunity to share your vast knowledge and insights with the world. Your input was truly invaluable and we're sure that it will be remembered for generations to come.

>> No.57244025
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>> No.57244052

I haven’t had sex in over a decade

>> No.57244067

pepe drops the uno reverse. market chaos ensues. checkmate, fucking wall street

>> No.57244076

>haven’t had sex in over a decade
congrats on your diamond hands in celibacy.

>> No.57244108
File: 56 KB, 725x742, IMG_0900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57244146

Keyboard Warrior Level 1

>> No.57244500

the fuck is CL88

>> No.57244576

>the fuck is CL88
cl88 is the crypto equivalent of throwing your coins into a fucking fountain and wishing for a lambo.

mint it with your btc spare change and watch the magic happen—or not. we don't give a fuck. we're just here to see if it works or not. if it does, great. if it doesn't, we'll just keep on hodling our digital socks and watching the markets go up and down.

>> No.57245855
File: 117 KB, 1290x960, 20240110_200759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57246095

ARK etf live already on sec website? Accepted today?

>> No.57246177

Market manipulation in progress

>> No.57246204

what a fucking waste of time to read this op

>> No.57246245


>> No.57246492
File: 165 KB, 800x530, Fwkv3deXoAAD4ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A delicate flower

>> No.57246521

Fuck off elongpt posting faggot without an original thought of your own

>> No.57246609


"You're a fucking moron. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You're a boring, judgmental, and uptight square. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Go fuck yourself. You're not invited to the party. You're a waste of space and time. We don't want your negativity and bullshit.

So, go join the other squares and have a miserable time. We're going to be having a great time without you."

Yours sincerely,