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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57211649 No.57211649 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC moons
>ETH does nothing
>SOL mons
>ETH does nothing
>BNB moons
>ETH does nothing
>ETH L2s moons
>ETH does nothing

>> No.57211707
File: 8 KB, 910x570, eth-supply-growth-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no anways

>> No.57211709

Right after you sell.

>> No.57211718

>have to leave out over TWO YEARS of data to FUD retards who don't know about PoS

>> No.57211724

my bad you actually omitted over THREE YEARS of data, that's over 1/3rd of the entire lifespan of ETH

>> No.57211764

And the chart is just showing fair and decentralized token issuance from mining, preparing to make PoS as good as it can be. The real black sheep is the graph from 0 to 72M.

>> No.57211780

nobody really cares though except BTC maxis who conveniently forget the OGs solo mining 50 BTC block rewards over and over.

>> No.57211840

L2s are what is taking the steam out of Eth's sails. Why would you use eth when you could just use an L2?

>> No.57211848

you still need to pay Arbitrum gas fees using ETH

>> No.57211872
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oh no!

>> No.57211907
File: 628 KB, 2147x1526, Screenshot_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply has peaked at 120.53M and is decreasing to below 120.2M now


>> No.57212018
File: 25 KB, 969x382, hertherthert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.57212130
File: 89 KB, 1372x1362, Fbi3p9aUEAABzzG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and if you click it you will see how BTC is still inflating while ETH is deflating. When you investigate deeper you find BTC has no long term security budget while ETH is at least currently sustained by usage alone.

>> No.57212160
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fuck this piece of shit, bloated, slow sanctions compliant trash fedcoin
can't die soon enough. smug eth faggots get the rope


>> No.57212171

OP here my ID changed since im phone posting i wont use my old ID again
Just wanted to say i am trans if that matters

>> No.57212173

Do you realize the transactions just route around them to sane nodes? Do you realize BTC core devs are calling for censorship on BTC right now?

>> No.57212204

>Long term security budget


>> No.57212222

yeah unfortunately miners need to buy hardware and electricity to produce hashing power but won't be paid enough BTC to keep up the effort

>> No.57212239

>these bitcoin miners will give up any day now


>> No.57212270

Many miners do actually give up as it becomes more difficult for individuals to afford hardware and gain access to cheap electricity. This race for optimal conditions only gets more intense when you realize the BTC price has to double every 4 years, forever, to pay for the electricity. Eventually the price would have to exceed the value of all assets on Earth several times over and clearly that's insane and impossible.

>> No.57212304

>120% since FTX bottom

>> No.57212389

why would you use either?
>muh layer 1 needs a layer 2
fuck that overly complicated trash. ethereum was only ever good for minting shitcoins and now there are better options that don’t have faggot autistic gas

>> No.57212393


>2 more weeks


>> No.57212424

>fuck that overly complicated trash. ethereum was only ever good for minting shitcoins and now there are better options that don’t have faggot autistic gas

Those "better options" are also adding to the "overcomplicated trash" problem that is the current crypto UX. All of it (gas fees, key management, etc.) is being abstracted away though and the people doing so will likely become incredibly rich.

>> No.57212471

>fuds Ethereum's "infinite" supply
>doesn't know what chain security budget means
Ethereum FUDsters' IQ has been dropping faster than BTC block reward

>> No.57212497

>doesn't realize he has responded to nothing but "LOL" and "LMAO"

whew lad LOL

>> No.57212557
File: 91 KB, 492x443, 8bkk1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.57212582

Idk I vaguely remember when ETH went from $5 to $12 then $90 then $350 then $700 then $1400 then $2000 then $4800

>> No.57212591


>> No.57212599

is nothing we care about. tokens are next step evolution after securities, they will co exist. One track the company latent value, one track the speculative / instantaneous service percepted value.

>> No.57212604

>Do you realize BTC core devs are calling for censorship on BTC right now?

btc is garbage but this is a bad argument. btc protocol is built on censorship of tx that dont satisfy certain characteristics. if you try to send yourself 8 billion btc your tx will be censored. and if you try to spam the network with information that has nothing to do with btc tx's, then you should be censored. in current state someone can just pay enough money to make sure no btc tx's process by filling all the blocks with spam.

>> No.57212613

and XMR is the only true product of crypto yet si worth $149 only, holy shit.

>> No.57212621

BTC store of value
ETH shitcoin casino
XMR money

come at me

>> No.57212779

>if you try to send yourself 8 billion btc your tx will be censored
Protocol rules blocking transactions is not censorship.. you're just being a smartass.
>then you should be censored
Why if it follows the protocol rules? Should the Bitcoin police go after miners who mine empty blocks? Code is law innit?
>in current state
Always has been.

>> No.57213088

wouldn't this just lead to fewer miners and who in turn have higher chance to get the block reward?

>> No.57213195
File: 483 KB, 1125x1614, FD31CBD1-DE75-43DD-809B-8792E773DF87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hodl brother, the normie banks have decided its fate favorable

>> No.57213746

Oh so once I put articles instead of this crypto cock suck babble gargle cum jargon y’all faggots get real quiet.

Debate me retards!

>> No.57214077

you are a faggot

>> No.57214550

PoS is FUD in itself

>> No.57214558
