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File: 23 KB, 285x231, comfyliving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57210557 No.57210557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best state to live in your country? Parameters are: less niggers and spics, preserved nature, cheap land, not very expensive cost of living.
I was thinking about Maine, buy a piece of forest and build a nice house to retire. I keep dreaming about it idk why. Europe will die in 10 years. Red pill me anon about it.

>> No.57210597


Maybe Fargo ND. Theres spics everywhere now. Especially in tourist traps like Maine.

>> No.57211566


Unironically, South Dakota. North Dakota is SD's retarded step-brother.

South Dakota - no state income tax. Plenty of land. Less than 1M in whole state. Predominantly Caucasian. Blacks Hills are gorgeous, lots of beautiful parts. Downside is extremely cold winters.

>> No.57211602

If you're going somewhere with a lot of rural land you're going to be around mostly white people by default. The city is where that begins to change in most states.

>> No.57211603

thx anon i will look into it

>> No.57212207

It's not the state as much as the area. Upstate NY is white and rural, but you don't want to live in Buffalo or Rochester. The laws, climate, ethnicity of the population, and taxes vary wildly in different areas, so it depends what you like.

Do you plan to buy guns and shoot much? Do you like all 4 seasons, or prefer warmer climates? Will you have taxable income? How long of a commute to buy groceries/run errands is acceptable to you? Are you into watersports, skiing, off-roading etc...? Plan to travel a lot and want to live within a few hours drive of an airport? The US is massive. You need to drive/fly most everywhere, and unless you own a plane or book charters, flying post 9-11 is time consuming and irritating.

Anyway, New England is extremely white and very pretty. Id look at NH over Maine if you like that area because of the better taxes and laws.

>> No.57212281

We don't want yuropoors here. Stay away.

>> No.57212335

what if i am eurorich trying to ge out?

>> No.57212356

Then I’d say why the fuck would you come to the US?

>> No.57212379

Is more about anywhere decent outside Europe and the euro fiat zone.

>> No.57212457

i live in Rochester. it does indeed fucking suck

>> No.57212483

If you're concerned about stable currency and thinking the US is a better option in the next 10 years...I got news for you fren: we're All fucked lol.

>> No.57212504

Not too hot and not too cold is easy. The problem is what job, which dictates the state more.

>> No.57212533

He said he's planning to retire here.

>> No.57212543

It’s funny I’m doing the opposite right now. Just snagged an apartment in Portugal with the goal of getting EU citizenship so at least I can move away from countries with retarded tax laws. If you become a us passport holder they will tax you wherever you go. Anywhere in the world. And the taxes are EU tier while getting nothing for it. In a way Americans are subsidizing the eu in terms of nato costs- the best way to get some of that money waste back is to actually go and live there unironically.

>> No.57212558

how about you go back to europe, gringo? this is brown country now. gtfo and stay out. take your tranny cousins and your mentally fucked up women with you.

>> No.57212569

Stay home. We don't need any racists leeches coming here and stealing our land.

>> No.57212617

When the shit hits the fan, which will happen as you said in the next 10 years (another great depression) at least the US is food self sufficient, energy self sufficient, and full of pragmatic people. The euro is doomed, there is nothing backing up growth here in the future. Recession will be massive and the euro will be printed into oblivion. And despite a high class self importance attitude, most people here are fucking retarded when it comes to think while you work.

>> No.57212629

shut up nigger

>> No.57212630

Atlanta, Georgia

>> No.57212640

Contributor and appreciative of the values, not leech.

>> No.57212718

I get that. If that's your goal, you'll need to create your own self sufficiency here. I wouldn't count on the food supply 100%. I could easily see crops and livestock not owner by Bill Gates and blackrock getting btfo in the future lol. Buy good arable land with water, get chickens, a freeze dryer, greenhouse etc...id also suggested densely forested and hilly terrain like the Appalachians or maybe the Ozarks. Easier to defend and avoid any rif raf than flat open spaces.

>> No.57212738

You can live in the US as a resident with a foreign passport indefinitely. You can only get a US passport if you're a citizen (or working for a US intelligence group lol).

>> No.57212885
File: 639 KB, 1500x1000, San Diego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is the best state. People can't afford the white parts of the state, so they cope about how other states are better even though their weather is shit for months.

>> No.57212926

They paint california as a socialist lgbtq hobo junkie infested sewer full of feral niggers. I hope is not true.

>> No.57212991

>They paint california as a socialist lgbtq hobo junkie infested sewer full of feral niggers. I hope is not true.
Parts of it are, like San Francisco and downtown LA, but as the other guy said, the rich parts are quite nice still and mostly white and asian.
t. calicuck

>> No.57213024

The taxes and gun laws are pretty horrific though. I do feel bad for you decent cali bros who had to watch your state deteriorate.

>> No.57213032
File: 33 KB, 318x657, vote to cut illegals off gibs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southern California outside of LA has plenty of Republicans. Democrats still win but it's only by 10-20 points.

Bay Area has always been insanely liberal.

>> No.57213050

>less niggers and spics, preserved nature, cheap land, not very expensive cost of living
Honestly, you're better off living near minorities than dealing with the weird ass white folk that inhabit these places.