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57191041 No.57191041 [Reply] [Original]

Europe's Wallmart is telling them to fuck off and eat shit

>> No.57192241


>> No.57192269

>Create an overly burdensome regulatory environment that requires higher prices
>we can't?

Every day Europe looks increasingly retarded and desperate. They will literally, unironically, be eating the bugs before the rest of us.

>> No.57192291

Its not as if Pepsi and Lays would be known for high quality Foods, Rick.

>> No.57192314


No but this is called a precedent. It's absurd and speaks to what's being normalized there now.

>> No.57192385

Why would someone buy brand name obesity over store brand? Higher quality sugar, salt and oil. Shit tastes the same. Literally poor people food.

>> No.57192983

How much were they charging? And why would they pull the products from shelves instead of simply offering their store brand alternatives at a lower price??? Is the issue that people were still buying lays and Pepsi? I don't understand how stopping selling a product is supposed to make the product cheaper unless they were somehow outcompeting the competition despite the price hikes

>> No.57192987

They didn't wanna deal with expired product not selling.

>> No.57193035

Why would the supermarket care about the price increase if people are still retarded enough to buy the products? Isn't that the whole thing with modern capitalism? Less about "supply and demand" and more about "how greedy can we get"?

>> No.57193079

No they just raised the prices because they could, and they wanted to maximize profits.
Keep sucking that corporate boot though

>> No.57193099

>they just raised prices
so dont buy it; id be more pissed about some beaurocrat faggots deciding whats fair or not in an open market

>> No.57193100

>enjoy the overpriced goyslop and don't complain, goy

>> No.57193101


>corporate boot

Corporations don't jail me for not buying their thing, or pass laws that force me to buy their thing or pay a certain sum to them. The state does. The state doesn't employ and give me money in return. Businesses do. You have your priorities twisted, fuckwad. We ARE the corporate sector.

>> No.57193129
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just a negotiation tactic, they'll be back in a week or it's carrefour itself that risks losing customers lol

>> No.57193147

They sure do everything in their power to pass laws and regulations to make the little guy unable to compete though.
They have the capital and the influence to keep competition out.
During lockdowns all big corporations stayed operational and almost all the small businesses had to close down.

>> No.57193155

That is their job to do that. They are elected in those positions to voice our wishes, protect us and pass laws that vapor us all and not just corporations.
This modern cuckservatism needs to die.

>> No.57193156
File: 1.01 MB, 1106x2816, 1673200480622941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they're still selling most of these except regular pepsi bottles on their website (pick up/delivery orders)

>> No.57193170

yes, sponsored by our gov (beaurocrats)

corporations arent evil or good by nature; if they can make money they will. the issue arrises when they use money/influence to use the gov as a weapon such ss we see with copyright law

>> No.57193184

>we elected them

lol no we did not. democracy doesnt exist in the usa

>> No.57193194

I pretty sure the supermarket buys the product and they sell it at a higher price for a profit. Higher initial prices= higher chances of them not selling the product and throwing it away aka financial loss

>> No.57193246

Why the fuck does Pepsi sell chips and tea?

I hate Americans so much

>> No.57193300

>shop decide to stop selling your product
>somehow this isnt the market making decisions, they should be forced to continue selling

>> No.57193308

American ZOGslop getting banned in Europe is extremely bullish for Europe.

>> No.57193314

>Every day Europe looks increasingly retarded and desperate. They will literally, unironically, be eating the bugs before the rest of us.
america is a lot worse.

>> No.57193316

That is why you need to rain down on them everytime they don't tow the line.

>> No.57194617
File: 18 KB, 524x506, 1703873361157623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>european wallmart
You need to understand that Europe is unique countries and even neighbour countries might not have same markets.